come on metformin i want a bfp

hi, im new here

i am starting this thread to document the journey i am about to have with doc says i have pcos and put me on 1000mg a day...

any ladies who are on it are welcome on here to post what its doing for them..and those who have had success with it are welcome on here to tell the rest of us about it....

i started it yesterday but no side effects experienced so far just to give a quick up

i have had my first ever bfp in 2011 that happened naturally but i suffered a stillbirth in early 2012 due to hypertension...she was a beautiful little me but i have cried and cried and i am ready to try again.....

so lets c what happens....

welcome all!!!

Hey ebony! I just started Metformin for the 2nd time last week. The first time I was on Metformin because I was diagnosed with high insulin levels and high testosterone levels so it was meant to help me lose some weight (this was over 3 years ago). Along with a strict diet, I lost 40lbs but as a side effect of the Metformin I began to get REALLY bad acne (only on my cheeks) and was taken off the pill immediately. Recently, my husband and I have begun to get serious about having a baby and so I met with my current doctor and was perscribed Metformin once again. I am trying to be very strict with my diet and so far I have lost 9lbs. with Metformin.

I have always had regular periods (every 30 days) but oddly enough right as I started Metformin last week (actually on May 12th) I'm late! My OBGYN did a blood test when I was 5 days late and it was negative so I know I'm not pregnant! Now I am 12 days late! (this never happens!) I did have a miscarriage this past fall in October and since then my periods have gone a little longer (averaging 30-34 days) so I'm not sure if this is just a long cycle or what! It is just frustrating because I want to TTC another month but cannot until my period gets here!

As for my side effects this go around with Metoformin, I don't get sick with it but I have been peeing a lot more! And until someone else on this thread said it was a side effect for them, I would have never related the two!

I too was recently diagnosed with PCOS so for everyone trying to lose weight to help this issue, good luck!

I hope to hear from you all soon!
hello 291,
welcome to the thread... well as Hayley says its mainly used to threat diabetes but doctors recommend it as well for people with polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS) to help regulate their cycles...and hopefully conceive as well......

so how is your TTC struggle???

are u on any medication...

welcome bsel....
sorry for your loss....and sorry for your unfavorable diagnose as well......
and on another note congratulations on your weight loss...

i too am trying to lose 25 lbs this year and another 25 next year...
dont know how i am gonna acheive that if i am so desparate for a bfp....lolzzzzzzz

so far i went from 154LBs to 147lbs but i put back on 2 lbs so i am currently on 149lbs
so this week the plan is to stick to my diet...its so hard sometimes cause i love bread...

i know i have to increase my walking and joggin routine so hopefully a week from now i will lose more weight...

and to update the thread about my symptoms...
i noticed that i am experiencing a lil left side i am thinking maybe it can just be ovulation pain cause its real low down by ovary side area.....

so i guess in the coming days we will see....

so how are the rest of the ladies...

hope everyone is hanging in there...

big hugz to u all
hello ladies,

i wish more of u would come on to wake up this thread....
i am yet to be successful at running threads....:shrug:

so are there any other ladies out there who have had success with metformin....

anyhow as for me there are no real updates as yet....CD 23 for me today...
i am wondering if i am in the two week wait....

no real symptoms....except some left side cramping here and there and general cramping as if af gonna show...

right now i am just chillaxing and stalking other threads.....
Hey all :) Im still around. Have alot going on right now- nothing good.. and I still never got AF just spoting the day after it was due and still BFN- I just sleep all the time but I think thats from my thyroid issues- I have to get to my doc soon- cause my thyroid levels been all over the place. I just dont want to deal with anything right now.
Im still around bfn
had no data
af today boo however i made it to 32 days which is bit longer than 28 i want back but longer than the 22 days i had so greatful in some ways looking forward to this cycle
Hi I thought I'd join this thread as I am on metformin.

I'll tell ya a bit about me, I am 27 I have a 9 year old son conceived naturally. Started trying again in 2011 then found out I had pcos tried clomid for 6 cycles i ovulated but didn't get pregnant and this is my first month off the clomid. Started metformin for the first time been on it a week now I am on 850 mg 2x a day side effects aren't to bad bit of diarrhoea and nausea which I can handle lol.

Started met on cd 21 so wondering when my af is gonna arrive or a bfp :thumbup:
I'll join ladies. I'm a mummy of 4 naturally conceived kids, normal pregnancies, no m/c no period issues other than i seem to ovulate later in my cycle...My husband and I have been trying to conceive a child together (first for him) for over 5 yrs, seriously trying for at least 18 months. (we were in separate countries before, but spent months at a time together and it never happenned either) My doc put me on Metformin, and a cycle of clomid to try because we cant figure out what is the big issue.

