Confused - not sure if pregnant or hcg still up from mmc


proud mummy
Feb 18, 2010
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Need some advice please!

I had a mmc - diagnosed on 5th Feb 2010 (should have been 10 weeks but baby had died soon after scan at 8+4). Opted to wait initially but ended up with ERCP on 8th March. Had AF on 26th March (3 days of heavy fresh beeding) and then started charting temps and using OPK. Know I ov'd about 6th/7th April ish. Temps then stayed high beyond date AF due. Took test on day after AF due and got BFP on digital - conception indicator said 1-2 weeks. Took another non-digital test and got a really, really faint line - could hardly see it - did another one and line again very faint. Did another digital test this morning still says pregnant but still 1-2 weeks from conception - when should now be in 2-3 weeks.

Had really sore breasts - enlarged nipples and tiredness (all similar to last time around) for a few days - although some of that has gone off a bit (and although I think I've felt a little nauseous I'm not sure I'm imagining it).

Saw GP today - she also tested my urine and it said negative - although after about 4 minutes there was a tiny, tiny faint line. She says the HCG levels may still be up from MMC (givven that op was at 14 weeks) and it could be that - but I've just got to sit it out for a week, not test again and then go for blood test end of next week if nothing has happened.....

Anyone had anything similar or any thoughts??? It's driving me mad not knowing what's going on.
sorry for your loss, did they not track your levels back to 0???
i'd say go with your Dr and hang off for a week. If it is HCG dropping it should go by then if not it will be stronger. the other option no one has said is that it could be a chemical pregnacy, where the egg fails to implant properly.

either way save the heart ache and wait for at least 5 days to test again
After ERCP I had no follow up apart from GP at 6 weeks after op. By that time (19th April) I'd had AF and ov'd already! I had no tests at all after op - so don't know if my levels had dropped back or not. OH & I were saying I wish I'd done a HPT just after AF to see if said negative still.

I was just wondering about chemical pregnancy - it's not something I really know anything about - but given I had a few symptoms I do wonder if it was that. If that's the case I presume AF will just turn up soon. I think if my bloods are ok next week I'll get sent for a scan - but not until then (and I'll be over 6 weeks by then if things progress).

Just feel a bit in limbo at the mo.
:hugs: sorry to hear about your situation. Didnt want to read and run. Perhaps it is a chemical but dont loose hope. Thinking of you.

I did a test after the end of my MC bleed and it was negative - my bloods were back to 2 by a week after the bleed started but everyone is different. x
Sorry you are having to go through this uncertainty. I know you can ovulate with a level of less than about 100 so it is possible that you still have hcg in your system from the miscarriage. I guess maybe wait a while.

After I lost my daughter I tested out the hcg with tests and was negative by about 14 days or so after the loss.

I would be tempted to ring the epu and see if they could do some bloods to see if they are going up.
My GP suggested waiting until next week for blood tests and only to go to EPAU if I have any pain.

I can't really take the blood form until then - although the week will be a bit tortuous to wait! I'm away for a couple of days at the weekend, so going to try and forget about it all if I can - although I won't be drinking etc in case I am pregnant. It's all a bit confusing!
Hi.. I am sorry I cant shed any light or add any helpful comment because I am still waiting for mine to go down because I'm only 4wks after mc (at 21wks) but I wanted to say that I hope you can keep busy during this horrendous week wait and I hope that it all becomes clear at the end of it... hopefully with a bfp. Please keep us updated x
no AF today - tested again with digital conception indicator this morning (even though I shouldn't really - now run out of tests so going to try not to buy any more!) and still says pregnant but still only 1-2 weeks, when should def be at 3 weeks by now - wish I knew what was happening one way or another. I'm fairly convinced I was pregnant (felt preg for first few days) but think it may have been chemical.
Still no AF. tested with normal test (not digital this morning) with FMU and 2nd line was there - bit more obvious than last week, but still not mega strong. Will try another digital conception indicator one in a couple of days and have blood test on Thurs or Fri if nothing has happened.

