Contraception after baby..


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
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What is everyone planning on doing for contraception after the baby arrives? I've been researching and trying to decide what the best option is, but there's so many! I want something easy and convenient but I also want to breastfeed. I like the pill, but I was on the pill when I got pregnant this time (taking antibiotics).

What is everyone planning to do? An what have you done in the past that's worked for you?


We waited a long time after our first only because we were new parents and it was all so very overwhelming for us both, so it took a long time to feel ready. But I'm trying to think about a more permanent solution because we prob don't want more kids. But that's a decision we have to make later, after we've really had time to adjust to 2 kids. In the meantime I think we'll just use condoms bc I hate bc pills or any artificial hormones. I tend to be more crunchy that way :haha:
I can't take any pills - the hormones make me crazy!!:rofl:

We will abstain for probably 4-6 weeks and then use condoms. Then DH tells me that he will be going for a more permanent solution. (Can you tell I had to persuade him into this one??)
I'm having my 3rd section and getting sterilised this time while they've got me on the op table, I've usually just took the pill
Good luck with whatever u decide x
In the early months baby was the contraception for us! :haha:

I've never been on any form of contraception other than condoms in my life, so going to go back to that. Since we're not planning on having any more children I'm attempting to convince Hubby to have the snip. He's not all that taken by the idea though :haha:
Can't do hormones and refuse to anyway. My best option was the copper iud. I had it before this pregnancy for almost 2 years and it was fantastic. Zero side effects aside from a heavy period which I have anyway. No hormones no problem.
OH is dead against any permanent solution for either of us... Not sure if I trust condoms. I was on the pill before so I probably will go back on that after I've finished breastfeeding but until then I don't know really, I guess condoms. But I don't know if I'd cope with an oops baby.. I have hated this pregnancy so much.
Ive been thinking of the implant in the arm this time. I've always been on the pill but I'm so forgetful! Atleast the implant last for 5 years and I wouldn't have to worry about taking pills. I don't like the thought of the iud as ice heard horror stories and j know a few people who have had them and made them quite bad with periods etc. Neither do I like the sound of the injection as if I don't get on with it or react badly il have to live with it until it's out of my system. So for me I think the implant is the only way to go site I'm not planning on having anymore children x
Im taking hubby to the vet to get his nuts chopped off :rofl: hes getting the snip. I wish he had of organised it by now though but i told him we won't be having intercourse until its done because we can not risk another un planned pregnancy and i can't take the pill/don't want to do the others.
I think it will be snip for hubby especially now it's a day case at GP. I have always been on Microgynon with no issue but we do not plan on anymore babies so may as well look into something more permanent instead of filling my body with artificial things unnecessarily. It all seems very permanent though even though i don't want anymore haha x
I'm planning non temping and using condoms during my fertile times, I figure if it works to conceive then it should work to prevent
I'm planning non temping and using condoms during my fertile times, I figure if it works to conceive then it should work to prevent

I thought this too... and it worked, for 8 months :dohh:

DH and I joke that we have noooooooooooooooooo idea how/when this baby was conceived. I was using OPK's every month and know exactly when I ovulated the month I got pregnant, and we didn't DtD for almost a week before and a week after O date. But still got a surprise BFP the next month!

I was considering getting my tubes tied but think I just can't go through with it. DH wants to get the snip, but we'll be using condoms in the beginning (as I refuse to use any hormonal BC while breast feeding) and maybe after I've stopped bf'ing I may go on the pill. (I like the idea of an IUD but know too many people who have had complications).
I scheduled my husband for a vasectomy lol!!! I'm SO done. This is my 4th baby and will always miss the newborn stage but I'm happy to be done after this sweet baby arrives;)
I have to be on the mirena when not pregnant for medical reasons but I've found it really good. Until then after the birth it'll be condoms though I retore my stitches a little after trying too soon the last time so that was pretty effective prevention.
Just condoms. If we plan to have another one we will have to do it soon and I don't want to confuse my body by going on the pill and off again in a year or so. Nesides, as many already said, I don't want to be on the pill while breastfeeding.
I've had it all over the years; pill, copper IUD, implant, cup, condoms, pulling out. Hormones don't do well in my body, the copper iud menstruation was as painful as giving birth every month fr full 7 days, condoms didn't feel right, pull out worked best as oh is very diligent, but don't want to go that road again as it does take away joy... So, OH is having snip. He's terrified, but I'm pretty adamant. If I can labour, then surely he can take a tiny little cut fr the team.
I took the pill from 2003-2009 but then developed problems on it and just general hormonal imbalances.
After, I gave the NFP method a try and got pregnant on a non fertile day with my first :shrug:
This time we started out with condoms but once my cycle had returned we switched to NFP and pull out method, or condoms which really worked well. Basically around ovulation it was pull out or condoms. I don't mind using a condom once in a while tbh.
I have researched so much the past years and there seems to be no contraceptive method without nasty side effects.:nope:
I'm done with contraception, been on the pill for years etc so hubby has a agreed to get the snip. We're done having kids so may aswell!
Thanks girls! Bit of a mix of answers really! I don't want to do anything permanent yet incase we ever want a third.. We HATE condoms! So that's a no. There's so many different options, but as someone said they all have their pros and cons!

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