Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

theres a parenting journals one isnt there? we could set up one with us all in there!

been havin period type pains all day so hoping labour is imminent!
Good idea to set up group journal once all the babies are here.

Hoping you are in labour or else cuddling your little guy now Emma!

Jaydee, I'm so jeolous of Jake's sleep schedule! My milk was delayed coming in for a day or two so I had to wake Makayla every two hours during night even when she was willing to sleep longer to help supply come in. She got used to the 2 hour deal and now wakes us up for it! Luckily milk is in full force now and she's feeding like a pro. :thumbup:

Daisy, hope you and Megan feel better soon.

I too am loving seeing all the facebook photos. DH is planning to put together a little slideshow set to music of Makayla's first week so hopefully that will be posted soon.
Nope - neither yet, still sat here waiting!!!

glad feedings goin well for ya now!
well the night after I said he slept ok Jake decided to stay up crying till 3am! Serves me right i guess. The last couple of nights he's just woken up a couple of times which is not too bad.

Feel like I don't really have time to do anything, but I think it's cos DH is at home so we're sitting about watching films and stuff when Jake's sleeping quite nice and relaxing really.

Emma - hope baby doesn't keep you waiting much longer. Sounds like he's thinking about coming out doesn't it?

Hope everyone else is doing ok too x
Megan slept last night from 12-12:30... then 1-2:30.... then 3-6... then 7-9:30! :happydance: The past 2 nights before last she wouldnt sleep unless being held - if I put her down she would sleep for like 10 minutes and wake up screaming. I felt horrible for her but am also exhausted! My mil has offered to come stay with us this weekend and take night shift duty which Ive decided I'm ok with. I need to sleep some or Im no use to Megan. I feel like Im in a waking coma! LOL

We have a dr apt today cause Megan has developed what we think is a birthmark on her eyebrow - at first we thought she scratched herself (right before xmas) but it has been getting darker red & bigger & now the internet is scaring me!! I always thought they were "birthmarks" as they showed up at birth. I have a tan colored one on my neck that I was born with - but it was just different colored skin - hers looks like its going to be growing outward - like puffy looking.

We've had horrible weather here - tons of snow and -15 degrees (dont know what that is converted) so it will be interesting braving the weather today to go in to the dr!

Hope everyone is doing well.... hope Jake has a better night tonight JayDee!
Just got a text from Emma, she had her little boy today at 13.56, 8lb 8oz. 61 hours of labour!! Says he's gorgeous even if he does look a bit like his dad.

Congratulations Emma x
Congratulations Emma!!

What a marathon labour effort--get some well deserved rest. :hugs:
Congratulations Emma!! Can't wait to see some piccys!!

Hope everybody is well! Kyle is napping at the moment :) Am now reading 'Secrets of the Baby Whisperer' and thinking about trying to loosely follow her E.A.S.Y. routine (eat, sleep, activity, you time). Last night was the first time we put him upstairs in his crib whilst we sat downstairs. He seemed to sense we weren't there though and I ended up just going to bed early with my book! Need to take baby steps (!)

He wakes up every 2.5 to 3 hours in the night for a feed which isn't too bad. He will grizzle (not cry) until we pick him up and feed him and then is pretty good at getting himself back to sleep. He still has a sticky eye from the forceps though :(

Looking forward to this weather getting better so we can get out and about a bit more. Have been out for lots of walks but still have to brave the shops with him! Online food shopping is so much easier :)

We have now been handed over to the Health Visitor (from the Community Midwife) so receiving even more conflicting advice! I'm still just breastfeeding and not sure when I should start expressing so that OH can give him a bottle -don't want Kyle to become a nipple snob! All the advice seems to vary from as little as 2 weeks to as much as 6 weeks!

Still to write up my birth story too! It's so true though you do forget it quite quickly and OH has to remind me what it was really like!

Hope you and your LOs are all well and happy.

(Kyle has a 'stork' birth nark on the back of his neck which may or may not fade Daisy?)

We have now been handed over to the Health Visitor (from the Community Midwife) so receiving even more conflicting advice! I'm still just breastfeeding and not sure when I should start expressing so that OH can give him a bottle -don't want Kyle to become a nipple snob! All the advice seems to vary from as little as 2 weeks to as much as 6 weeks!

We're trying to figure this out too. Makayla is a superstar on the boob right now. Don't want to do it too early that she prefers bottle nor too late that she's a nipple snob. DH wants to get started on routine where he gets a feed a night by next week (when he returns to work) so we may try the 2 week advise? Bought a bottle that's super slow flow and advertised to be used in conjunction with BFing--it's even shaped like a boob!

As for sleep--she gets up every 3-4 hours a night for feed and is usually good about getting back to sleep except when there's trapped wind-then it can take an hour to wind her and resettle. Anyone else have a windy bub?
Congrats Emma!! Cant wait to see pics! I can't believe your labor was that long- that is crazy!! Hopefully you get some help for a few days from family so you can get some sleep!

