Conflicting Reviews


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2010
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I am having such a hard time understanding or listening to information I hear/read on TTC. It seems everything has conflicting reviews. No wonder I have been unsuccessful on getting my BFP.
I read one place to BD everyday around O time, other places it is every Second day. If you want to conceive a girl make sure you orgasm after your husband, other say Not to even have an orgasm at all. Put your legs and butt in the air after BDing and stay in bed for 30 mins, others say you can get up right away and go on with your day. Once you get a + on your OPK you O 12 hours after Or is it 48 hours?
I mean WHAT is it already. What do I listen to? Or believe?
Why can’t conceiving being as easy as getting drunk one night and 2 weeks later having a missed period?
Is Anyone else as confused as I am? :wacko:
I get what you mean totally.

I've come to the conclusion that any information that is contradicted a million times over is not right and I'm just going to do what makes sense to me.

With the OPK's, the most conclusive answer I got was from my gyneocologist who advised it is anywhere between 12-36 hours.
I feel your pain hon! There is a lot of conflicting information out there. Kates84 is right, after getting a positive OPK ovulation can happen anywhere between 12-36 hours. It varies woman to woman, and cycle to cycle.

As far as how often to :sex:, just go with what's comfortable. If every day is too stressful, like it was for me, then do it every other day. Listen to your gut!
You know what?
I've just tried it all.
I've BD every 48 hours, every 24 hours, and every 36 hours.
I've been on top, on bottom, doggy style.
I've gotten up right away, and I've laid down for 20 minutes after with my hips elevated.

I'm still not pregnant. Moving on the month #7.

Honestly, I think it's just chance.

I have 3 children. The first was iui. The second, I was on top and walked away immediately. The third I was on bottom and stayed there.

So. . . you never know. For me, there is no secret recipe, just patience and persistence!
I have been doing everything as well. Well besides BD every other day! My DH and I are mad for each other and often BD everyday, even when we weren't TTC. This cycle we are not going to BD for 2 days before expected O time. Then We are going to BD In the Morning instead of at night. For the 2 days before expected O and on O day and the day after, take a day off and then BD again. I am going to orgasm after Him. We are using Pre-seed, I am taking Robitussin. I plan on laying in bed after for about 20 mins. Whatever position we feel like doing we will do...
I completely agree! And after so many months of trying everything/every position/every time I agree with readyformore that it's probably just chance.

You can do a lot of things to increase your chances, but in the end that's all it comes down to! Hang in there, I am!!!
I don't think any of that matters. The body is made to do this pregnancy thing without any help from us which is why so many people do just get drunk and then miss a period 2 weeks later. I know how hard it is when we are ttc to put it out of your mind, but I think that the stress and trying so hard is what makes it not happen. Just relax and enjoy each other.
The only reason to not bd every day when ttc is if there is a sperm issue. Our doc said it every night there are new little swimmers ready to go (unless you have a problem)

Enjoy the process!! And good luck on your bfp
I feel your pain. I've been trying for over a year now and I feel like I've tried it all, but still no baby. Today is the day I'm supposed to get my period, but I've had none of the usual symptoms except for some breast tenderness I felt last night, but even that has disappeared. It's taking all my will power to not take a HPT, because I've been down that road before too many times. It's been nothing but a waste of money and a lot of frustration.

I totally agree with the irony of how so many women that have carefree sex or live unhealthy lifestyles make it look like one accident is all you need. It makes me feel a bit bitter inside. Why can't I have one of those accidents? I guess there are some things in life you just can't control. Sometimes, I feel like science can be damaging to our psyche because it tends to give the illusion that we're in control when we really aren't. Geez, I so badly want to pee on a stick right now!!
comicmom, if AF is due today and she's not here, why not go ahead and test? Well, I can kind of understand why not. I hate the double whammy of a bfn followed by AF. How much longer are you going to wait before testing?

And I kind of agree with all the other ladies about just letting nature take place and stop trying to control things. I have the same philosophy to an extent. My stress would probably be so much higher if I wasn't using OPK's or charting my temps, because I wouldn't know what's going on with my body. Any sense of control, whether false or not, is better than none for me :)
comicmom, if AF is due today and she's not here, why not go ahead and test? Well, I can kind of understand why not. I hate the double whammy of a bfn followed by AF. How much longer are you going to wait before testing?

And I kind of agree with all the other ladies about just letting nature take place and stop trying to control things. I have the same philosophy to an extent. My stress would probably be so much higher if I wasn't using OPK's or charting my temps, because I wouldn't know what's going on with my body. Any sense of control, whether false or not, is better than none for me :)

Absolutely, that little bit of control makes you feel so much calmer
Omg I know how you feel! Some days I feel like i'm trying to figure out this big deadly disease where you have to get it just right to get the cure. After a headache of temping and evap lines and keeping sex fun and stress free and yada yada it takes a serious toll.

This month I finally broke down and am going to the the OPK's clear blue digitals and some Pre Seed i'm hoping this will help.

Hang in there and i'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Babydust your way dear!
I am having such a hard time understanding or listening to information I hear/read on TTC. It seems everything has conflicting reviews. No wonder I have been unsuccessful on getting my BFP.
I read one place to BD everyday around O time, other places it is every Second day. If you want to conceive a girl make sure you orgasm after your husband, other say Not to even have an orgasm at all. Put your legs and butt in the air after BDing and stay in bed for 30 mins, others say you can get up right away and go on with your day. Once you get a + on your OPK you O 12 hours after Or is it 48 hours?
I mean WHAT is it already. What do I listen to? Or believe?
Why can’t conceiving being as easy as getting drunk one night and 2 weeks later having a missed period?
Is Anyone else as confused as I am? :wacko:

There's a lot of misinformation out there meant to explain why some women get pregnant and others done. It's really not as complicated as it sounds... unfortunately part of the simplicity is that a big part of the process is just random chance.

Once you get a + OPK you can expect ovulation to occur 12-36 hours later. Keep in mind that a + OPK doesn't guarantee ovulation will occur that cycle.

As far as I know, orgasming or not and the timing of said orgasm doesn't really effect things at all. It also doesn't matter if you get up right after or lay in bed -- by the time you're done, everything is already where it needs to be.

What does matter is whether or not you're ovulating and the length of your luteal phase. Other than that, you can do everything perfectly and will still only have a 20% chance of becoming pregnant that cycle. Why? Sometimes the egg doesn't get in there good enough. Sometimes the swimmers can't find it. Sometimes hormones aren't on your side. Sometimes chromosomal abnormalities lead to an early miscarriage and you bleed when you'd normally have your period.

Overall it can take a normal, healthy couple where the woman is at an optimal baby making BMI (so not too big and not too little), upwards of a year to get pregnant -- and that's with no fertility issues.

So if it doesn't happen right away, roll the dice and try again. If you're worried that something is wrong, I recommend charting your BBT for at least a month to make sure you're ovulating, your luteal phase is long enough, and that you're doing the deed at the right time. Who knows, maybe you don't ovulate when you think you do.

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