Welcome Kayla! So this is your 1st cycle of 100mg clomid since waiting 2 cycles since the mc right?? Haha jw. Good luck sweetie! We are all here for you and I'm glad you found us bc boy, as you know, sometimes TTC can kick your butt
My backstory.. We're the youngest here I'm sure but been through some hell in the last year. DH (21) and I (20) are both from a little poedunk town in Ohio & were high school sweethearts.. he dropped out of college bc he snuck home to see me so often

I had a full ride and was in nursing school at Capitol U. So we moved in together, planned to marry, but baby came first (not a surprise! lol). I quit and stayed at home (this was all last year) while he worked full time. We found out we had a little BOY on the way!! Named him Jaxon Aaron, he was due April 30th of this year.
March 29th we were in a horrific car accident, DH broke 9 bones and floated in and out of consciousness for a week. I had not a scratch on me, somehow, and pulled him from the car at 37 weeks pregnant. I guess upon collision my placenta detached (causing my cord to run dry, giving Jaxon NO oxygen) but doctors didn't figure this out until I had been at the hospital for over 3 hours (and been transported an hour) and his heartbeat became very irregular.. So emergency c-section it was. I met my baby, saw him move for about an hour before the brain bleeding set in so bad that he became lifeless. I knew him as a "sleeping" baby for 12 days. We slept in the NICU, never left a second after we were discharged for our injuries. We were also married in the NICU on April 2nd, DH proposed to me in my hospital bed. It was extremely bittersweet, but something I am so happy we did. Jaxon was lying on daddy's chest (he was wheeled into the NICU on a bed) and we had a quiet little tearful ceremony with a packed room of the ones we loved. I am so glad we did it with our little man.
April 10th doctors came running in and took him from my chest, thought his breathing tube may be out but it was discovered that his vitals were simply plummeting bc he just gave up. We pulled out his breathing tube and he passed in our arms. We left the hospital an hour later, with empty arms, and it was BRUTAL.
We miss our little angel every day. Decided to TTC again a few mos later.. When I met these fabulous girls. It took us about 5 cycles to get here, but ended up conceiving THE EXACT SAME DAY.. One year later.. Making me due, once again, April 30th 2014. I still can't believe how dang lucky we are. So, so lucky.. And I believe God blessed us with this child to help us heal. We found out a month ago, "it's" a SHE! And we named her Marley. And I love this little bean to death and am thankful every moment of every day that we are where we are. I don't think I'd ever have been the woman I am today without going through what we did.. We simply value life a million times more than before and I'm so glad I learned that being so young.. Maybe I'll get a bit more out of my short life than the average girl. And for that I thank my little angel baby.
With thattttt being said, anatomy scan on Thursday. Excited to see how she's doing in there