Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Oh yay Scerena! :happydance: That looks brilliant! So glad for you, that would've been just the last thing u needed. And what a trooper he is taking all those supplements. Mine's only recently agreed to start wellman, and you should see the fuss he makes over that! He just hates pills bless him.

I actually can't remember my follicle sizes. I'd gone in on Friday expecting them to confirm there was nothing, but one had grown on my left. I think it was about 13mm, so they reckoned they'd be ready over the weekend. I'm not getting my hopes up too much...I worry a bit that it was just a cyst or empty follicle, or whatever I grew a couple of months ago. But still...better than a wasted cycle. And I don't know if this means I'll get another month on clomid...but guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
It was good as I just was expecting the worse I know they're not amazing but the count being above normal is good for us especially with my laparoscopy coming up I want 2012 to look up for us :) at least your oh is taking it some men don't- and my oh knows he needs to as we've had problems in the past...

That's good you have a follicle though Hun :) hopefully you catch that eggy this month so you don't have to worry abou next month... I'm not sure how long after my op I will start treatment again but hopefully straight away :) xx
Yeah I can't see that they'd delay it. Do you have the date for your lap yet?

I hope it is a flipping egg and we do catch the little fella! Our next fs appt is 22 Dec, and I would LOVE to be able to cancel it cos we're preggo!! Hoping for the best, but not expecting too much in case I get all disappointed again.

Can't wait for Christmas tho!! xx

so big improvement on the count and the morphology last time was like 98% I think and this time it was 93%
Motility has gone down this time though...
but oh is on-
wellman conception
horny goat weed
1000mg vit c

before that he was only on testosterone and wellman, so these past couple of weeks we have added the others... Hoping for even better results soon...

What exactly does all those do? Congrats on the major improvements!!! :happydance:
JWB- good luck with your ovulation and that would be awesome to get to cancel your next FS because your pregnant!

AFM-today is CD 2 and the FS is putting me on clomid again 3-9 100mg:cry::dohh: I'm not real happy about it but i'm willing to give it another try i suppose. My sonohystergram is on Dec 6th so hopefully we can find out all there is to now about my fibroid Fibs (idk if i told anyone on here that i named her:haha:)
JWB- hey Hun :) just see your message! Yep 13th December is my lap I'm so scared! Stupid me went on you tube and watched a lap bing done! I hope i hvent got to wait for a appointment after the lap! I hope you can cancel too would be greatfor you to get a bfp for Xmas!

Teddy- basically they all make sure his spermies are all functioning and working properly and healthy... I can't remember what vitamin is for what lol! Sonohystergram- what is that? And what procedure is that? Also, clomid isn't always a bad thing Hun my fs said I will be doing clomid with a trigger probably after my lap so we will be clomid buddies again and JWB x
Hey girls, sorry I haven't been on in ages. Well I am now officially clomid resistant and my body has got so used to provera that it is becoming resistant to that too. I have to wait until cd 28 and take high dose provera then I am starting a new drug called tamoxifen while I wait for a review appt to discuss injectibles. So things aren't looking too good, if they can't even get me to ovulate and have periods what hope do I have? :(

I am away to catch up on the thread x
That's fab news scerena. I'm really pleased for you. Try not to get too anxious about the lap, honestly mine were fine.
Lily omg hope you're okay Hunni :hugs: How long do they reacon until your appointment? What does the tamoxifen do then Hun? I knew that could happen with clomid never heard about provera wow! At least they have higher dose stuff for you think positive 2012 has to be our year!

Beanhunter- thanks Hun :) I know it's not amazing but it's great to be above normal for once I hope things start looking up! I'm so scared aboutthe lap I can't help it and watching that video scared the hell out of me lol!
How long ago was your lap?
Everything going okay with the bubba?
I had 2. May was the planned one and July the emergency one. All ok here. Still feeling sick but thinking it's reassuring. Trying to decide whether to have a private scan between now and the 12 week one on the 28th December.
Mum had her appt. Def needs a hysterectomy etc but they reckon only a 20% chance of cancer which is much better than expected. Just waiting for dates for surgery now. We have come up to the lakes for a few days for my birthday. Still never thought I'd be pregnant by my birthday!
Can you tell me your stories about your lap please I love hearing the stories to prepare myself- like how you felt after and how long it took you to recover etc...
I really hope your mum is ok Hun we are all hear for you! My fx'd and my thoughts are with you for you and your family...
Morning sickness is good! Cannot wait until I see your scan well if you share it Hun it's exciting! What day is your birthday? I'm glad you finally got your pregnant birthday :) enjoy Hun!
Thanks scerena, I have googled it, it is actually listed as a cancer drug first and used for fertility second, it is much the same as clomid only I will have to take it for 4 days on cd2-5. They say alot of people who dont have luck with clomid, do on this and vice versa, I have no idea how long until my review. But never mind all that, how are you? not long until your lap and that is great news about the SA xx
Hey Hun I'm okay thanks :)
Oh right! If I don't have luck with clomid and trigger I will be mentioning that to my fs!
I'm left in the lurch too and don't know when my next fs appointment is to start treatment.. :/
I know I'm happy with the sa thank god something is improving! I just need to hope the lap helps make a miracle happen! I'm scared but I know I have to do it! Just want to get on with some treatment ASAP! X
I know what you mean when we are waiting about it feels like we arent doing anything, which we arent, I havent had a lap but please dont panic, I hope it helps. Tbh I have found it really hard to find people on tamoxifen, there are a few girls on here but I get the impression they have just gave me it as a stop gap, to keep me quiet while I wait if you know what I mean, hopefully 2012 will be a better year for us but then again I remember saying that around this time in 2010 about 2011! when will we just get a break eh? x
I too remember saying this every year too! BUT hopefully all this treatment etc will pay off for us within the next year I suppose we need to keep some hope even though it is very very hard!
Well let's hope we both get an appointment very soon so we can start with the next rounds of treatment! Hopefully the stuff you're taking now will give you a :bfp: xx
And you Hun :)
We will be seeing you on thi thread alot more now won't we :) x
Yes, that is me back on again, I go through these wee phases where I dont come on for a bit lol think we are all the same x
Hey all i'm 4dpo on my first round of clomid 100mg cd 3-7 prescribed for population. i have been constantly having mild cramping since i started the tablets and now i seem to have developed a stitch in my side? Is there something wrong with me or does this happen to anyone else? Thanks for reading.
Definately all the same it's good to catch up though and have you back :) xx

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