I am extremely new to this, and I was told to read all these forums and that maybe it will help me to remain positive.

My Husband and i have been trying to conceive for the past 2 years.

I visited my gynae in June 2012, where he picked up a growth in the womb, and schedule me in for a laproscopy and hysteroscopy, the results came back, and there was no cancer, BUT they could detect that I was not ovulating, and that I had PCOS.

He started me immediately on Clomid, did 4 cycles, BFN each cycle.

He referred me to a fertility specialist, who didnt even do a check up on me, just told me to loose weight, sent me to a dietician, put me on Maxi Vit Plus and Inofolic for 3 months, and put my husband on Stamino Gro. He told me our next step would be to have artificial insemination, and then IVF, but we could not conceive naturally.

The dietician confirmed that I am insulin resistant, and put me on a diet for PCOS.

I was due to go back to the specialist in March, but did not want to go back to him, so I found a new specialist.

My gynae sent my file over, and this Dr was so much more compassionate to our situation, explained everything in detail and advised us that we should not do the artificial insemination, as that is basically only doen when there is something wrong with the male sperm and in our case my husband sperm was fine. He prescribed Metformin for me, and I started taking it 1 a day in the evning with food, for the 1st 2 days I had side effects, nauseous and runny tummy, after a week he increased the dose to 2 a day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. And again I got the same side effects for 2 days, I am now in my 3rd week of taking it, and I have lost some weight, I can feel the difference.

However I am going to the toilet to wee alot, and I have constant gas its worse in the evening.

On Saturday past, I got this severe pain on the lower right hand side of my tummy, that would not go away. I got into a hot bath, and just layed there, when I got out and started drying myself, I noticed that there was a transparent, jelly like discharge on the towel.

Have any of you experienced this?

Can you give me some advice.

My dr said that I should keep a journal of how I am feeling and what I am going through, and one day when I do get my miracle, and can show my baby :)

Sorry for the long post....

I am extremely new to this, and I was told to read all these forums and that maybe it will help me to remain positive.

My Husband and i have been trying to conceive for the past 2 years.

I visited my gynae in June 2012, where he picked up a growth in the womb, and schedule me in for a laproscopy and hysteroscopy, the results came back, and there was no cancer, BUT they could detect that I was not ovulating, and that I had PCOS.

He started me immediately on Clomid, did 4 cycles, BFN each cycle.

He referred me to a fertility specialist, who didnt even do a check up on me, just told me to loose weight, sent me to a dietician, put me on Maxi Vit Plus and Inofolic for 3 months, and put my husband on Stamino Gro. He told me our next step would be to have artificial insemination, and then IVF, but we could not conceive naturally.

The dietician confirmed that I am insulin resistant, and put me on a diet for PCOS.

I was due to go back to the specialist in March, but did not want to go back to him, so I found a new specialist.

My gynae sent my file over, and this Dr was so much more compassionate to our situation, explained everything in detail and advised us that we should not do the artificial insemination, as that is basically only doen when there is something wrong with the male sperm and in our case my husband sperm was fine. He prescribed Metformin for me, and I started taking it 1 a day in the evning with food, for the 1st 2 days I had side effects, nauseous and runny tummy, after a week he increased the dose to 2 a day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. And again I got the same side effects for 2 days, I am now in my 3rd week of taking it, and I have lost some weight, I can feel the difference.

However I am going to the toilet to wee alot, and I have constant gas its worse in the evening.

On Saturday past, I got this severe pain on the lower right hand side of my tummy, that would not go away. I got into a hot bath, and just layed there, when I got out and started drying myself, I noticed that there was a transparent, jelly like discharge on the towel.

Have any of you experienced this?

Can you give me some advice.

My dr said that I should keep a journal of how I am feeling and what I am going through, and one day when I do get my miracle, and can show my baby :)

Sorry for the long post....

