Orgasms don't make any difference. I didn't have one the month I conceived. I think they're one of those things that don't hinder, but don't necessarily help either
I agree with Laura I dont think having an orgasm makes much difference, if you think statistically how many woman never have them then the worlds birth rate should be much lower haha..
DH is excited, lol he was all are you sure? Then i showed him the 7 (yes there are now 7) postitive tests.. Now he is convinced..
Trying to decide when to make a doctor appointment, I think I might just wait till next week to do that. Have our annual work function this Friday trying to figure out how I am going to avoid drinking cause everyone will pick up on it straight away, especially cause I am part of a wine club with some girls in the office and have already contributed to Fridays wine, any ideas?
yeah its been a bad day, I know i should have never gotten my hopes up with that test but i did. Cried a lot today... just had some chocolate. Im pretty used to bfn's but this one hit me a lot harder.
doesn't help that I am super nauseated today- couldn't stomach lunch and barely had any dinner. Too bad its not for a good reason lol.
Probably stress and worry making you feel nauseous. Sorry you have had a crap day.
It's well and truly spring here now. We have baby lambs over our fence, new ones arriving by the day. I wake up to the sound of bleating. Also have sparrows nesting in our eaves. Seems like everything is having babies around me, lol. My turn next please.
stiiill waiting to O, but pretty chill about it for now. Didn't even bother with an OPK today. I feel confident that we will BD every other day. I met up with some old family members today and after learning that my husband and I are approaching our 4th anniversary, I had to answer the old "what are you guys waiting on to have babies" really hate that, but I know they meant no harm
Bit personal those questions. I would never/have never asked someone that! New people at work have asked if I have children. I just say no and change the subject. Don't want to encourage the next question of "why not" etc. I don't want to lie to people but don't want to say we are trying either. Especially at work where I'm technically still on my 3 month trial. Don't want to loose my job because they don't want someone getting pregnant.
The day after DH and I got married, one of his nephews ( who was 5 at that time) said , " Now you will get a baby in your tummy". I think with younger kids, they think that marriage means kids or once when you get married, a baby magically appears in your tummy.
The only person who asks me when are you having kids is my dad and I know its cause he really wants to be a grandpa, I think he took my miscarriage the worse. The problem I have is people saying when are you two getting married I am no longer polite with that one, I just ask them what business of yours is our private life..
On a side note spring is killing me with hayfever and I cant seem to take anything for it, all I do is sneeze haha.. Cant wait for the rains to arrive..
We may get married if I manage to get pregnant. Just to make things easier legally. We have been together so long we are married in every way but the paperwork. Family aren't the slightest bit bothered. Trouble is I want to keep my name, but I think dh might be offended. Happy to give baby his name though.
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