cloth nappies-where to start?


proud mammy of 2 boys
May 17, 2008
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I'm sure I've seen this question asked already but I've hunted jhigh and low and can't find the thread now..

Can you help me with getting started with cloth nappies? I need to know:

If I want to use cloth at day and disposable at night, how many nappies do I need?
What other equipment do I need?
Also what nappies do you either recommend or suggest I stay away from? I'm happy to try any kind of system as I'm a total novice!
Anything else I need to know?

Thanks in advance and sorry if they r dumb questions...
So far, the main thing i've found like I like are pocket diapers. The all in one diapers I have all seem to take ages to dry. But with the pockets you can take the soaker pads out and it is much fast to dry.

I also liked anything that has elestic in the waist and legs, it helps them fit better.

When I was in the diaper shop, I was told that fleece will wick away moisture and terry is very absorbant. So Im going to stick to fleece pocket diapers with a terry soaker!

There are lots out there which are very similiar. I've just been buying what I think looks cute pattern wise as long as it has the other criteria.

I did buy a couple the you had to put a wrap over and I didnt really like them. I prefer the AIO's or Pockets.
hi hun :wave:

Can you help me with getting started with cloth nappies? I need to know:

If I want to use cloth at day and disposable at night, how many nappies do I need?
you'll probably need about 10-15 ish i would say..depends on if you want to wash every day or not !!!
What other equipment do I need?

you will need a pail to store dirty nappies till wash time, probably a wet bag for dirty nappies when out n about and some tea tree oil for your pail to minimise smelly's!!!
Also what nappies do you either recommend or suggest I stay away from? I'm happy to try any kind of system as I'm a total novice!

your best bet is to have a try of as many different types you can!!! what works for one will not neccesarily work for another for one reason or another!!!! i would buy a couple of different types to try and then find what you like before investing in a stash :thumbup: a quick low down : pocket nappies are a nappy with a pocket created between yiiur waterproof layer and usually a fleecy layer. you stuff the pocket with your soaker. these tend to be easy to use and fairly quick to dry. an example of this type is bum genius can get all in ones (AIO) these are just like a disposable and you literally just throw it on like a sposie !! these usually take longer to dry tho :) an example of an aio is bumgenius aio organic can get hybrids of these usually also called aio but are really ai2!! these you get your outer and soaker that sits on top of it again these are fairly quick to dry but can be fiddly, good thing with these is if nappy aint dirty you can just replace the soaker pads and re use the outer :thumbup: an example is fuzzi bunz (v cute)....theres good old terry squares which you have to learn to fold but are cheap to buy and v quick to dry but these require a seperate outer wrap..these can be bought from most baby shops and even some supermarkets!!!!..... you can also get prefolds which are terry / microfiber with a pre stitched centre panel and again require a seperate example of these are bambino mio...erm last one i can think of is a shaped nappy these are like the name suggests shaped n you just put them on like a disposable but these require a seperate wrap...these are quite nice n soft but can take quite long to dry anexample is tots bots
Anything else I need to know?

try them and enjoy them !! like i say i would try few different kinds and see what you fancy/get along with!!! it seems so daunting and scary but once you have had a bash its sooo easy!! but be warned its addictive and quite often find yourself looking at nappies you really dont need !!!:rofl:

Thanks in advance and sorry if they r dumb questions... stupid questions hun....we've all been cloth bum virgins at some point....:hugs:
ps sorry i forgot to add a good place to start would be mothercare smart can get a trial pack for 9.99 you get your outer wrap a re usable pad and a disposable pad and a couple of liners....then if you like you can buy all the bits individually......also you can buy disposable pads for them and if you havent washed or cant be bothered to do cloth for a day you can use the disposable pads fpr the day if you get me?? it explains everything in the pack !!:thumbup:


I think its pretty much covered ^

Just to say...I think the mothercare smart nappy is FAB. They are my 'boring' nappies that I use day-to day at home etc, air dry really quickly and are super soft on Olivias bum! :flower:
Hello all, another cloth bum virgin question please...
How do you set up a nappy pail system? Do you dry pail or wet pail and what goes into the pails (any special solutions etc?).

I've bought some different nappies to try. I have the mothercare started pack and 8 blueberrys. I've also been given the Cotton Bottoms birth to potty set by a friend who started off with good intentions but never used them.

Do I treat all the nappies in the same pail?

Agggh, so much to learn! Thanks in advance x
I was wondering this too :) I'm planning on using cloths with no2 (OH is not keen, he keeps calling me a hippy lol) and Im not sure where to begin. And I thought they were quite expensive too so thought maybe Id start stocking up in the next few months :) x
Hello all, another cloth bum virgin question please...
How do you set up a nappy pail system? Do you dry pail or wet pail and what goes into the pails (any special solutions etc?).

I've bought some different nappies to try. I have the mothercare started pack and 8 blueberrys. I've also been given the Cotton Bottoms birth to potty set by a friend who started off with good intentions but never used them.

Do I treat all the nappies in the same pail?

Agggh, so much to learn! Thanks in advance x

I just use a small garbage pail with a lid. After a diaper change I'll rinse the diaper, wring the excess water out and throw it in the pail. I don't put anything in the pail with them.
Hello all, another cloth bum virgin question please...
How do you set up a nappy pail system? Do you dry pail or wet pail and what goes into the pails (any special solutions etc?).

I've bought some different nappies to try. I have the mothercare started pack and 8 blueberrys. I've also been given the Cotton Bottoms birth to potty set by a friend who started off with good intentions but never used them.

Do I treat all the nappies in the same pail?

Agggh, so much to learn! Thanks in advance x

i dry pail..i have four dogs who are very clever n love to play in water !!!

if the nappy is just wet u throw it in the pail as it is, if its dirty i rinse it off then chuck in the pail!! i just use tea tree oil on a muslin cloth in mine to stop any whiffs and wsh it out everytime i put a wash on :thumbup: hope this helps hunni!


I use cloth during the day and disposables at night, i found this set on Ebay
and i think theyre brilliant!
They dont break the bank and the bundle has a good number of nappies to start out with.
With a pail, i just bought a small kitchen bin with a flip lid, and ill be doing the muslin cloth and tea tree oil thing that saraendipity said.

Im using flushable liners for the dirty nappies, though we had one incident today where i didnt put one in, i jsut ran the nappy under the shower to rinse it off and put it in the nappy bin as usual.
Pee diapers I just throw in my washing machine and close the lid. Poopy diapers are rinsed and put in a pail with baking soda and water to help with the stains.

I used to use the disposable liners, but they are useless and rough feeling so I just deal with the poops as they come.
We use Real Nappies. They are made in New Zealand and are a pre-fold nappie with an inner that gets changed every time and an outer that gets changed less often. The liners are natural and flushable and soft. So far things are going well with them, we have just found that we need to change them more regularly than disposables. He wears disposables at night
I'm learning so much and getting lots of ideas.

I was wondering whether to use disposables for first couple weeks as I'll be BFing too, but now this has made me consider using disposables for night too.

Can I ask - why do you all seem to use disposables for the night time?

Also I'm going to use Tots Bots Bamboozles as I've been given some by a friend, and am considering the Mothercare Smart Nappies also as a stand by - like the disposable inner bit idea if I'm finding the washing and all that a bit much!!!
I don't use disposables at night, we are a 24/7 cloth household, I use prefolds and wraps all day and night and they seem to do the trick atm, once shes bigger I will stuff these at night with bamboo or fleece

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