Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Ladies! Happy Happy Friday to all! I am doing the happy dance because I am on CD12, my ovaries are starting to tweak a little and I tested with my CBD today and it was negative BUT when I ejected it, I could see 2 lines. I know that the 2nd will darken in a few days or atleast I am hopeful. I am so glad that this window for me fell on a weekend near the day I usually ovulate because that means that DH and I can get busy this weekend and he won't be stressed from work. Hopefully I will have a positive Mon or Tuesday of next week and then I too will be in my 2WW. I hope so anyways because I leave for the lower 48's next thursday night can't take DH's goods with me.
Hi all, good to hear you're about to ovulate tundralife!
Been busy at work so haven't been on here much, also coz really trying not to symptom spot , which, considering im getting closer to the end of the TWW im doing ok, think this is because I haven't got any symptons to spot! Apart from a backache for a few days and very slight AF type pains, nothing is any different, if anything ive got less that when im usually close to AF
Wondering if this is because im having a normal length cycle for once! I have no boob changes whatsoever and normally they would be killing by now, they always do 7 days before AF, hoping this is a good sign

Good luck everyone xx
Forgot to say I had blood test weds and yester phoned hospital and they said I did actually ovulate, im thinking im 10dpo today roughly as had right ovary twinges the evening of CD13 and think ovulated that night or CD14 as had a lot of white CM on day 15 and on and off since then, hope im right, been such a long 2WW! x
Ok so i got what i thought was my AF on Feb26th but it was light and then it stopped at night and then on the 27th it was a normalish flow... then at night it stopped again. then yesterday it started again during the day but stopped once again when i got home from work... problem is that i also started taking my round three of clomid yesterday!!! Is this implantation bleeding???? what happens if you take clomid while pregnant?!?!?!? i tried calling my doctor but shes gone for the day and i have to take my 100mg again tonight!! anyone ever face anything like this?:cry:
ADR10- I would say it was very unlikely to be implantation bleeding. I'd say it was your AF. My first AF after my first round of Clomid was so light I barely even needed to use a tampon. But my next cycle when AF showed was heavier than normal. AF's are so unpredictable and can change from month to month. I would take the Clomid. But that's just my opinion. I've read that most women don't experience IB and if they do it is typically very light spotting and that's all not a flow. Rare occasions women will experience a light flow but that's not common. If your really concerned about it than I'd ask your doctor. Good luck!

Star25- That's good your blood test showed that you ovulated. When is your AF due?

Tundralife- Yay! I hope you ovulate soon :-) Keep us posted!
3rd time not the charm for me with clomid :( AF arrived this morning after my 31 day cycle. At least I know I ovulated this month for sure and my luteal phase is normal. Just hubby's swimmers stopping us now...
Sorry to hear that Jillie, I was thinking the same though, if I get AF I will be pleased I ovulated for once at least

ADR - I agree with noele, I would probably take the clomid but isnt there another dr you can speak to for reassurance?

Noele - I think im about 11dpo today not exactly sure when AF due but im not going to test til after CD30 if I havent got AF just to make sure, I would rather wait than see that BFN
After I went to the toilet this morning there was spotting on toilet paper, it wasn't like spotting I get before full flow of AF it was little red dots but all bunched together if that makes sense? Sorry for the TMI, im sure you dont need a detailed description, im just hoping its a good sign!
How are you today?
Star25- Did you have anymore spotting?? Hopefully AF shoes not show up for you!!

Tundralife- Did you get a positive opk yet?? Hoping you got plenty of bd'ing in this weekend :-)

Afm, I am 8dpo and still no symptoms or anything besides loads of creamy cm (sorry tmi) yesterday a few times when I went to the bathroom there was globs of it when I wiped. I've never had that before. But I don't want to count that as a symptom just strange. The only other thing is at 6dpo on my fertilityfriend chart my temp dipped then has been rising since so of course I can't help thinking (wishful thinking) that it was an implantation dip. I've seen that on other women's charts who did get BFPs but this is my first month charting so I really can't look too far into it because for all I know that happens every month for me. Plus my pre-o temps seemed to be all over the place so maybe my post-o temps are supposed to do the same. Lol anyways this week can't go by fast enough... I just either want AF to show this coming weekend or a bfp. I hate the second half of the TWW because that is usually when I start to go crazy!

Hope you ladies all had a good weekend!!!
Star25- Did you have anymore spotting?? Hopefully AF shoes not show up for you!!

Tundralife- Did you get a positive opk yet?? Hoping you got plenty of bd'ing in this weekend :-)

Afm, I am 8dpo and still no symptoms or anything besides loads of creamy cm (sorry tmi) yesterday a few times when I went to the bathroom there was globs of it when I wiped. I've never had that before. But I don't want to count that as a symptom just strange. The only other thing is at 6dpo on my fertilityfriend chart my temp dipped then has been rising since so of course I can't help thinking (wishful thinking) that it was an implantation dip. I've seen that on other women's charts who did get BFPs but this is my first month charting so I really can't look too far into it because for all I know that happens every month for me. Plus my pre-o temps seemed to be all over the place so maybe my post-o temps are supposed to do the same. Lol anyways this week can't go by fast enough... I just either want AF to show this coming weekend or a bfp. I hate the second half of the TWW because that is usually when I start to go crazy!

