We've had lots of people talk to us about breast feeding and a month seems to be a good average of time before you start expressing so I'm going to try and last that long.
Doing ok so far, but DH keeps feeling guilty for waking me up when he's looking after Jake and he's hungry. It would be nice for him to be able to feed him occasionally, although I'm quite happy with the "I put the food in, he deals with it when it comes out" deal we've got going on at the minute
Jake's doing pretty well at sleeping, he sometimes takes a while to go down, but once he does he has been sleeping for about 5-6 hours. If we could just get him to go to sleep in his crib rather than on our chests (DH's more than mine) it'd be great. It's so hard when he's laid there not to sleep yourself, and when you move him he wakes up. Last night I figured if I moved him from my chest to my knee (on his back) putting him in his crib was less of a change and he stayed asleep - hopefully that's the trick that we can use from now on....
I've got that baby whisperer book as well Pie, not got round to reading it yet really, you'll have to let me know if it's any good.
We've also been signed off from the midwives, only had 3 home visits, Jake seems to be doing well. Health visitor is coming on Thursday so we'll see whether she contradicts the midwife. The ones in the hospital contradicted each other about what we should put on Jake's dry skin, we opted for baby oil which seems to be working, but were also told olive oil, grapeseed oil and I can't remember what else....
Snow's all gone here now so we can take Jake for more walks, our pram wasn't great in the snow, wheels were too small