Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Em sorry for typo not population anovulation. damn predictive text...
:hi: bubbles i use to have some cramping on clomid- but if it concerns you phone up your fs if you're worrying Hun x
:xmas3: Bubbles-^^WSS-but clomid was always giving me lots of cramps and weird feelings. It has been said to mimick pregnancy symptoms as well!

Lily-Sorry to hear that clomid isn't working for you. I hope this new drug will do wonders and get you where you want to be! Every new thing that we try has the possibility of helping us so we have to all try and stay positive. Very hard, i know!!

Scerena-the reason i'm dreading clomid is because it made me very agitated and angry most of the time. I didn't realize how bad i actually was until i got off of it after 4 cycles!

I took my first pill today and so far i've just had a slight headache and easily aggravated.
Lily....mwah! Good to see you back lady xx

Been SO busy at work this week....gonna have a wee read to see everyone's news then get some zzzzz's I think!
Hey Girls,

just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone!!!

hope all is well :hugs:
Scerena: the first one in may was the planned one. I went in on the weds morning, op around 1130 and home by 630. Was pretty sore for a couple of days with gas pains and a bit of shoulder pain but completely manageable with painkillers. Was back to driving within a week and work in 12 days. Could have gone back a few days earlier but had a 50 mile commute and it was the weekend. Also obv my job involves being fairly active so if office based again would have been fine earlier.
The second one was in July and was the emergency. I was more poorly and in pain before so recovery took longer and I state overnight for stronger painkillers as I only came back to the ward at 330pm.
I would ask if they can consider doing ovarian drilling too. I'm convinced that is what made me ovulate.
Hope all tha helps! You will be fine, I'd have no worries about having another one.

AFM I'm 30 today and 8 weeks. Still in complete amazement this is happening. The nausea is a constant reminder though! Hope you girls join me soon, I'm lonely in 1st tri....
beanhunter- HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNNI :) Hope you are enjoying your birthday! I wish I could join you hun I really do! Thanks for the info about the op- I am having ovarian drilling which is good! I hope I can ovulate on my own... Do you reacon the lap helped you to conceive? As they say you're fertile afterwards dont they....

pretty- How are you hun? I wondered where you haqd disappeared to why dont you come on anymore?

Teddy- I hope this round of clomid is better for you hun :hugs:

AFM- No ovulation which I knew would happen as I am on a natural cycle... blah... Even though I havent been charting I took my temp this morning and it was only 36.26- unless my bbt is faulty (wishful thinking) lol! So i need to go to the docs next week to get something to stop my af as I will not be allowed the op if I am on- Just hoping it comes on its own soon...
Scerena, things just got really over whelming for me all the sudden. Plus OH and I were having some problems. But I am lurking around :)

I am in the 2ww again. Just being relaxed and carefree this cycle. No obsessing, if it happens it happens kind of attitude lol

If you had the option to not have AF before the op I would take it :) When they are in there they will clean the lining of your uterus and then kind of "suck" it out so you shouldn't have much bleeding.
Aw pretty :hugs: I hope you and oh sort thugs out and I hope it happens for you hun :)

Yep I need to get something I'm guessing they will give me the pill maybe??? I hope things go ok for me I really do I don't want any more bad news now x
Hey Girls,

well I am confused this cycle:wacko: got this sat.

not sure what to believe, temps or opks :shrug: both seem off in someway.

and the monitor is off, forgot to reset it... It was cd20 not cd10.

well just decided to go for progesterone test on Friday.. I will be between 5dpo-9dpo.. best I can do:shrug:

hope all is well with all of you!!

Scerena, when is your surgery again?? :hugs:


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pretty-i'm not familiar with the monitors but i think a blood test is a good idea so you can find out what your ovulating. Sorry to hear about you and dh having issues. It happens to all of us. ttc is so hard on everyone!

AFM-tomorrow i go for my saline ultrasound to see exactly where fibs the fibroid is living and see if it is on my lining. I'm nervous about it but trying not to be. I'm just ready to get it over with and finally know. I've been kind of bummed lately and quietly lurking on i'm still checking in on you guys. Does anyone else get down with it being the holidays and not having a LO? This is the first time this has happened to me. I see all the wonderful christmas things i would like to do with our children and it just makes me sad:cry:

Hope everyone else is having a good go at that bfp!:hugs:
:hi: all :)
Pretty- I haven't a clue about them monitors hun...? But bloods will confirm your ovulation. My surgery is next Tuesday a week I'm so scared...

I'm having a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and ovarian drilling with 2-4 incisions...

Teddy- how do they do that procedure? Yep I hate not having a LO especially at Xmas :cry: thought this year I would have or be pregnant...But cheer up hunni you have got us...
Well....i'm completely depressed now Fibs is taking up HALF the lining on the top of my uterus So i have half a healthy uterus lining. The FS feels that the best way is surgery, which i just knew it was going to come down to this. He said for me to call him on Thursday after he has had a chance to talk to 2 surgeons and get their opinion on who could do the best job, etc. Its very scary to think of surgery. Scerena, i feel what you must be going through waiting on your surgery now!
Aw teddy :hugs:
I feel so sorry for you!
Does he know roughly when your surgery will be?
It's scary isn't it! I hope all of us girls get our :bfp: soon we are all going through so much...
:hugs: keep us updated hun xx
i go for my next appt to a different dr, i'm guessing the surgeon? to discuss what we need to do on dec 29th. So now i wait! i'm ready to get it over with!
Aw teddy :hugs: I hope that they sort it soon for you! Please keep me updated on everything! x
is everyone doing ok? we have all been super quiet lately. Maybe alot of us our taking our breaks?:hugs: i hope you are all doing good.
Hello lovelies I'm sorry to hear we're having mixed news at the minute.

TBP at least the Drs have been able to identify what's wrong, and can hopefully treat it all in one go.

And Pretty - yes I find Christmas very hard not even being preg, let alone with a LO. I nearly started crying in a big department store when we walked past all the 'my 1st Xmas' tree decorations. But we will all get there!

Afm....the good news is that I DID ovulate last cycle after all :happydance: So now I'm being driven crazy trying to test this trigger shot out. I got. definite bfp this morning (10dpo, 12 days past trigger) tho it did take a little over 3 mins to come up. Was there within 5 mins tho. I desperately want to believe it's real, but I looked back on thru this thread and in my Sep cycle I was still getting 'positives' around now. Guess I just have to be patient and wait and see if they get darker or lighter and take more or less time to come up. Really messing with my head tho...and have a girls Xmas night out tonight and don't know what to do about cocktails and wine, since I'm in limbo.

TTC is honestly enough to drive anyone crazy!!
:hi: girls :) the weekend is finally here even though i have to work sat morning :( anyway me and oh are going to relax and have a drink on saturday as we are going out for my nieces 18th birthday! And with my op tuesdy i want to try and have some fun whilst i can!

JWB- omg! Test again! A lady i talk to on here her trigger was gone by 6dpo! Omg i am so excited for you! Post a pic please :) and test again in a few hours xxx
ooh Scerena do you think?! I just remember getting my hopes up last time and having them crushed so I'm trying to keep a level head. The first picture is the test after about 4 minutes.

The second picture is the test after about 1 hour, next to my test from yesterday. I just don't know. I will test again later, and probably about 20 times in the next few days - but I won't get too excited until Wednesday when AF would be late. Eeek hurry up!!


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