Hope you ladies all had a good weekend!!!

Noele0002---okay I am getting excited for you girl! Those signs seem like a really good thing! No, no positive for me yet. I can see the line is getting darker on the CBD thing when I eject it. However; I am leaving on Thurs so we would have to BD that morning before I leave and we all already know that my DH doesn't cooperate on demand lol. I will be CD18 on Thurs so I am hoping that I get my positive like tomorrow at least. FXD. We did BD this weekend. Fri-Sun only once per day but I'm happy with that.

Thank you for checking in with all of us.
Tundralife- Well I'm sending you lots of babydust and hoping you get you positive opk before you leave. Maybe even if you just bd on Wednesday night before bed... Remember those little swimmers can survive for a few days :-) Lots of luck girl!! For me, I am trying not to get my hopes up but at the same time I really don't care... If I do get my hopes up and AF shows her ugly face I will probably cry and have a mini melt down then move on to my next cycle. If I don't get my hopes up and AF still shows her ugly face I will probably still cry and have a mini melt down so there really is no difference lol I just keep praying that one of these days my bbs will be sore because in my entire life my bbs have never been sore not even while I'm on Clomid so I feel like that would be a clear cut sign for me.

Where are you taking a trip too? I want to go on a vacation soooo bad! Lol
Thanks everyone for their help! I took the clomid and i have taken home pregnancy tests every day before I do and they have all been negative. Today is my last day for clomid this cycle so hopefully i still ovulate even though my AF was all wacky this cycle!!! I just have to remember to patient with the whole situation. Its just a weird feeling with you take a test and you want it to be positive so badly and then it comes out negative.

Noele002 - i think those are good symptoms! Im sending you some positive energy your way!!!

Jillie89 - hang in there. The fact that you ovulated means it is working for you :)

Star25 - YAY for ovulation!!! :)
Hi all, I havent had anymore spotting noele,yesterday had burning pain in right nipple for a few seconds when my dressing gown brushed on it buts thats it, just the one for a few seconds! Still I never get any changes in nipple, just sore boobs normally so its something different and I still havent got sore boobs whatsoever!
Last night I was having on off period type pains and just a couple today, my lower back is really aching bit that could be due to work, I'm cd27 today, possibly about 13dpo,fingers crossed!
I was thinking the same about keeping my hopes up, I'm
Going to be upset if I get af whether I'm hopeful now or not so may aswell remain positive!

Hope everyone else is ok, sorry for any mistakes, on my phone xx
Tundralife- Well I'm sending you lots of babydust and hoping you get you positive opk before you leave. Maybe even if you just bd on Wednesday night before bed... Remember those little swimmers can survive for a few days :-) Lots of luck girl!! For me, I am trying not to get my hopes up but at the same time I really don't care... If I do get my hopes up and AF shows her ugly face I will probably cry and have a mini melt down then move on to my next cycle. If I don't get my hopes up and AF still shows her ugly face I will probably still cry and have a mini melt down so there really is no difference lol I just keep praying that one of these days my bbs will be sore because in my entire life my bbs have never been sore not even while I'm on Clomid so I feel like that would be a clear cut sign for me.

Where are you taking a trip too? I want to go on a vacation soooo bad! Lol

Girl I am getting the Hell out of Alaska. It has been so cold here. It's amazing but you do get tired of it. My DH is stationed here for another 3 years so I have 3 years of freezing my butt off. I am actually flying to Mississippi then driving over to TN for the week. I can't wait. I love it there and my family all live in MS so going to see them. DH has a test for his next rank during next week so I don't want to be anywhere near him LOL. No excuses not to pass. I know he's gonna make it because he studies like crazy!!
I have been using the CBD everyday and getting that circle without the smile~~ugh.....It's going to be there though because I can see the 2nd line is getting darker. I am glad you recommended them to me because now it will take out the guess work. I just hope I do see a smiling face though!! Yea, I was planning on making it very clear that I wanted to BD'd on Wednesday night at least since my DH isn't a morning man anyways. I am not telling him of course because I may ovulate. No pressure that way. I hope you don't start and I hope you don't have a mini meltdown. I been there before so I know, that's easier said than done. :hugs:
We will all be here to pick you up!!
Star25- I am really hoping AF stays away for you!!! Hopefully the next couple of days will go by fast. Keep us updated.

Tundralife- I've always wanted to visit Alaska its definitely on my 'places to go' list :-) I live in Minnesota so I am used to snow and cold but I'm sure Alaska is way more extreme. Well I hope you have a lot of fun visiting family and such :-) Hopefully being on vacation will help make your TWW fly by!!

