{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

Glad AF is gone STG! Hoping for a miracle babe for you, but am SOOO EXCITED for your IVF if this month doesn't work out! Your BFP is coming soooo soon!!!
Awww Cassidy that's sweet :)

Me - I'm 25 (26 in February) and my husband is 32. We live in the UK. I have known my husband all my life, his Mum and Auntie were my Mums best friends. His Auntie and Mum are actually my Godmums too! :lol: We lost contact when I was about 12 I think. When I was 18 I spotted him in a pub and sent my cousin over to check it was him as I hadn't seen him for years. He couldn't believe it was me. He ended up staying at mine that night and never really left. We didn't officially get together then (about June 2006) because we had both gotten out of year long relationships only in March! I wanted to keep having fun, he just wanted me. I just kept messing him about. It took until 16th October 2006 for us to officially get together. We moved in together February 2007. Started NTNP around October 2008. Got engaged on my 21st Birthday in 2009. Booked our wedding for 21st August 2010 a few days after getting engaged. Found out I was pregnant 17th February 2010. Had an amazing wedding day. Have birth to our amazing little boy Tristan on 18th October 2010 after nearly 2 days of labour. Was pretty traumatised by the birth so was totally off having anymore for a while. Eventually decided to TTC once Tristan was in school as my MS had been so bad with him, throwing up daily until 22 weeks. Had my coil out beginning of this year (horrible, horrible thing, never, ever again) and went on the pill. Both began getting broody. June we had a talk and came off the pill that day. The rest you know :)
Hurray for December bfps!

I am testing out my hCG trigger shot (that positive this morning was such a teaser)! According to the ultrasound yesterday, i had two 18mm follicles along with some other smaller ones so it looks like I will be releasing two eggs this cycle. DH laughs mischievously every time he thinks of the twin possibility. Sigh... Lol. We will BD today and tomorrow. Hoping the triggered hCG is out of my system by 12DPO and my own hCG is kicking in by then!
I am 27, DH is 35. We met when I was 22 and married when I was 25. We kind of started ttc around then but it was more like NTNP. DH was diagnosed with Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin Lymphoma about 3 weeks after our wedding. He was on chemo for 6 months. It was a terrible experience but DH is stronger then ever and we are closer then ever. He is the love of my life and I can't wait to have babies with him.

If everyone is cool with it, I am going to invite my MFP friend over.
Feel free to invite her over nichole :)

btw, im 23 and dh is 25. Forgot the ages in my background post lol
Nichole I'm fine with it :)
Glad your Hubby is ok now. Must have been so scary for you both!
STG I am crazy excited to what happen with your IVF. Are you doing that this cycle?
My history is a bit long, but I'll try to compress.
Married my high school sweetheart in 2006 after ten years dating and one year engagement. Started trying in January of 2008. He was diagnosed with no sperm in July 2008. My younger sister got pregnant on her honeymoon that same month. I went into counseling in September 2008. We discussed donor sperm, adoption, etc for a year, then he told me he didn't want a child that wasn't "his" and didn't need a family. I told him that that wasn't an option. I left August 1 of 2009. Started "dating" my current bf in September 2009. Drawn out divorce with lots of anger from my ex, including threats (he was going to burn our house down, he was going to sue me for income (btw, he made twice what I made), so much name calling, lots of manipulation of my mom, and she kicked me out of her house (where I was staying) because she didn't agree with my decisions (told me I'd be a black mark in our family for divorcing (she divorced my dad after 31 years) etc etc other hurtful things)). Anyways, moved in with my bf about February of 2010, same time as my divorce was finalized. Went back in bc - sucked because I still wanted a baby but the right thing to do. Started trying again in January of 2012 - found out my younger sister was going for a second in February. She got pregnant in July. So did my BFF. Almost two years later, six failed rounds of clomid, so many tears, babies being made and born and ppl having seconds (and thirds!), I finally got my BFP on my first cycle of femara.
Hope that wasn't too much; most of you prob know the story, but I'm still in shock. Almost six years later, I can't believe it's happening. I'm scared every day it will not be real, or end badly. :) you know, the normal mind of a person who struggled with infertility. :)
I just turned 24 and DH is 25. We met when we were 14 and 15. We had the same group of friends so we saw each other every day, though we both dated the same people throughout our entire four years of high school. Out of all of our friends I actually knew him the least because his girlfriend and I didn't get along well, we had been really good friends years before. I moved away after high school for uni and met my ex-husband through a friend who had been pen pals with him and we got married a year later. I was going to move to England but not long before I was due to move found out my ex had cheated so we separated. That's when I went to cosmo school and moved away because I needed a change. Meanwhile DH stayed in our home town and dated his ex that whole time. About the time that me and my ex were separating, DH moved across the country with his ex. He ended up finding out she was cheating on him about 8-9 months later and then found out she was pregnant around 20weeks so he didn't know if it was his or not so he was fed up and he moved back to our hometown. A few months later he added me on FB and we made plans to meet up when I was in town next. I had no intention of being in a relationship because I'd always been in long term relationships, honestly thought it would just be a fling. But little did I know, he actually had a thing for me in high school so we started spending more time together and when I finished cosmo school I moved back and we moved in together. We did find out that his ex's baby is his last December, so that was a strain on our relationship especially since I was wanting a baby really badly. I literally cried for days. We got engaged in February, I got my first bfp in April and miscarried in May. Then we got married in June. And now we've got our rainbow baby on the way. Finally feeling like things are where they should be. Sorry that was so long...lol
Awww I'm sorry some of you girls have had such a hard time. I do believe the whole "everything happens for a reason" no matter how much it hurts at the time.

