Hi, Terrissa! I had a group with the January due dates and we spoke for a couple months and then the entire group just disappeared. It's funny how some groups really connect and some either get too big or just fizzle out. I realized that this group has been together for over 2 years now, which is crazy.
How are you feeling? Has the morning sickness started to get better? Can't wait until you find out what you are having. Maybe you will connect a bit more after you have a gender and a name? That is so close!!! Will you have another ultrasound or just the regular 20 week scan?
All is well over here. We have really settled in nicely in Seattle. It has been an abnormally cold winter here though. But still warmer than Arkansas, so who am I to complain? Lol. Just 6 days until Everett is 1. I can't believe it. He is a complete mess. Always seeking trouble. We got him this cool trike that goes from being basically a stroller to being a full-blown trike by age 3. We like to walk at the beach when the weather is nice, so he is going to LOVE it. We are taking him to the aquarium on his birthday! He is going to love that. Cruising furniture, but not walking just yet. Maybe in the next few weeks. Hope everyone else is doing well! Check in from time to time!!!