Come on clomid cycle #2 !!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting cavities filled this morning, do u think that would hurt if I was pregnant? I'm freakin out
Ooooh mine hurt anyways and I wasnt pregnant, Good luck with it!

So I OPK tested again this afternoon, still neg :cry:
Dont know if that means it was just a short LH surge or whether it was a false positive :shrug::shrug:
BD'd today and will tomm and next day in case. Just would feel happier if i had some O pin or something. Keep thinking i can feel twinges but think I'm just looking too much into it.

Funny story, (though if it results in a BFN then not so funny); Me and OH were BD-ing. Had just finished and legs in air, you know the drill, and the cat fell out the window! She was mewing outside and I put some clothes on and ran round the front of the house to get her...As I picked her up I realised I should have sent OH but didnt think! The PEAK day to BD and i get up immediately after and run round the building!!! Honestly:blush:

How u feeling?
The cat story cracked me up, I think u ovulated just a short surge. Don't worry about it, I got a positive and then a neg within 24hrs.
I'm a little worried about the dental work, what if it screws with my cycle if I was to get pregnant. I really don't have a lot of symptoms aside from occasional back pain, and who knows if its even related to anything. I'm 3dpo and don't think I would get side effects this early, but I'm secretly hoping everything I feel is pregnancy related lol. Today is ur oday right? Maybe u will get some signs of ovulation, and even if u don't it doesn't mean anything, you could still have several eggs release!
I wish you could test right away!! Its so hard not knowing. Im sitting here wondering if my little egg is being fertilised, just imagining all those sperm swimming round trying to find it!

Yes I reckon today might be O day but am not basing that on anything other than CD14 so will keeping my eye out for any other O symptoms.
I would have thought 3DPO bit esrly to feel symptoms but then I have never been pregnant before...did u get lots before?
Well I looked at my chart from when I got preggo with dd, and at 3dp and 4dpo, I had sore breasts and headaches, and skin breakout. So none of those so far but I keep telling myself that every pregnancy is different. I also got a super early bfp with her and so that explains why I got early symptoms with her. I keep hoping I wake up with strong symptoms but then again it could always be the progesterone causing them so until next week I'm gonna be a certified lunatic and over analyze EVErYTHING. My daughter just watched a makeover story on tv, and now she insists everytime she comes into the room we have to scream and clap like she just had a makeover lmao, kids are great..
My daughter just watched a makeover story on tv, and now she insists everytime she comes into the room we have to scream and clap like she just had a makeover lmao, kids are great..

Ahh cute!!! Bless her! I was looking after my little nephew with my OH today, he is only 5 months old and it was making me so broody!! I just cant wait...

Am going to try not to look too much into my symptoms but I know it will be crazy hard. Have had sore boobs for a few days but dont know what thats from!

When are you going to test?
What does broody mean? Lol are u considered British or english?
I'm gonna test on Sunday I think, expecting a bfn but I don't care. Still no symptoms yet, but I'm still hopeful. Did u ever get any o pains?
Ha broody is like...wishing you had a baby! You know that feeling u get when u see a baby and go Awwww...Its English for I WANT A BABY lol.

Thought I might be feeling back cramp this morning but dont know if it was just backache coz i was working lots the last few days. Am BDing tonight and tomm just in case. Keep getting hot flushes too but dont know if its the Clomid or the fact that its hot here at the moment!!

Hate this waiting...wish there was something I could do. just hoping my little eggy is implanting. Did u get implant spotting with your last preg? Dont know when I will test yet..havent decided to see if AF comes but dont know if I can be that patient!!
Ha ha I am broody all the time then lol. I never had implantation spotting with any pregnancy. I think I'm on third day of back pains off and on, and today I started feeling like boobs were a little achey, not tender just kind of a dull ache. I'm kinda excited, but brushing it off to the progesterone supplements. I think they are kicking in pretty hard cuz I've been Sooo tired and hungry. It's bitter sweet.
God I feel like crap today! Feel really sick and dizzy and got weird stomach pains, don't know what's going on! Would get excited but I think it must just be clomid coz I must only be 1dpo now.. Grrrrr this TTC is so crap. I dont know whats happening!! How u feeling?
Feeling like this isn't the month, no symptoms whatsoever. Sad
Oh hun try and keep your spirits up.. I know its hard and this wait seems to be going on forever.

This might cheer you up, conversation with OH yesterday

Me - 'just think my little egg could be being fertilised right now! Isnt it weird?'
Him- ' I dont think it is'
Me - 'What? why not?'
Him- 'Dont know, just think it wont happen for ages, like probably a year'
Me '.............'

Do you think its legal to kill him under these circumstances??
hahaha, I would have slapped him so hard. More of a reason to show him different by getting your BFP this month!! I hope you get ur bfp, even if I dont just so I can have inspiration!
I'm gonna test in the morning just for the heck of it I think, or maybe wait till Sunday which would be 8dpo, I'm so stinking impatient. I have not a symptom to speak of but I still have a sliver of hope that I could get a bfp this month.
Did u test??????????????????????????????????????????

I dont think this month is the one...just got a feeling. Feeling a bit negative today, its the bloody TWW! Cant do anything except sit here and hope:wacko: Cant decided whther to wait for AF or test. I dont know what my cycles will be like on Clomidso I dont want to be waiting for AF and then it doesnt come and then I'll be thinking that I am PG when actually Clomid has made my cycle 35 days or soemthing.
I didn't test, could stand to see a bfn. Probably will tomorrow if I can work up the nerve. I have been having ovary pain last night and today tho, I'm wondering if the clomid over stimulated them, had pains right below belly button last night and then pains in my left side today off and on like ovulation type pains. Probably just gas lol I'm grasping at straws at this point. Getting closer to test date though!!! Are u feeling anything yet?
Keep getting weird twinges/pains in my low stomach, on my left too! but it feels more in my gut than in my ovary area if that makes sense? I dont think its anything egg-related...I thought the same as you, maybe overstimulation or something. .
I want to think positive as I want to be in the right frame of mind but it will then be worse if BFN. How are we going to do this month after month? I pray it doesnt take that long. The thought of doing this again and again makes me want to cry...
let me know when u gonna test, i think i'll either wait for AF or test on my due date, coz if i get a BFN before that i dont think i have the nerve to keep testing!x
Well tested this morning bfn, I expected as much. Had a nasty evap line on it after the ten minute mark too. Ugh don't know if I want to test tomorrow or skip a few days. No symptoms to encourage me so I'm guessing its not this month. I just hope it doesn't take forever for af to show up so I can start next cycle. I think I'm going to do clomid 2-6 instead of 3-7 on this next cycle.
Sorry for your BfN am sending you a hug.

What do evap lines mean? Like I know they are the evaporation lines but do they signify anything?

Am not feeling any symptoms really, though I know its still early so trying to keep a bit positive. If I did O on Tues then thats only 5 day ago so I guess my eggy wouldnt have even implanted yet?...

I was wondering about changing the days of my clomid. my doc said I can take it 2-6, 3-7 or 5-9 it as up to me. DOs it make any differnece? Like obviously you would O earlier/later by a day but other than that?
Evap lines are the devil, I use earlypregnancytest strips and i feel like I get them a lot. But for my last pregnancy I got 4 evap in two days and I ended up getting a bfp at 11 dpo. It could go either way. I think I've heard that more people get bfp on days 2-7 of clomid but also higher m/c rate.

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