Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Hope you are all well!

I have said to myself I MUST write up my Birth Story tomorrow as it's already becoming a fading memory (but it's still pretty fresh in OH's mind!) so will have to get him to remind me.

Good Luck over the next few days, I was just thinking that my induction date would have been this Friday so we'd have been on countdown for the last couple of nights together.

In a week's time should all of us have had our babies?? What's the latest induction date?

I didn't lose my plug until I was already 4cm dilated and the Midwife at my regular appointment was doing an exam and was overjoyed to tell me this (as was I to find out as I'd been having contractions on and off for 12 hours!) she had a quick rummage then about an hour after I got home I lost it! I did shout to OH to ask if he wanted to see (probably already delirous from contractions) but he declined! ha ha

Aberdeen Midwife Unit was fantastic, couldn't fault them but it's sooooo nice to be home and be able to be emotional without having nurses looking over (or other woman on the ward - nobody else was crying apart from me!). Have had 2 sleepless nights so far, Kyle seems to be sleeping ALL day but gets restless at night and doesn't seem to like his crib and much prefers to sleep on me or OH!

Breast Feeding has been fine (so far) will see how it progresses. Feeing on demand is tiring though as he's only full for a couple of hours max at a time before I have to feed him. It's nice though :)

We had a boy's shortlist of 2 names - Declan or Kyle and eventually settled on Kyle as he just didn't look like a Declan and Jackson is my granny's maiden name.

Will keep an eye out for the rest of the Christmas Baby Deliveries !!!
Kyle is a lovely name Pie! My dh has the name Kyle in his family... we almost used Kylie as a middle name! I'm glad things are going well - sounds like Kyle is similar to Megan in the liking to sleep on us bit. Megan loves to be held vs being in her basinett or crib. I was emotional too after Megan was born... and it lasted about 1 1/2 weeks. The nurse who came to visit me a week after Megan was born said "still?" when I told her I was emotional and crying easily - I was just so happy and felt so blessed. Silly woman! I thought the only problem would be if I was crying because I was unhappy - nothing wrong with being a little sappy about our babies!

Cant believe the rest of you girls are still in the waiting game!! Albeit Meerkat who hopefully is already enjoying her baby!
I had my bfp the day before easter - was that the first one of the group?? Cause that would be weird - since I had the first baby!

Technically I had Megan the same day I was induced - cause i had the cervidil for 12 hours because my cervix wasnt soft enough... with you girls being over due dates - would think maybe your cervix is ready. I started my induction drugs at 8:30 Wed morning & she was born at 6:16 wed. night. So new years baby is still possible!

Well keeping Megan awake didnt work... she was up all night instead! But last night my mom took over night duty and Megan was only awake enough to eat & then would go right back to sleep (not her usual!) so was only up at 12:00, 3:00, 6:30! Of course will do it for grandma and not me! LOL Then my mom realized that she didnt wake up this morning to eat... so I woke her up at 11:45 am! That is 5 hours between feeds!!! She must be growing or something - cause usually is awake much more & for longer time & I cant actually believe she slept at night!! So at least now I know she CAN do it... she just isnt... :rofl: It felt weird to sleep so much - I would wake up and be all confused! Its like my body wasnt used to sleeping more than 2 hours at a stretch and didnt know what to do!

How exciting about losing your plugs! I was excited when I lost part of mine the weekend before I had Megan and remember asking dh if he wanted to see. LOL - and dont think I was delirious with contractions at that point! LOL
I just had a productive midwife appointment!! Normally it's just blood pressure, pee stick, fetal heart beat and off I go. I've been jealous reading all the posts of people getting sweeps, etc. as my hospital doesn't normally do a sweep until day before inducement.

So today, I had a different midwife who is not part of the normal hospital team and she offered me a sweep! As she's doing the sweep, she informs me that I've actually started early labour. She said I was "extremely favourable for the sweep", I'm 1-2 cms dialated, cervix is soft, and something else that I don't remember. She said it could still be a couple of days and bubs can always stop the process, but for now, it's begun!! :happydance:

She went ahead and booked my induction for 9 January, in case bubs backs out because the hospital is over-crowded with a bit of a baby-boom right now. We did a Bishop test and I scored 7/10 but then she had to fudge my score down to a 5 as they won't schedule induction if score is higher than 6.

Daisy, I think you may be right about our order of birth going by BFP date as opposed to due date! When did everyone else get their BFPs?
:wohoo: AK for your sweep!! (& being in early labor!!)

BTW - what is the bishop test - not heard of that? :shrug: Jan 9 seems like such a long time away! (its not really... but keep thinking you should have had your baby by now - LOL!)

How is everyone else's progress?? Any more news girls??
Lovely name pie! - glad all is going well for you - one of us just had to have a xmas day baby didnt we?!