Hey luv, sorry for your journey but I am sure something positive will come about. I am not sure but what you are discribing SOUNDS to me a bit like ovulation???? the discharge could have been from impending ovulation and I sometimes get a pain on one side when I am ovulating. FYI I am heavy and conceived naturally 4 times, weight is not always a barrier, I know for ppl with PCOS it is, but dont let it consume you. Fx for you!
Hi Tryna4, thank you so much for the encouragement, I really hope that it was ovulation and that we get some good news soon... :)
Your welcome!!! I hope I am right!
Hi ladies! My dr perscribed met 1500mg/day starting with 500 first week, 1000 2nd week and 1500mg third week and for next coupe months then he would add in clomid. Went to specialist and did sooooooo much blood work, ultra sounds etc. normal bloods, many cysts on ovaries, but really good ovarienne reserve and tubes. My cycles were around 90 days. Pcos was diagnosed and same day I started with the first step of 500 mg. I read online so much about it and knew it was going to be difficult so cut all processed sugars and carbs. I really had almost no side effects after couple days each time I increased but actually 5 days in I had some symptoms of ovulation and apparently I was as I got bfp Thursday. Af due Sunday I think as I didn't temp or test this month as I figured it would be enough just getting used to metformin!! So there's my long winded story, I'm far from in the clear, blood work to confirm coming this week but hopefully I gave you some hope met will work!!!
Oh WOW!!! That is awesome... Congratulations!!!!!!! :) Im so happy for you......
so wow.....glad we have new ladies that has joined to share their experiences...

welcome welcome......

especially to canadian who has bless the thread with the first BFP...

hello tyme,
so sorry that your journey has been not so much the way u would have liked it to go...but u have us here for support..
and what u have been describig may have been ovulation so get to bedding girlly...:haha:

hello tryn,
your husband must be thrilled u trying for another with him...
from what u said it has not been easy....really hoping it happens soon for yall...

hello hayley,
so longst af hasnt showed u're still in the loop of things....who knows maybe this is your cycle....

hello 3wishes,
me and u in the same boat....i started met i think around cd 10 or cd i am on cd 30..not sure what is happening either......:nope:
jus hang in there...

hey qe,
u too just hang in there....
remember the ultimate prize at the end of your journey :baby:

and lastly i dont have anything to update:haha:
i jus have been experiencing some one sided pain and so i bedded my butt off...i tested on 29.05.2013 but was a bfn...
try to feel for my cervix but i think it was high...was feeling around for the cold dog nose feel and i had to push my fingers way up...
not sure i want to conform to that

so and we wait for our bfps....
Thank you! Yes he ( my husband)is such a blessing, takes care of my kids like they are his, so I really wish I could do this for him. Met still doing a number on my gut..that is my update lol..I am about to renew my script for another 100 pills. Ugh. Surprisingly enough, The combo of met & clomid made me ovulate...exactly when I normally do (cd20) so I dont know how I feel at the moment. But I havent had much of a temp rise yet (on cd 21) Every month just big disappointing bfn. I was sure with all these meds I would have some super egg on cd 15..Nope. Well on an amazing note...Congrats to Canadian!!! And my best wishes to you all!
Ah that is so sweet..... When I read your reply, I literally Laughed out Loud, for "get to bedding girly"..... I still laughing, you cheered me up today.... :)
hello all,
glad i can make u laugh tymeg....:haha:

i am just hanging out on here today...currently at work...dont have the internet at home at the moment......

hope u ladies are doing fine......

feeling to just kick back and watch some lifetime movies...
also tryn4,
so glad u have your kids for support and loving husband...
and u know dont give up longst your ovulating thats great....just hump on hubby every other day...hold up legs for at least 10 mins .....u sure to have success soon.....i am not sure if i am ovulating at this point.....i am taking the met cause of the pcos...i would like to believe i am in the two week wait ( currently cd 31) so at least i know my cycles have shorten.....

so just remain positive ...a matter of a fact lets all remain positive and c who blesses the thread with the next bfp....
Oh I ovulate alright, but I haven't had proctected sex in 6 yrs!! Nothing! Praying for a miracle!
I really hope you get your BFP soon tryn4....

Sometimes, we all need a good cheering up and make light of the situation we find ourselves in, because, the stressing about it becomes very obsessive.....

Sometimes, my hubby wishes, that I would just keep quiet about it all, because I drive him nuts, with talking constantly about it,

And Im at that stage, where Im talking like its really happening now, and he has to bring me back to reality.... sad but true.....

I pray every day, speaking and asking God for my miracle.

I know we have only been actively trying for 2 years, but we have been together for 13 years, and there wasnt even a oopsie.....

Today I am feeling very discouraged, and having cramps, like AF is coming to visit....

The Metformin, makes me go at least twice a day to the toilet, I have loads of gas, but the nauseous and vomiting and the runny tummy has stopped, I start clomid, on the 13th, is AF does come.....

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