Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Beanhunter- glad to hear things are going ok :) I'm so happy or you! How did the scan go????

Teddy- thanks Hun! 3 weeks until my lap :cry: 7dpo fx'd tightly for you! Don't think I'm going to o without clomid I'm now cd20! But not expecting anything at all from this cycle!

JWB- hopefully weds/ thurs I will be getting him to ring up! Sorry to hear about your follicles I know exactly how you feel as I never had luck on clomid really :hugs: when will you know what the next step is after clomid? And what do you expect it to be?

Pink mum- yes when are you testing?

It's rubbish isn't it hon. Like everyone does, I just had such high hopes for clomid. I guess I'm lucky I didn't have any awful side affects like u girls did with it.

I think my next step will be FSH injections at the start of my cycle to stimulate follicle growth, then an hcg trigger to release the egg. I should find out more on Friday. It just feels like a waste of a cycle tho.....and I know you've had that feeling before too.

All a bit shitty isn't it?!! Even my super-positive hubby struggled to put a positive spin on this one.

I really hope u get good SA results, you don't need any more obstacles! Is your OH ok about it? Reckon mine would be really anxious, but true to form would do his best to hide it.

Bring on our next bfp I say! Could defo do with another soon xx
Had my scan today. No pictures to share as it was done at epau but everything is in the rightplace and we saw (well had they saw and we think we saw too) a heartbeat. So so pleased. :happydance:
Yay beanhunter I'm so happy for you :)

JWB- aw hun I hope things start to look up for you and keep us updated on Friday! Oh seems okay but I dunno lol will get results soon...
That's wonderful beanhunter! All the best hun and a healthy 9 months xxxxxx
Well oh phoned the doc for results!
She wasn't very helpful he has to wait until his docs appointment on Monday!
BUT... She did say they was normal :) but he has a bit of clumping and White cells? Anyone had experience with this? I'm just glad they're normal I was expecting a 0.5mil or something...
I will tell you the results properly when he gets them printed Monday I hope the results are normal as some of these docs don't have a clue!
Yaay! Sounds good Scerena! No idea about the clumping and white cells, sorry. But that sounds really positive. Bet you're both feeling better now....hopefully feel better still on Monday when u get the full results. Xx
Hello all. I also felt awful this morning and struggled through the first few hours of work. Just tomorrow to go and then I'm off for 10 days thankfully. We are going to the Lake District for a few days for my 30th.
Finding things pretty tough at the moment. My mum has suspected ovarian cancer. I'm taking her to her appointment next Tuesday. It seems so unfair, she had leukaemia 7 years ago so I feel like it's not her turn if you know what I mean?
My 12 week scan is on the 28th dec so trying to look forward too it but this is all kind of taking over. :(
Beanhunter- so sorry to hear about your mum :hugs: We are here if you need us Hunni... The break away will be nice so you can rest for a bit during your pregnancy... I'm here if you need to talk... :hugs:

JWB- yes so relieved! I hope Monday the results were read ok! But good news for now, how are you?x
Beanhunter-sorry to hear about your mother. Life can be so unfair.

Screens-I'm glad you got some good news! Idk what clumping means? Maybe something with the viscoucity or thickness? But idk. Sometimes I think its better if they make us wait for results instead of giving half the results and confusing us!!

AFM I haven't started spotting yet! But I gave til the end of the day. I got my progesterone results today for was 6.8 the nurse said that it is adequate and means i ovulated, but i cant help but feel it should be higher. Do any of you remember what your natural progesterone levels were?
Hey :) I never ad my levels checked so I cannot help you there sorry... But it's good you haven't started spotting :)

I've researched and vitamin c can help loads if he takes a high enough dose- just means some of the sperm stick together but vit c can help loads.x
i spoke too soon :growlmad: i have bright red spotting after using the rest room. blah!
oh god BH I'm so sorry how awful xxx Try to not to get too stressed hun xxx
:hugs: bean. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how you must feel. My prayers are with your family. Stay strong babe.
Thanks girls. It all feels like a bad dream. Will keep you posted. We are going to see the consultant on Tuesday so hopefully we get a plan of what happens next.
The things we do eh girls?!....I had a pregnyl trigger shot last night, so all being well I should ovulate at about 7am tomorrow morning. I know sperm need a few hours after they're in me before they can penetrate the I'm currently laying on the floor with my legs on the couch (to keep the conceive plus where it should be), waiting for oh to get home and do his duty. If you told me 2 years ago this is where I'd be I'd have laughed!

Sex to a schedule....who said romance is dead? :rofl:

Hope you're all well! xx
:haha: oh the things we do lol! We are all the same so it is funny to know we can all have a laugh about these things with girls who understand :)
GL hun you catch that eggy :) what was your folicle sizes????

AFM- Not sure if any of you have had issues with your oh's sa? Anyway that whole testosterone scare here are the results-

Volume- 1.4ml
Liquefaction- yes
Viscous- no
Sperm concentration- 34 million per ml (yay highest yet)

Percentage motile- 38%
percentage progressively motile 35%
Forward progression rating- moderate

Morphology 93% abnormal (which is better than before)
antisperm antibodies IgG 0% binding
Aggregation and agglutination- 20

(normal ranges: count >15/ml, motility >40%, progressive motility >32%, abnormal forms <96%)

Comments: normal count with borderline motility. Some White blood cells still present (6M/ml). Lots of debris and some aggregation/ agglutination.

Well I guess at least the count has gone up! I'm happy with that!
Previous counts were-
1st count- 0.5mil
2nd count- 28mil
3rd count-15mil
4th count- 34 mil

so big improvement on the count and the morphology last time was like 98% I think and this time it was 93%
Motility has gone down this time though...
but oh is on-
wellman conception
horny goat weed
1000mg vit c

before that he was only on testosterone and wellman, so these past couple of weeks we have added the others... Hoping for even better results soon...

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