Confused about midwife led or consultant led care.


Mum to zack
Nov 22, 2010
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I have been under consultant led care since week 12 due to 2 fibroids they found. They are not near the birth canal and are not actually concerned. About them, but I am still under consultant led care.

Now by community midwife is pushing me to move back to midwife led care. She keeps saying that I will be constantly monitored when there is no need on consultant care and it will be rushed at birth.

We went for a tour of the maternity wards on Friday and the midwife led ward seemed very old fashioned yet calm, the consultant led bit was clinical and more up to date to me

Ideally I wanted a water birth, this is under midwife led care, however the pool is broke, so that ruled out that. I decided I while back that I will have an epidural if I can't have water birth.

The midwife on Friday said epidurals are done on consultant ward.

Also at the start of labour I don't particularly want to be confined to a bed, and want to move about, and have an active birth. However I know with an Epi I can't exactly do that, I suppose an Epi was my option cause I think the contractions will be to much for me?

So what do I do? What are the pros and cons of both?

I have my next consultant appointment Tuesday where the midwife wants me to demand I am put on midwife lead care!

Thanks for your opinions
I guess it must work different in different areas, but here whether you are consultant led or midwife led, doesnt effect where or how you give birth :shrug: Everyone gives birth on the same ward, everyone has the exact same choices and options.
hay hun im the opposite - im consultant led care and really wanted to birth on midwife led care unit but they wont let me :/

tbh im ok with being on the consultant led unit anyways - im quite an anxious person and will feel safer on there as they can deal with more - and can monitor baby etc...

i would ignore your midwifes pushyness and do exactly what you want to do :)
I really don't know what to do? Is it better to be on consultant led care? I have it in my head that it would be better stay as consultant led care, least things are monitored and if anything goes wrong then I am in the right place.

It's confusing. The hospital your confused me and I haven't got anyone to ask who has an impartial opinion
I was consultant led but was pushed back to the MW, however towards the end was induced due to high blood pressure so was popped back under the consultant for my daughters birth. It didn't really make much difference, I still got to walk about and was looked after by midwives, its just the room was more clinical.

This time I am midwife led, so had the option of the active rooms, which I have opted for. Personally I think as long as baby is out safe it really doesn't matter, but I would like the option of the waterbirth/balls/chairs etc provided all goes to plan.

I didn't have an epi last time and coped fine with gas and air and I have a very low pain tolerance! So I plan to use the same this time around. I would honestly just go with what you feel more comfortable with, if you want the option of the epi and aren't really bothered with it being clinical then go consultant :thumbup:
You would be monitored under midwife led care though, it would be less invasive perhaps and If anything was wrong you would be transferred. If they are both in the same hospital that's not really a concern is it?

I had midwife led care with my first and also now, I'm quite happy never to see a doctor unless there's a problem. But then I also dont want an epidural. I personally feel the less medical environment is nicer for giving birth, but it is really a personal decision.
I would see what your consultant says next week before making a decision - they may say that you have to stay under a consultant and therefore the decision is made for you. Or they may discharge you and again the decision is made for you.

I was both too and have just been discharged from consultant care back to the midwife. I was told that I don't need to go back to the consultant unless blood pressure goes up again (am high risk due to age, previous pre-e and post partum haemorrhaging).

As you say - if anything does go wrong (fingers crossed that it won't) then you would be transferred to consultant at hospital anyway - I would enquire as to the date when you need to make up your mind.

By the way, my first labour was induced and done on gas and air and he was 8lb 7 - I remember it was painful but manageable

It's a tough decision to make and doesn't help if your midwife is pushing you

Thanks for your advice everyone

Is hard cause I haven't a clue at what the real differences are, and whether it matters what care I am under. This is my first child, and it's all new to me. I have no one to talk to about it. All people tell me are horror stories about the hospital as well which doesn't help.

The midwives I find just expect you to know everything. Like I know a bit cause I spend hours researching it online, we aren't even having antenatal classes cause they run them at a stupid time and oh can't go cause of his work.
To be honest I knew nothing with my first - just went with the flow. I didn't even go to any of the classes either. My body just seemed to know what to do.

What's your gut feeling telling you? Honestly I'd go with that if you're having trouble deciding.
My guy feeling is to stay with consultant led care. I will go to my appointment and not say anything about switching. I am not planning on going in as soon as a get contractions I want to wait it out as long as I can tbh. I am quite good with pain, well we will see lol
I am consultant led, but want to give birth in one of the midwife led rooms (they are in the same hospital on the same corridor). I'm going to ask next week when I see them if this will be a problem and I really hope not, because the obstetric rooms just seem so clinical.
The midwife and consultant led care at my hospital are just on separate floors. I kind of liked the clinical feel. But then maybe after watching to many 'one born every minute' really liked the look of that active birth room. But I didn't see anything like that at the maternity ward tour we had.
I had my son on the midwife led unit and had a home birth with my daughter. As my daughter was diagnosed with health problems at birth, this time I'm being classed as high risk so am under consultant care. I asked at my last scan if I can have a home birth and they have advised against it :-( which I was initially upset about. But my consultant said if I was scanned again at 36wks and baby seemed ok, then he would allow me to give birth on the midwife led unit (its in same hospital)
It's personal preference but I can't wait to be discharged from consultant care. The thought of being messed with whilst in labour fills me with dread, I like to be left alone! During my home birth apart from listening into the heartbeat, the midwife never examined me once. Where as with my hospital birth they like you to have made a certain amount of progress in a certain time and they broke my waters as I wasn't progressing quick enough.
You just have to do what you think is best for you and baby. I personally hate hospitals and medical things, although after for years of almost monthly appointments with my daughter, I'm now very familiar with them!

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