watery to no cm. not sure if that is a pre af sign or pre pregnancy sign.
So here are my symptoms 4days till AF.....
1) huge xtreamly painful throbbing bb's! The veins are so very noticeable, looks like somone has drawn a map on each one!
2) weeing more. Wakeing to go during the night! Being desperate first thing in morn and needing to go almost every hour.... Normally I only go about 3 times in a day!
3) been off food.... Food tastes different.... Not enjoying my usual favourites Can't say any more than that really.
4) strange taste in mouth prob affects no. 3 above?
5) snotty nose.... Tmi sorry!
6) hightened smell..... I left some dishes in the sink to be washed up and when I returned a while later the smell made me heave....
...... Suspect symptoms don't ya think... I'm unsure as to when I OV'ed but AF is due on Sunday.
I HAVE ABSOLUTLY NO CM WHAT SO EVER!!... I am bone dry which is strangely unusual for me???? What's going on???