Nurse- How long is your LP? Still no symptoms? I hope the rest of your TWW goes by fast.
Dannixo- I am really glad to hear the IUI went well. Did you get it done at your regular clinic/hospital? Or did you go to a fertility clinic? I am curious because I think we will be starting the IUI process soon and my insurance does not cover anything to do with fertility either. We will be doing ours at our hospital but not sure yet whether we have to pay up front or if they will just bill us. Anyways I am sending you lots of babydust!!!! Praying you get to see your BFP this cycle.
Star- So sorry to hear about the bfn. Any signs of AF showing up yet? Maybe you just ovulated late? What is the longest cycle you've had while taking Clomid? I've still got my fingers crossed for you hun!!
Cntrygrl- I'm really excited for you to do your first IUI this cycle!!! What cd are you on? Did you say you were going in on day 14 for an ultrasound scan?
Tundralife- How are you holding up? I hope things are okay with you! How is the TWW going for you?
AFM- Nothing to report! On cd 9 and will start will OPKS, Preseed, and bd'ing tomorrow cd 10. So something DH and I will be doing differently this cycle... (I did some serious research on google about retroverted uterus's and what positions are better to get pregnant... Most of what I read suggested 'doggy style' or 'knees over shoulders position' lol So DH and I decided to try those for our whole fertile week. I also read that instead of propping a pillow under my butt that I should lay on my stomach and prop a pillow under my thighs! Well that's my plan. Lol like I said before I am willing to try anything at this point. I will get in touch with my doctor at some point this week to figure out next steps. I will update when I find out.
Wishing you all a Happy Monday!
Danni-- Did you happen to ask what your DH's count was after the washing?
Noele- My LP is usually 14 days
Tundra- Thanks the no symptom thing is driving me a lil nuts makes the tww longer
Star- Sorry to hear about af
Danni- When will you be testing?
Afm- Nothing new to report besides a nasty yeast infection that I am just now getting over boobs are a little tender but to be honest my af is due this weekend and I feel her coming already. I'm going to see a new DR on the 30th I will ask her to refer us somewhere so DH can get a sperm analysis.