The only thing you ladies may not know is that I met DH through Yahoo! Personals in 2005, and we got engaged after 1.5 yrs, and we married in 2007 (this Oct. was our 6th wedding anniversary). Before signing up for Y!P, we each took about a year getting over soul sucking exes that we dated for a few years before being dumped (although if we'd been wiser we'd have dumped them long ago, but then we may never have met nor learned some valuable life lessons, so no regrets, taking the long view).
Thanks STG! Hope you feel better and are able to enjoy your weekend.. I took out a positive OPK that wasn't really supposed to be positive and it moved it back. I have no idea. Definitely maddening. It is what it is. No question whether I O'ed. Just when. Ha. I guess I still have a chance if that's the case. We did BD 4/5 days. I just had an initial freak out. We shall see. Just hating TTC today.

Alas, I've developed really bad diarrhea and may not be going anywhere today. I took some Immodium, though, so hopefully that stops it. I think I may have gotten away with the turkey a bit better if not for the femara.
FX'd this for a Christmas bfp so you can be done with all this ttc!
Glad AF is gone STG! Hoping for a miracle babe for you, but am SOOO EXCITED for your IVF if this month doesn't work out! Your BFP is coming soooo soon!!!
STG I am crazy excited to what happen with your IVF. Are you doing that this cycle?

I'm planning on starting IVF in Jan., although there's stuff to do this month to get that show on the road for the next (like the upcoming consult and "trial transfer", getting a loan, filling out more paperwork, etc.)
Hoping so much for a Christmas bfp for you!
Marie, are you doing IUI or BD with the trigger shot? Either way, FX'd!
BB, glad your DH is on board for trying again right away. FX'd for a rainbow baby real soon!

for everyone else in need!