Glad you got some sleep daisy! yay for megan sleeping all that time without a feed! dont think i'd of woke her LOL, would of enjoyed the peace!

Amerikiwiw - so glad you had a great MW appt! at least you know she knows she has to come out! nice results on the bishop test too! hopefully all happens soon for you!

Not sure about the BFP dates, i could work it out i guess, i know i was having a biopsy done on my cervix 7 days before and the pregnancy test came back negative, though it shouldnt of cos i was due on that day.....

just checked, i was due on on the 20th April but didnt test until the 27th April, which seems late compared to you all! maybe i am destined to be last!

I've been up most of the night with stomach pains, not sure if they were tightenings or period pains or back pains as i was half asleep, but i know i woke up about 6 or 7 times in the night, the last one being at 6.36am when i just decided to stay up and see if there was anything to time, nothing yet tho - hmph! one thing i do know is that as i was getting the pains baby was really really active, would that be normal in contractions?
maybe today will be the day, who knows!
Saw that someone posted on facebook that Meerkat had her baby -- a girl! :happydance: Congrats Meerkat! Hope you and baby are doing well!
Congrats Meerkat!

JayDee also had her lil boy today - contractions started at 3.30am and she had him (Jake) 8 hours later! He was only 6lb 4! soooo tiny for being overdue! and she said he seems perfect! she has to stay in for 24 hours and cant get in here to update on her phone! Said labour wasnt too bad and did it without anything, even gas and air! well impressed!!

So is it just me and AK now?

Im gonna be last afterall! LOL when you all thought i'd be second! I'm holding out for my new years baby! LOL

I got no more pains after i got up at 630, though tonight i'm getting some signs again, i think labour is imminent for me, but who knows!
Check facebook Emma, you're last. AK has her little girl too! That was perfectly in line with us getting our positive tests as well, think we were only a few hours apart and i think, with time difference etc babies were too.

Now i'm on i'll give you the abridged story and hope phone will post it, internet reception is rubbish in this building.

3am this morning woke up, as is now the norm, and went to the loo, noticed more plug when i wiped. Back to bed and had a couple of contractions, about 20 mins apart and realised i had no bladder as had to pee every half hour. DH was kind of half awake but told him to go back to sleep. By about 5.30 realised something was maybe happening cos i needed to move to get comfy in contractions. 7.30 they were 6 mins apart lasting 40 secomds so rang hospital who said stay put for now so had a shower. An hour later they were every 2 or 3 mins but not lasting as long. Hospital said i probably wasn't in established labour but i could come to day unit to get checked. By the time we got there i was 8cm dilated and internal to check this broke my waters! Glad we came in!

Moved to delivery ward and 2 hours later he was here. Had the gas and air in my hand but didn't use it. Had to have a cut to help him out so now have stitches but they don't hurt that much, yet!

Managing to breast feed so far too, although he's lazy and needs some encouragement to latch but once he's there he's good.

Cos he's so small they are monitoring his blood sugar for 24 hours but all is well so far. Think i might have to wait till friday to go home which is a bit annoying but would rather know he's ok i guess.

Right, i've been awake 24 hours now so am going to sleep, night all x
Awww - so happy for you JayDee! Ha - good thing you went in! Glad everything is going well! How amazing is it that he's not much bigger than Megan was!

On that note... have figured out why she was sleeping so well when my folks were here - she has had a huge growth spurt! Grown overnight - its the craziest thing! Looks like she is outgrowin her newborn clothes(which are meant for under 8 lbs) & moving on up to 0-3 mo already!! 2 days ago the newborn stuff all fit & today too small. Cant believe how fast she is growing!

Emma... how does it feel to be the last one still waiting? Bet it makes you super impatient now! I cant imagine how hard the waiting is since I had the opposite problem - lol!

Congrats AK! How exciting - she didnt wait for a binary bday! Will be able to go to the pub now on new years eve- she must have known!

Pie - how are you & Kyle doing?
I know i saw AK's facebook just after i posted that!
Just me to go!

Sounds so smooth JD, hope mine goes like that! pretty crazy that you really had no early labour signs! or can you think of any from the couple of days before now?

Losing patience now - had pains last night that i really thought were leading to something, but maybe they were just tellin me to go have a number two, cos since then, theyve pretty much stopped! only thing ive still got is really bad hip pain *sigh*
No specific things no. Had a clear out during the day and lost some plug but no pains. I guess i was just really lucky, and i am very grateful for this!↲I'm perfecting the doing things one handed my writing this on a text keyboard on my phone, jake has decided he wants to sleep on mummy's lap, he'd better not get used to it!↲Hope everyone is doing well and happy new year! Jake and i should get to go home tomorrow, can't wait! What a great start to a new year :) ↲Hope things happen soon for you emma
Well i've definitely been having a clear out over the last couple of days, period pains on occasion but none of it ever leads anywhere! i'm definitely getting more and more signs but still, argh!!!!!
wonder if i can get him out tomorrow and be the new years day baby? sure hope so!