Forgot to add, I have 2 step sons who are 9 and 10. They stay with us every other weekend. He'd known their Mum 2 weeks when she fell pregnant. Told him she didn't think she could have kids. Ironic. She now has 4! Hubby and her weren't together through the first pregnancy. Got together after first. He was then leaving. She told him she was pregnant again that same night. He spent pretty much the majority of their relationship serving abroad in the army. He came home. Left the army for her. Split up only a couple of months after returning.
Is this hCG trigger shot supposed to make me tired? I am exhausted and I have so many assignments to grade!! :-(
I'm 29, DW is 29 also. We met while working for the kids summer program at the YMCA 2006. Became good friends. Ended up working at the same place again the next summer and became even better friends. Feelings developed. I was actually married to my high school sweetheart at the time, but wasn't happy. I left him and decided to pursue the relationship with her. (Ex and I are still friends. Do not regret my decision at all...we are such different people!) It was difficult making that transition though, I was so scared of what people would think. We broke up at one point and she moved back to where she grew up. I realized I needed to get over my shit because she was obviously my person. We got back together and I made the move too. Got engaged and then got married May 5, 2012. We always knew we wanted a family and I would carry. Joked around with a friend about being a donor and eventually that turned into reality. Started trying Jan 2013. After 4 or 5 months of trying I had prog tested and found out I had "weak" ovulation. Tried to fix it with supplements but got impatient and started clomid. It took two rounds of clomid to get our bfp, 7 months of actually attempts.
Okay here I go
DH and I are both 24. DH husband and I met on December 18 2009. After one of my best friends and roommate set us up on a blind date. He was a lot more into dating then I was at the time. I loved my single life after getting out of a long term relationship that started right after high school. Plus I was attacked by a stranger that October so I was extremely nervous about new people. So we dated for a few months before becoming serious. On December 18 2011 we became engaged and started planning our wedding for December 15 2012. We had an amazing wedding day and had previously decided I would come off bc in February and started trying in March. And here we are 9 cycles later.
Marie- I'm not sure about the hcg trigger as I haven't ever used it, but I have everything crossed that those lines fade away, then come back stronger than ever!!! FX for you!!!
The only thing you ladies may not know is that I met DH through Yahoo! Personals in 2005, and we got engaged after 1.5 yrs, and we married in 2007 (this Oct. was our 6th wedding anniversary). Before signing up for Y!P, we each took about a year getting over soul sucking exes that we dated for a few years before being dumped (although if we'd been wiser we'd have dumped them long ago, but then we may never have met nor learned some valuable life lessons, so no regrets, taking the long view).

Thanks STG! Hope you feel better and are able to enjoy your weekend.. I took out a positive OPK that wasn't really supposed to be positive and it moved it back. I have no idea. Definitely maddening. It is what it is. No question whether I O'ed. Just when. Ha. I guess I still have a chance if that's the case. We did BD 4/5 days. I just had an initial freak out. We shall see. Just hating TTC today.

Thanks! <3 Alas, I've developed really bad diarrhea and may not be going anywhere today. I took some Immodium, though, so hopefully that stops it. I think I may have gotten away with the turkey a bit better if not for the femara.


FX'd this for a Christmas bfp so you can be done with all this ttc!

Glad AF is gone STG! Hoping for a miracle babe for you, but am SOOO EXCITED for your IVF if this month doesn't work out! Your BFP is coming soooo soon!!!

Thanks! <3

STG I am crazy excited to what happen with your IVF. Are you doing that this cycle?

Thanks! <3 I'm planning on starting IVF in Jan., although there's stuff to do this month to get that show on the road for the next (like the upcoming consult and "trial transfer", getting a loan, filling out more paperwork, etc.)

Hoping so much for a Christmas bfp for you!


Marie, are you doing IUI or BD with the trigger shot? Either way, FX'd!


BB, glad your DH is on board for trying again right away. FX'd for a rainbow baby real soon!

:dust: for everyone else in need!
I think Marie is bd cause his sa came back good!
STG-Good luck with the IVF!!
Dh and I met on MySpace if you can believe it :haha: he was trying to look up his ex Nichole but I popped up instead. He thought 'damn she's cute, I should message her'. The only reason I responded back was because I was crazy bored at work. We messaged and texted for about a year before I finally agreed to go out on a date with him. Glad I gave in on dating him. I almost missed out on my wonderful husband. The only reason I did was because a different guy recently broke my heart and I thought 'fuck it, might as well get out of the house'. Thank you dickbag who broke my heart! You pushed me into the arms of a much better man.
Hi ladies!!

DH and I went to high school together, and dated for a couple months before he moved to FL to go to college. I was still in high school so I stayed here and did my thing, went off to UCONN and had a blast! We hooked up again in 2010. I was coming out of an awful relationship and thought he might just be a good rebound but nope! :) We got engaged in Disneyworld on my birthday in August of 2011 and got married in October of 2012. Started TTC in December 2012 and concieved our first baby in the beginning of January. I had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks in April 2013 and then waited two cycles to try again bc the doctor asked us to wait (the D+C really thins the uterine lining). Started trying again and got Preggo with our little girl on cycle two. We started painting the nursery today and can't wait to meet her! I am a prenatal/oncology geneticist, hubbs works in construction. :)
Hey girls!

I'm here :) I'll fill in my story in a bit x

BB - sorry you are having a rotten time but I'm so happy that DH is on the folic again and participating. I really hope things work out for you!!!

Oh and I do want to put my due date on the front but I want to wait a little longer - bloody test this Monday again and I need to see a good number to feel secure... THEN I'll start believing :)

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