[reposting this on the new board. d'oh!]
Thanks for all the well wishes, ladies!
Mirolee, have fun in Hawaii!!!
And thanks for making the new board! And FX'd you get a femara baby from your holiday
Just got out of my appointment at the hospital. The cyst on my left ovary is now 4.5 which I think means it has shrunk. I'm sure it was 6 last time. My right ovary is fine which is weird because that's where my pain is. I'm to see my doctor in a week - 10 days.
FX'd your cyst continues to shrink!
Thanks!! She called back and wants to do the 100 mg.. so that's the plan!! Hopefully it won't matter.
Glad you've got a plan!
Hopefully it won't matter
Afm- nothing going on, no symptoms. Got my progesterone drawn today, I should get my results in a few hours hopefully. I hope they are higher this cycle!
FX'd for a great result!
Yes! I said I was going to test Thursday at 12DPO but I want to test tomorrow so bad. I can't believe I am 10DPO and have not POAS! Someone please convince me to wait as long as possible!
If you test earlier than 12dpo, you'll make your countdown ticker a liar.
I forgot to add that I just left a message for my midwife to call me back regarding my progesterone and testosterone results. They were done Saturday so I'm not sure if they're ready. Waiting, waiting, waiting!
Ah, waiting is the worst!
Hope the results come back good!
My chart is crazy awesome this month. I've never seen it like this. I really hope it's a good sign.
FX'd for you!
AF got me today! Onto cycle... 13 I think. :/ Hopefully this one will be the one! Weird she's a day early.
Sorry AF got you, Cassidy!
Bad witch, booo!
Hopefully you'll have a lucky 13 cycle, then!
how is it only cd6 and i feel like my ovaries are already rockin out inside me? so weird.... also, did i tell you guys i switched to letrazole (generic femara)? so clomid ran me about $38/cycle prescription. this stuff? $3.85. 10x LESS! AND i got a letter yesterday from my insurance saying it had "been approved" - first, i didnt even know my dr sent them a letter asking or submitting anything and second, they DONT approve of clomid but they DO for fermara? crazy! so the insurance said i was approved thru "1/24/14" - praying i dont have to use it... ugh... but still, that was a nice surprise! and the pills are soooo tiny, like tic tac size. i have to make sure not to open the bottle over the sink.
Yay, another femara user! We can be femara buddies now (if AF gets me).
I think femara is covered by insurance because it's a cancer treatment/prevention medication that is being used off label for infertility so they are counting it as a cancer treatment/prevention (which would be covered) as opposed to infertility. That's my theory, anyway.
AFM: Still just spotting, and it was almost gone (clear cm with just a few streaks in it) until just now when the orange-red spotting restarted. The spotting keeps cycling through different colors and strengths, fading and coming back and fading and coming back. Being late for AF is still the closest I've ever come to a BFP, but I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if it will carry on like this or stop, or if I'll get a BFP or AF. When it fades I feel more hopeful for a BFP, when it comes back on, I feel less hopeful and more like AF could show any time. I just don't know. According to FF the odds are in my favor, though, so here's hoping.
I'll test tomorrow if AF don't show. We'll see what happens.