Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Congratulations again Pie!!!

I think you're onto something Jaydee. It does seem all the UK babies in our group are boys whilst Daisy and I are having the girls. Funny that.

My little one is still snuggled under my ribs. I think she may be holding out for a binary birthday. 01-01-10 or even 10-01-10. The second is a far shot, but the 8th is the latest they'll let me go before inducing, so if it comes to that and it's a long 2 day labour, then it's possible.

When is your scheduled sweep Jaydee? Sounds like they can be quite effective! They're not too common here, but my midwife did mention that it's not even a possibility until bubs is engaged, which my LO appears to have no intention of doing.
AK - sweep is booked for Monday (40 plus 8) they normally do at 41 weeks but I asked for the extra day as DH is still not v well, hasn't been out of bed for the past 4 days really, has hardly eaten except if I've made him, we haven't even opened any xmas presents yet... Sorry, point of that is, I don't think baby coming at the minute is a good idea! Really I'm quite happy for mine to hold out till 01/01/10, which he could if sweep doesn't work, that'd be 12 days over.
I think sweeps are only good if baby is thinking about coming out anyway, Pie was already quite dialated wasn't she? Ask me again on Tuesday if I'm still here I guess.....

Emma - mine was wriggling so much he wouldn't let me sleep a couple of nights ago. Sorry you're having issues with FOB again, hopefully it was just the vooze talking (or was he sober?) and he'll be more reasonable when he thinks about things properly. :hugs: anyway, not what you need at xmas or when you are so pregnant as well!
Congrats Pie!!! Cant wait for pics & more details! Good luck w/ picking his name! My hospital was excited that I was having a girl as they said its a year of boys... everyone has been having boys!

Hope everyone had a good xmas!!
I think I may have missed an earlier post, but just saw Kiera's facebook status and have to say Congratulations!!! :thumbup:

Jaydee, hope your DH feels better soon. Best he feels better before your little guy makes his grand appearance. Since we got our BFPs on the same day, maybe we'll get our babies on the same day too!

Emma, sorry to hear about problems with FOB over the holidays. Any signs of impending labour?

To all of our lucky ladies with little bundles of joys to cuddle already, hope you're settling well at home! (and taking lots of notes to help us stragglers along once our time comes). :flower:
Wow!! Massive congratulations to Keira and Pie!!! Cant wait to see the pics x

One of the ladies in my antenatal class had a little girl yesterday too. Christmas Day babies all over the place!

Hope everyone's having a nice Christmas, it's looking more and more like I'll keep going til my induction on Tuesday. Gots lots of wind but not much else happening - I blame the sprouts!! :haha:
AK - maybe you're right and our babies will turn up on the same day. If so, sorry but can we wait a little bit longer so DH is better please? 01/01/10 is good for me, notice you'd picked up the binary thing about that date as well. One of my friends said to me ages ago that it looked like a nice date, and I cursed her at the time, but now it'd suit me fine!

Meerkat - Good luck for your induction on Tuesday if you make it that far, at least you know either way you'll have a baby in your arms by the end of the year :happydance:

3 of the couples in my NCT group (out of 6) now have their babies, all boys as well so far. Everyone who knew in advance was on team blue, but I'm sure at least one of the team yellows has popped, the world really is going to be overrun with boys born in late 2009! (I know 3 people who had girls in the first half of the year and only one boy)

I've been trying to keep up with everyone's baby pics on facebook, they are all soooo cute, congratulations again everyone.
well i dont know you all but i had my bbys on christmass and i couldnt have asked for a better gift than the gift of life just wanted to let you all know that i had my little girls =D
Congratulations - what a wonderful xmas present :)
Congrats memysonand3!

Everyone is finally agreeing with me that my lil one wants to make an appearance on new years day, i did tell them all this 8 months ago lol - maybe we will all have ours on new years day?!

Nice to hear about your wind Meerkat, lmao - Good luck on your induction on monday if we dont hear from you before!

No more signs of labour being near from me, a few contractions a day, random pains, finding people really annoying now when they keep prodding and poking me, it hurts, i'm stretched to the max, wish they'd leave me be!!

Hospital appointment tomorrow, not really sure whats gonna happen, i know i'm havin some more blood tests for OC but she said she'd give me a good check over while im there - not sure what that entails!
Ya think i can ask for a sweep? even though according to their dates im only 39+1? woth a try? hmm...
Congrats memysonand3! Wonderful news.

Well Emma and Jaydee, I think we could def. be in for New Years Babies. Just read an article about how New Years Eve is a blue moon this year! Since the first full moon of December didn't seem to have the affect that all the internet articles suggest it should--maybe the rare second full moon of the month will instead. We had a little flurry of activity at Christmas so I figure the next lot will be New Years. My girl has finally dropped a bit so I can eat again and get a reprieve from the heartburn! :thumbup:

Meerkat, good luck on your induction on Tuesday if not before then!
Random question to ponder:

If baby is born on New Years Day, when they go to pub on NYE of 18th (21 in USA, not sure in UK) birthday, would they be denied entry until after midnight when they technically turn legal drinking age?
LOL AK - what a thing to think about! Your already thinking your LO will be upset with you and she isnt even here yet! HA

Good luck with the next few days JayDee & Meerkat!