AK - Megan is more of a spit up girl..vs windy & she gets hiccups ALL the time! The dr told us those gas drops... forget what they are called - they are to make baby burp easier/better... not for gas on the other end.. she said gas on the other end is from digestion - not from not enough burping - cause I thought maybe I wasnt burping enough to cause her lots of tooting... but not related. Maybe you should try those drops?

We had her dr apt. Friday... found out she has a strawberry hemangioma (you can look up pics online) Its supposed to keep growing and they wont do anything about it unless it gets big enough to obstruct her pupil. She will have this til probably age 5-10 they guessed! Medically its not an issue - but feeling bad as dont want her to get picked on when she gets bigger... esp. if this continues growing like they say. Pie - she has stork bites too on the back of her neck & also the "angel kisses" on her forhead. (the same as stork bites but in the front... those go away I was told - but they dont get puffy like her strawberry one will.

We got told to let her cry it out at bedtime & to increase time between feeds would help us at night. Also told us to swaddle her for sleeping.. even though she hates it. So we've done this now 2 nights... crying it out is horrible & having a tough time with it. But swaddling is working - she's sleeping 3-3 1/2 hrs waking up to eat & going right back to sleep!
Oh yeahh..... she now weighs 8 lbs 11 oz!!! crazy!!! & 21" long so shes gained almost 3 lbs & 2".. I cant believe it... she looks like a different baby! LOL

Jealous of your walks Pie... hard enough to walk to the car here - no way I'd go for a walk... cant wait for it to warm up a bit!
We've had lots of people talk to us about breast feeding and a month seems to be a good average of time before you start expressing so I'm going to try and last that long.
Doing ok so far, but DH keeps feeling guilty for waking me up when he's looking after Jake and he's hungry. It would be nice for him to be able to feed him occasionally, although I'm quite happy with the "I put the food in, he deals with it when it comes out" deal we've got going on at the minute :)

Jake's doing pretty well at sleeping, he sometimes takes a while to go down, but once he does he has been sleeping for about 5-6 hours. If we could just get him to go to sleep in his crib rather than on our chests (DH's more than mine) it'd be great. It's so hard when he's laid there not to sleep yourself, and when you move him he wakes up. Last night I figured if I moved him from my chest to my knee (on his back) putting him in his crib was less of a change and he stayed asleep - hopefully that's the trick that we can use from now on....

I've got that baby whisperer book as well Pie, not got round to reading it yet really, you'll have to let me know if it's any good.

We've also been signed off from the midwives, only had 3 home visits, Jake seems to be doing well. Health visitor is coming on Thursday so we'll see whether she contradicts the midwife. The ones in the hospital contradicted each other about what we should put on Jake's dry skin, we opted for baby oil which seems to be working, but were also told olive oil, grapeseed oil and I can't remember what else....

Snow's all gone here now so we can take Jake for more walks, our pram wasn't great in the snow, wheels were too small :(
I promise to come in here tomorrow with pics and stuff - has anyone started a journal yet for us all?

things are crazy around here, tho i should have a bit of time tomorrow after i get the birth registered!

oh quick note - he was 8lb 13oz - i did tell JayDee wrong, just the midwife said 8.8lbs it didnt actually click til after what that meant doh!
Parenting journal:

Now we've all popped we can move across....:happydance:

It's in parenting journals, but I guess if you lose it you can always find it by searching for threads that I've started. I'll post the link in the first post of this thread as well just in case.

We also need a new logo, but I'm rubbish at those.

We registered Jake yesterday so he's official now. You can normally do it at the hospital before you leave but they were closed between xmas and new year. Good job you get a while to do it, yesterday was the soonest appointment we could get.

Looking forward to seeing pics Emma, saw one on facebook that someone else posted, he looks adorable in that so sure he will in the others as well.
hi all, just wanted to say huge congratulations to everyone on all the new babies!

Emily Nicole was born on 28 Dec weighing 7lb 12oz by c section. But I was kept in hospital for a week with suspected pre eclampsia. its all sorted now though and I'm back home but have been rubbish at getting anywhere near the internet. Sorry!

Hope everyone is well and I will log in again soon and read up on all that I've missed! Hugs and congrats to all xx
Hi All! Happy wishes to all of you. My EDD is 27 Dec, which is my birthday, oddly enough. Not having any real symptoms except feeling tired sometimes. This is our first baby, and it doesn't feel real yet. LOVING having all of you around for the support and companionship as no one else knows!

First scan is Monday, 8:45 AM. Hoping that will make it all real.

Let us know how scans go, and if anyone wants to know what it was like to have your birthday right around Christmas, ask away - I'm an expert :)
Hi fingers xd. Did you notice this thread was from December babies last year?!

Anyways, I'm due on 26th and would love to know what it's going to be like for the little one having Christmas and birthday so close together.

It's our first baby too so everything is new. I wasn't expecting to be so tired! Have you had any nausea or anything?

Good luck with the scan.

Do you think we should start a new Christmas cake thread?!

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