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Come on August Babies!!


Mom of 3 girls under 4
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
Ok here is our new home since if/when we all conceive we will now be making our ways into August deliveries!
hope you don't mind me crashing this party.....I'm in until every single one of you ladies gets a beautiful BFP!
but ur a july mama.....kandksmama arent u ?!?! :)
Still waiting, no AF, M/C, bleeding, but still BFNs. So I am barely posting in pregnancy because I don't want to get attached for me to not be or lose the baby and have to leave. So until I am certain what is going on I am hanging out here.
we love you here K&K!! (although secretly still hoping for your 'graduation') :)

I'm going to stick with y'all this cycle - even though I am preventing - so have no hope of an august baby :(

I'll be gearing up for a big christmas ovulation and BDing and a new years :bfp:

Excited for everyone - let's see some holiday joy! :hugs:
Woohoo for a Sept. hopeful baby then Apple!!!!! That way we can still be buddies over in Pregnancy :p I dont know what is going on, I had some bright spotting (nothing major) starting about two days ago and lasting no more than maybe 36 hours. Did a cervix check and found slight signs of old brown blood. I really wish I knew what was going on, I mean I guess there is the chance this round of spotting was due to the UTI and fever, but what about last time? Nothing yet and I am on like CD43 which is so not like me, even if I am BFing. With my first I got AF back exactly 4 weeks after delivery and this time around I got it at 7 months PP. I have only had two AFs so WTF I mean I am not BFing anymore than before, if not I am BFing less because she is having more big people food. I think if I don't have something happen I am going to call my OB/GYN (which will put a major debt on us since I don't have insurance... long story but I thought I had it and found out the hard way the other night).
KandK I'm so sorry your stuck in limbo like this for so long.. your body must have something against you!! lol

Always, thats really sweet of you, sticking around till we can all join you!

Glad you're sticking with us Pamela.. wouldn't be the same without you here!

As for me, started spotting yesterday tea time, and woke up to find AF had arrived in full force! Don't think it's a chemical this time either as I only had 1 +ve at 9dpo so that could have just been a dodgy test or even an evap that just looked pink, so hoping this has given my body a chance to normalize! I'm gunna take epo up till OV this month too, coz I did that on my first cycle and O'd on cd13, and the 2 cycles since when I wasn't taking it I Od on cd19, which just means I have to wait longer for the 2ww!!! lol I'm also trying my very very hardest to give up my redbull addiction, I've decided thats more important to give up than smoking atm (altho I am cutting down the smoking as much as poss and will tackle that next) because I never manged to give up smoking during my last 3 pregnancies and had no probs, but.... I never used to drink redbull, or anything else with caffeine in it back then!
Just checking in on my palls Ju and Pamela and the rest of you ladies :hugs:

Sending loads of Christmas magic, good luck, positive vibes and good wishes to all of you

I am in here for an August baby! :) I am 4 DPO and will test on Dec 4th.

Sorry you are going through a tough time KandKsMama.. Fx for you.

Aww thank you Jew! Hope all is well with you and lil bean :hug:

good luck for testing Amy, hope the 2ww is treating you well!
Thanks ladies for letting me stick around....I'm here for ya, support and sending loads of vibes!
GL Amy looks like you're close to testing!

Ju, I hear you I can't stop smoking this is some stressful business and I might just put a pillow over DH one night if I didn't have a cig. It doesn't help everyone I live with is smokers, so even if I tried to quit by not having cigs around everyone else has them at my very easy reach. I smoked through both my pregnancies as well oddly enough my doctors orders. Long story short I have a heart condition and both my OB and cardiologist saw that the stress of me trying to quit was causing my BP to rise and put stress on my heart, so it was suggested to just cut down then quit cold turkey.
Have I mentioned that I hate my body? I took and OPK just for the heck of it last night and it was really close to positive. There is no way in hell I either just O'ed or am about to O. I'm about to let DH operate to see what is going on in there because I keep waking up really sore near my incision scars, like I did situps all night long.
so weird with all that's going on with you KandK, it must be driving you bonkers! So you haven't had any b/w done right?

Ju_bubbs - good idea about quitting the redbull....wonder if that's something that could be causing the problems, everyone is so across the board about the effects of caffeine on the fetus, I don't know what to believe! Good luck hun!
My doc did the same thing to me with smoking KandK.. not coz of my heart.. but coz I was so stressed over trying to quit it was stressing the baby out! So he thought it was safer for me to just cut down as much as poss, and that was hard enough! Have you gone to see the doc again yet btw? Surely you cant have just skipped a period and about to O agian??!!

Always, had my last redbull this morning! So if I get a sticky bfp this month, I'll defo say it was the redbull! But apparently as little as 3 coffees a day cuts the chance of even conceiving by 70% and if you do manage to conceive, increases the risk of miscariage by half! but as you say... other sources say caffeiene isn't that bad... so we'll see!
I sure do wish that they would make up their minds, because I am totally missing my morning cup of coffee! I cut it out of my diet last month after the m/c, since I didn't drink any coffee in the first trimester when trying and pg with the other two. Not sure if that had anything to do with it or not, guess we'll see!

Good luck Ju_bubbs! Hopefully that is the cause, which means that you'll have a sticky one this month!!! Was just going to ask what day of your cycle you were on, but I see you have a ticker, I'll be keeping a close eye on it!
Can I join you all? I'm 1 dpo today and will be testing Dec. 6th (If I manage to leave the sticks alone before that!) I had some OV spotting today so I know I OVed! Woohoo! Here's to a Christmas :bfp:

My birthday is that week too so I'm hoping for some huge knockers @@ and tendency to urinate for my birthday too! :happydance:
Hello Ladies.....

KandK - I am so sorry to hear that you are still in limbo...big hugs.

Apple - How I have missed you in my new thread. I hope you had a fantastic time in Malawi and good luck in your tests for the killer cells - keep us posted.

Jububbs - good call on the red bull - my doctor told me that 40 per cent of couples who come to him after one year ttc conceive within three months of no caffeine - it's the first thing he tells them. I am an avid coffee drinker - but no longer - headaches sucked but now I don't even crave it.

Always - Congrats again, and you're a doll for wanting to hang with us.

I see most of my previous cycle buddies are here and I want to join too - if that's okay of course. I am 16 DPO and 4 days late for the witch.....I tested today - BFN! So I guess she's on her way and soon I will be starting again - for the 7th month (but 8th cycle). Last month she was CD was 24 days, now I am CD 29 (usually 25 days). So who knows! But at least I'll be in good company.
Ju, great job on cutting back the redbulls! I hope this brings you your :bfp:
Welcome MegGem! I could never hold off of the testing, I vowed to hold off this cycle and ended up testing at 9dpo..maybe even at 8dpo!!!

Hopeful - hmmm, maybe just a late BFP? That would be fantastic! This group of girls is so fantastic!!! Interesting about the caffeine, I just never knew, so I quit drinking it. But like you, I no longer crave it, I've substituted coffee with decaf tea...although now that Starbucks has all of their holiday drinks out, I'm have slight cravings!
Sometimes I'll get a half-caf latte if I really need the caffeine, but usually a decaf kills my craving! This 2WW I'm cutting caffeine out totally...well besides chocolate!:dohh:

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