Pie & Kiera - love the pics on facebook.... both beautiful babies! Pie - poor little guy- what a trooper he is! Glad he is here and all is A-OK :hugs:

We are trying to keep Megan awake for the rest of the evening... think it will work??? I'm getting worn out with this lack of sleep. My parents are visiting - coming tomorrow and staying 1 night.... think I will be talking my mom into sharing night duty maybe!

Hard to believe xmas is already done!! Everything is such a whirlwind with baby here makes everything fly right by.
Well I might very well have a new year's day baby. Midwife came this morning, all is well with baby. DH is on the mend, but not 100% so I refused the sweep, which she seemed to agree was a good idea. She rang the hospital and said they would ring me at 40+10 to give me a date for induction, which is normally 40+12 = new years day for me. So he's got till the end of the year to come out of his own accord and then the baylifts really will be going in!

Oh, happy due date Emma and AK, I guess we're all in overtime now!

Emma - I don't think it would hurt to ask for a sweep at the hospital, esp if you point out that you have 2 different due dates etc, the worst they can do is say no.

AK - drinking age here is 18, just so you know, and I think a pub wouldn't let them in until 1 Jan. The only saving grace is that here school years run from Sept-July so likihood is a lot of their friends won't be 18 either, they'll have to send one of them that is to the off licence and have a house party somewhere instead (hopefully not our house!)

Daisy - hope the visit goes well and good luck trying to get Megan into a more reasonable sleeping pattern. If it makes you feel any better, my LO was wriggling about and keeping me awake at 5am and he's not even here yet!
I had my bloody show this morning! :happydance: I've been loosing little pieces of mucus plug for a couple days, but there was no doubting that this was the actual show and the end of it was blood tinged. Most books say that labour should start within the next three days once show is noticed (I'm choosing to ignore the footnote about the exceptions that take another 2 weeks). I'm ready for my New Years Baby!

Jaydee, glad to hear your DH is on the mend. I think you're right about the house party for 18th birthday. When I asked my DH about the pub letting her in for NYE/birthday his response was a fatherly "what's our little girl doing a pub at 18?!" It made me chuckle.

Daisy, how'd it go keeping Megan up for the evening? Were you able to get more sleep last night?

Emma, happy due date! I see on FB you've served the eviction notice--any response from your little man yet?
no and i'm now getting desperate to get him out, lol - had enough!
Didnt have a sweep, she didnt even wanna check if i was dilated at all, just hooked me up to the monitor and took my bloods for bile salts - which came back within the normal range... said she'll see me each week now for more bloods, to be honest, i dont think she realised how far on i am, she was talking like i was 20 or so weeks pregnant, lol... but compared to the two ladies who were in the same room as me i was tiny! and them hugeeeeee and only around 32 weeks! she didnt even check my blood pressure or urine, which i thought strange, especially as my blood pressure was quite raised on my last appt...
So i have a mw appt on monday and an appt with my consultant on thursday - i'm guessing they'll discuss being induced on the latter one.

oh but Jaydee, its very very rare to give birth on the day you're induced! usually a day or two later, maybe he doesnt wanna binary birthday?

Amerikiwi - anything since your show??! ive lost bits but no bloody stuff :(

How did keeping Megan awake go Daisy?
I lost a bit of plug today too :happydance:
Not sure I'd say it was bloody, slightly tinged maybe (sorry, this is a lovely subject isn't it) was just there when I wiped. At least it shows baby knows what he needs to do, even if he's doing it late!

Glad to hear you're ok Emma, sounds a bit random that they didn't check everything whilst you were at the hospital anyway. Re induction, MW said you normally go in one day and have baby the next so I guess we'll just wait till tomorrow and see when they call me in. If AK's 3 day rule is right he might not wait that long anyway....

AK - looks like we might be in line to have babies on the same day after all. I also realised this morning that I got my positive test in the week after easter, and might have baby in the week after xmas. Baby is doing things in line with Christian holidays!
Still waiting...

Woke up at 2:30am and 4am with pains but nothing that settled into a regular pattern. At least I feel like some progress is being made. I've since lost a couple more huge globs of plug (about size of thumbnail).

Jaydee, I forgot the BFPs were the week after Easter. They are keeping to Christian holidays! As Emma suggested, you can name your guy Christian, and I can name my girl Christina. LOL How's your DH feeling?

Emma, weird that they didn't check your BP and urine. Good news about the bile readings though. :thumbup:

Meerkat, good luck on induction today--can't wait to see pictures once LO has arrived!
Ha - yeah maybe! Unfortunately I think we've chosen a name and that's not it, I'll let you know for sure in a few days....

DH is feeling much better, we're planning a trip to the cinema tomorrow (baby permitting). Given it'll be the first time he's volunteered to leave the bed/sofa for over a week (other than to go to the docs and his parents' house for about an hour) it's gotta be a good sign.

Good luck Meerkat, hope everything goes well.

AK - doesn't sound like you'll be waiting to meet your little girl much longer - yey!

Can't believe my due date was the first out of us all and I might be the last to have my baby - ha ha.

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