*Update for me*- I got my progesterone levels back!! I had a progesterone draw on CD 21/5dpo and the results were 16.2 so o definitely ovulated :-) makes me so happy to finally confirm that. Oh and I broke down and bought 4 hpts :-/ lol My AF is not due until Monday the 11th but that is going by my cycles prior to Clomid. My cycles on Clomid have been a bit shorter by a day or two. Also, I ovulated earlier than normal by a few days so I am actually expecting AF between Friday and Monday... We will see!
Star25- I am really hoping AF stays away for you!!! Hopefully the next couple of days will go by fast. Keep us updated.

Tundralife- I've always wanted to visit Alaska its definitely on my 'places to go' list :-) I live in Minnesota so I am used to snow and cold but I'm sure Alaska is way more extreme. Well I hope you have a lot of fun visiting family and such :-) Hopefully being on vacation will help make your TWW fly by!!

*Update for me*- I got my progesterone levels back!! I had a progesterone draw on CD 21/5dpo and the results were 16.2 so o definitely ovulated :-) makes me so happy to finally confirm that. Oh and I broke down and bought 4 hpts :-/ lol My AF is not due until Monday the 11th but that is going by my cycles prior to Clomid. My cycles on Clomid have been a bit shorter by a day or two. Also, I ovulated earlier than normal by a few days so I am actually expecting AF between Friday and Monday... We will see!

Noele0002!! OMG--that is great about your progesterone! At least you know you ovulated. I will have to wait to confirm next cycle as I will be out of town when I should have the labs drawn. I just did some online research and according to some clomid calculator I should ovulate between 3/1 and 3/6. Well, we know that I haven't had the positive OPK yet and it's already 3/4. I am hoping for the next day or 2!! Then I will have enough time to BD with DH before I go. Alaska is beautiful. It's not that extreme like you would think with the cold. When it's down to 20 degrees in MS, I freeze to death because it's more of a humid climate. With Alaska, it's dryer air here so it actually feels okay at 30+ weird, huh? I am sure Minnesota has us beat by the freezing factor LOL

GEEZ--let us know when you take your HPT! FX'D are soo soo soo crossed for you. Baby dust & lots of it to you hun!! :dust::dust:
Finally I got a +OPK!! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about this!! Great news for me. So, question---would you all BD tonight or wait until tomorrow evening? No way DH will BD with me tomorrow morning and we did BD yesterday afternoon.

Also would you still test again this evening after I get home from work to see if it goes to negative again? I can't believe I got that +!! I am so glad I decided to test 3 times this cycle. I was just negative around 10 am and decided to test at 1 pm and it was positive. I could feel my ovaries starting to flare up a little. We shall see....yay, it's almost gonna be my TWW!!


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Tundralife- Hurray!! So glad you got your positive :-) I would recommend you bd tonight! Ive read that its more important to bd right when you get a positive opk. Like me for example... This cycle I got a positive opk the same day I ovulated! Also what if you wait until tomorrow then something comes up or dh is too tired... Lol I am a 'what if' person. But realistically I'm sure you would be okay doing either. Shoot go for both if you can talk dh into ;-)
Star25- I am really hoping AF stays away for you!!! Hopefully the next couple of days will go by fast. Keep us updated.

Tundralife- I've always wanted to visit Alaska its definitely on my 'places to go' list :-) I live in Minnesota so I am used to snow and cold but I'm sure Alaska is way more extreme. Well I hope you have a lot of fun visiting family and such :-) Hopefully being on vacation will help make your TWW fly by!!

*Update for me*- I got my progesterone levels back!! I had a progesterone draw on CD 21/5dpo and the results were 16.2 so o definitely ovulated :-) makes me so happy to finally confirm that. Oh and I broke down and bought 4 hpts :-/ lol My AF is not due until Monday the 11th but that is going by my cycles prior to Clomid. My cycles on Clomid have been a bit shorter by a day or two. Also, I ovulated earlier than normal by a few days so I am actually expecting AF between Friday and Monday... We will see!

Tundralife- Hurray!! So glad you got your positive :-) I would recommend you bd tonight! Ive read that its more important to bd right when you get a positive opk. Like me for example... This cycle I got a positive opk the same day I ovulated! Also what if you wait until tomorrow then something comes up or dh is too tired... Lol I am a 'what if' person. But realistically I'm sure you would be okay doing either. Shoot go for both if you can talk dh into ;-)

I think I will have to make him do the deed lol since we BD yesterday. I am serious. I am debating on telling him that I want to BD because I got the positive. I dunno if I tell him will it make him shy away? Not sure. So how did you know you ovulated the same day you got your positive? Just curious. I am going to test once more when I get home to see if anything changes.
Tundralife- On cd 15 I tested with an opk in the morning and it was negative. I forgot to test in the evening. Then on cd 16 (o-day) I tested in the morning and got a positive. I also tested in the evening and it was still positive. But I tested on cd 17 in the morning and got a negative opk. I would have assumed that cd 17 would have been my ovulation day but said my ovulation day was cd 16 which makes sense according to my temps. My temp spiked on cd 16 and continued to rise in the following days. I am thinking that maybe if I would have remembered to test in the evening of cd 15 I would have had another opk but who knows.

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