Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

pink mum- Hi I am well thanks- hoping I ovulated just waiting to see if my temp continues to rise so fingers crossed :) How are you feeling today?

How is everyone else? x
JWAB. yep, ivf for us. Not trying anything else at the mo. After my last lap they also did some drilling and my cycles seem shorter so hoping I'm ovulating on my own.

I have some cramps today. Might be o pain but seems early????
what cd are you beanhunter?
I have been having a few pains today on my right side so Im hoping it was ovulation pain :) x
Hi girls! How is everyone today? :)

JWAB yes! I felt "lighter" and a little bit light headed after my appt. I sat in the car for a few before I felt ok enough to drive home.
jwb-you have a great size follicle!! yay! so when you go back and it has grown, are they going to trigger you then?

Scerena-wow, so proud of you!! i cannot live without my opks!! your temps are slowly rising, lets hope you get those crosshairs soon!

Well i'm still confused about ovulation. My dog peed on our comforter right before we went to bed so i had to change it out. The one i put on there is a little warmer and i hate to use it becaue i sweat with it. But i sweat with the other sometimes too...OH didn't notice a difference though. Anyways i am keeping the high temp for now but i will see what it says tomorrow. When i took my temp within 20 min it wass lower at 97.40 something.

Boot camp is so great! It is an intense workout that last an hour but man you work hard!! if you ever get the chance to do one you should. Mine last 4 weeks and you can go mon-fri at diff times as many times as you want. Its for all fitness levels and they dont yell at you or anything.
:hi: all!
Teddy- thanks Hun I'm proud of myself too I've done so well :haha: it was good to not drive myself crazy but I still did a little this cycle!
Boot camp sounds great :) glad you enjoyed it! We don't have one here in the uk...

Well ff said I ovulated cd18! I'm glad I know that I do ovulate and me and the fertility consultant was right that I do ovulate with clomid but just later- I knew them nurses were wrong! Anyhow I'm slighty annoyed as me and oh didn't bd enough- usually we dtd everyday to every other day but we have had so much going on this cycle- I knew I was fertile because of my cm but we couldn't dtd them few nights as oh wasn't here and on one of the nights I had my nieces- but oh well :cry:

The only thing I'm confused about is it was yesterday I was getting real bad pains on my right hand side? I was only really getting little niggles the few days before x
Aw Scerena look how pretty your chart is. :') I'm so very proud of you. Don't u like temping??

So guess what girls??! I think I have a phase shift on my chart! Idk for sure. Guess if I get af Monday ish then I'll know for sure. I'm so excited.
:hi: turbo :)
Thanks the chart is quite pretty isnt it! Yes I am beginning to like temping now that I am seeing results :)

what does the phase shift mean? (sorry still new to it all lol) x
I knew you would. Its quite comforting once it shows progress.

A phase shift is where your temps switch from low to high signifying ovulation. Your temps are higher as you have progesterone in your system and you only have progesterone after you ovulate. If you look on my chart my temps normalize about Sept 23. I have a drop on the 10th (normally means day of ovulation) and then my temps rise after that at least .4 and stay above the coverline (which for me should be 97.4). FF is still confused cuz its just a computer, but an average person can see the shift. =) Fx!! I'm hopeful because we bd just in time for my eggy if that's ovulation.
Yay :) I hope that you have caught that eggy!
I didnt bd enough this cycle as too many things kept popping up so Im disappointed but i suppose at least I ovulated x
Aw. Well it only takes that ONE time. Fx for you babe! I'm curious to see if you ovulate without clomid as well. Are you doing a natural cycle if you're not pregnant?

Edit: I just saw your bd on chart. You did bd in the AM and it only takes 5 mins to an hour for spermies to meet the egg so I don't think you are out at all. They had a whole 12-36 hours that day. ;)

1 More: I also just learned that low estrogen causes higher temps pre O. You may have low estrogen and need to supplement to increase it. ;)
Hello Girls!

How is everyone today?

I am feel wonderful:) I LOVE soy!! I feel so much better on it then clomid! No more headaches, hot flashes or acne. Plus I have CM starting already! And I am only cd7:) Tonight I take my last soy dosage!

TT I hope that you did O!! About time for your body to give you a nice strong O :haha: I hope you caught that eggy!

S, your chart looks lovely hun!
Hey Pretty, I'm thinking of taking soy next cycle. What dosage did you start with?
The first cycle that I took it I took cd3-7
I concieved but ended in a chemical pg

this time I tried someone elses dosage cd3-7 still
Turbo- really? hmm I will ask the doc thanks for noticing :) and yep only takes the once I suppose- So when the temp rises that means you ovulate that day? Im not getting my hopes up though- I didnt think I was going to ovulate to be hinest- I might do a natural cycle next cycle or the cycle after- after that long cycle it put me off lol!

Pretty- Im glad you like soy :) I might try it soon if no joy with clomid! Im so glad I ovulated :) x
Thanks Pretty. I've heard of both of those dosages. I was scared to start with the 160/200 so maybe I'll try the smaller one.

Scerena, yup. On a normal chart the "phase shift" is just that. Its when your temp goes from low to high in one day (although I've seen it happen across two days where there's at least a .2 change each time) followed by all higher temps. You are looking for a .4 change and then for it to stay above your coverline which is .1 above your highest pre-o temp. Lol! Its confusing, I know. Good thing we have ff. Old school manual charting stinks!
Scerena-your chart looks so good!!

Pink mum-how long is your LP? Your so close! are you going to test? any symptoms? many questions..

AFM-i can't wait to see what my temp does in the morning. Fx'd crossed...
Wow aren't we all doing well?! There's ovulations all over the place! :rofl

Great chart Scerena, and you're def in with a chance with that am BD on ov day.

TBP and TT...charts looking good too girls, let us know what this morning's temps did.
Pretty - so glad you like acu. When do u go again? And glad to hear soy is suiting you.

Pink mum...when do u test?!

And me....I went back for a scan yest & the follicle on my right had shrunk to 16.6mm, so collapsing in on itself. But the 13mm on my left had grown to 20x20mm, so they wanted to trigger me. But after last month I was wary of having it too early, so they took blood and sent me away with the trigger...all good so triggered last night yay!

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