Does it feel weird calling yourself mummy? hehe
Congrats Jaydee and Meerkat!!! Jaydee, we missed binary but both bubs did end up born on same day! :thumbup:

Just now getting online as no internet in hospital. Had DH update fb me. Turns out midwife was correct--I was in early labour and it continued to progress after appt. will write full story later but Makayla Eve arrived at 5:25am on NYE weighing 8 pond 10 oz. Arrived at hospital after using TENs at home--5/6 cm dialated. Hopped in birth pool for couple hours got out to be checked and found out i was fully dialated! Got gas and 2 hours of pushing later, Makayla was born. She;s absolutely perfect! :cloud9:

Emma, I'm sure you're sick of people asking, but any twinges yet?
plenty of twinges, just not the labour kind, really really really losing it with hip pain now and dont have many drugs left! my midwives ears are gonna get a beating on monday - thinkin i may hafta got for 10.01.10 instead lol

Congrats AK - already nosied at your pics on FB! So who've we not had pics off now? just Meerkat?
I thought your fb was maybe dh AK cos it was written in 3rd person and referred to you by name - people don't usually do that themselves.

Jake and I came home yesterday, waste of time staying in but cos he was small they had to monitor him for hypoglycemia or something. Would have preferred to come home earlier but at least he's ok.

Will write full birth story when i have 2 hands (Jake is in one arm sleeping at the min) - be warned though it's pretty nice in comparison to some, it'll almost sounds easy!

Don' think it's all really sunk in yet, "mummy" doesn't feel too weird but still don't associate this little person with the bump and the labour - does that sound weird?
No i dont think it sounds weird! Ive always found the whole aspect of pregnancy very strange! - I mean, how do our bodies make a lil baby? baffles me it does!
Glad you made it home JayDee -Jake is so cute! I'm sure over the next few weeks it will start to sink in. Seems kindof surreal doesnt it?

AK - great pics on facebook! How does it feel being mom?

Hope your both enjoying your babies..... time goes by so fast - so enjoy these moments when they are brand new! Megan started reaching for toys and doing some playing this weekend... made me cry - LOL Spent the new years at my parents house since we didnt make it there for xmas... spent time with my grandparents also.. first time for them meeting Megan. Think I'm coming down sick... ughh! not good. Hoping Megan doesnt as well - that would be miserable!
Wow - I can't believe this is the first time I've managed to get online in days! Well, I can, I have a baby but....

Jake's settling into life on the outside well I think, breast feeding is going well, a lot better than I expected. I'm glad because I don't like not being able to do things without a good reason!
We took him to meet his 10 month old cousin yesterday - he slept, she tried to pull his feet off!!! She was also almost hypnotised by me smelling of breast milk - she was bottle fed from 2 days old so probably really novel to her.

Jake still doesn't do much, but we're still completely in love with him. DH is great with him, I knew he'd be good but he's amazing. I'm pretty sure he has changed more nappies than me, and can calm him down better (unless he's hungry). Jake's fave place to be seems to be daddy's chest - it's soooo cute :)

He also seemed to grasp night time last night. He had a feed at just before 12, then slept till 5.30, fed and changed and he's asleep again now. The last couple of nights he'd been awake every couple of hours, was hoping that wouldn't continue....

So - Emma, still here I guess? When do you get to talk to people about sweeps and inductions? Are you in the fed up overdue club or have you gone like I did and given up caring, baby will come when he's ready?
Ive kinda given up caring lol, especially with this snow!

Gotta sweep on thursday and apparently they'll take me in over weekend for induction, though dont have a definite appt yet!

Glad things are going well for you! you lot need to be sharing more pics!!
Wow JayDee - Im so jealous of your sleep! LOL I feel its a good night if Megan goes 3 hours between feeds!

Megan and I are both coming down sick - but its taking a while to actually happen... she has watery gunky eyes and a few sneezes & last night her temp went up but not enough to be considered a fever and bring her in. It seems to have gone back to normal so fx it was just a fluke!

Emma - I keep waiting for news from you.... I bet your tired of everyone asking "is he here yet?" LOL Hopefully by the end of the week!

Everyone is so scarce recently... hmmm must be busy with all these new babies! So when we do get time and Emma has her LO where are we going to move to?? We can't stay in pregnancy forums forever....

Loving the pics on facebook girls... I'll try to get some new pics up soon Emma.

Hope everyone is doing well and having fun being new mommies!

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