Probably 1 of 4 options - 1) could be ectopic 2) could be pregnant & all ok 3) could have been chemical pregnancy 4 ) could just still have some HCG after MMC that is causing confusion with hormones.

Currently I think it's probably 3, but hoping it's 2!
Gave in and bought another 2 conception indicators. Both last night & today say 1-2 weeks still. Temp down about .1 today (first time for ages). Feel more periody than pregnant. What I want to know is, if I end up with AF - 2 weeks late (and 4 weeks after Ov) then should I be scanned anyway to see if a) I was preg b) in case mmc wasn't all gone after ERPC
temp back up again today and although I had a tiny spotting yesterday - and really though AF was coming - nothing has happened.

Had blood taken this morning so waiting to hear what happens.

As I'd be 6 weeks tomorrow I may take myself to EPAU and have a chat with them. Just really frustrated and confused!
Hun, didn't want to read and run, not sure whats happening with you - if I was you I'd be being so hopeful that it was a pregnancy but worrying that it wasn't - whatever it is you need to get some answers from your doc or EPAU - I'd get on to them because you're just in limbo - your HCG mustn't be going down either if its still reading 1-2 weeks - I had a chemical couple cycles back and it never showed at all on a digi just on frers so think you're prob not having a chemical if that helps? Plus too long since ov - I'm just rambling now. Really hope you get some answers!!!
bloods show HCG level high enough to be postive for pregnancy, but bit too low for 6 weeks (which is where I thought I was).

Spoke to EPAU (before blood test results) and they've booked me in for scan at what I thought was 8 weeks - nearly 2 weeks to wait!

GP phoned about blood results and says she'll re-test urine and blood in 10 days.

Both GP and midwife counsellour said to go to EPAU if I get any pain or bleeding.

Had a tiny bit of spotting, and debating whether just to go to EPAU next week... Not sure I can wait another 2 weeks to find out what's going on!
Perhaps ask your doctor to do bloods before 10 days - I think thats a bit mean of them to make you wait that long, then you'd know whether hcg was going up as it should, otherwise you'll be stressed out about it - I'd ring doc if I was you first thing tomorrow(mine does phone appts which is good as I find it easier than face to face when I'm begging for something) and say you can't possibly wait 10 days - tell them you were up all night worrying and you'd like a blood test asap to find out whats going on with the hcg.

Sorry just read that back and it sounds a bit bossy its just what I would do - I couldnt wait 10 days!!

Good Luck hun xx
spotting turned into slightly more bleeding (needing pad) last night so went to EPAU this morning. Midwife not that hopeful (nor am I) but they've taken more blood to repeate HCG and test progesterone too. Waiting for a call this afternoon.
Just read this hun - I hope they call back with the answers soon! :hugs:
HCG has gone up - but not as much as it should have done. Will have bloods repeated on Friday and if still going up slowly they'll have to scan me. Midwife said it was too early to scan - although from my own dates I should be 6 1/2 weeks and I was scanned at 6 weeks last time. I think the HCG is suggesting my dates are out (despite me showing my temperature chart) and so she thought a scan today wouldn't be worthwhile.

She says it's not promising but there is a tiny chance that it's viable - my gut (ha!) feeling is that it's either ectopic or miscarriage that isn't really coming away properly.
ooh hun I'll have my fingers crossed for a healthy, sticky bean.

you must feel like you're on a rollercoaster!
oh hun i have been there before and i am also there at the mo... it stinks all this not knowing.
Although on a brighter note when it happened with my little girl they told me that it was deff eptopic i said i was in no pain so they agreed to re scan me the following week before they operated when they did she was in the correct place all snug and healthy although she had a twin that disapered. ( called the disapering twin)

good luck hunny

i am due my blood results this afternoon or first thing...

what was your 2 lot of hcg results ?

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