Thank you for replying, I'm literally at a loss at the moment and have been back and forth to the doctors already.
I'm sure they think I'm over exaggerating haha.
I initially went when he was 3 weeks due to; back arching, stiffness, screaming and squirming after feeds, vomiting (although this was a huge concern), snotty sounding nose, wheezing, grimacing and toilet issues.
Was told it was reflux and sent away with Gaviscon which didn't help so I moved him onto Aptamil anti reflux milk as advised by the doctor. His toilet issues grew progressively worse and while I've mentioned on countless time since he has been born to numerous health professionals that his stools are hard, they became worse which has led to him bleeding.
Cue prescription for lactulose which we did for 5 days with no joy of softening and more screaming episodes. I then got him weighed yesterday and the health visitor actually rang my doctors to get him an emergency appointment as she didn't like the look of his tummy. We was given movicol and told to give him 1 sachet (he's 5wks and struggles to drink water without choking so literally been spoon fed it!) And it's still not worked!!
Surely it's something causing it! From about 2 weeks old I've had the back of my mind a milk allergy and when researching he ticks numerous boxes. Back to the doctors tomorrow for a review of the movicol which has been a let down, I'm hoping for a referral.
Thank you for your insights, I'm just clutching on for hope that we get to the bottom of it.