Blimey, i didnt expect all the pointing of fingers!! i wont bother quoting the comments that have upset me here as its obvious which comments would have.
As for picking him up, WE DO!! all day every day. We co slept from the day we got back from hospital as he wouldnt settle alone.
In the past few days though he still cries in our bed, no matter where he is.
We literally hold him all day between the 2 of us as if we put him down he cries.
So please do not suggest we just leave him to cry for hours as we dont.
I am hardly eating so my priority isnt 'having a meal with hubby' as someone put it, but i have to eat as i am breastfeeding!! I am not hungry due to being sick with worry about why he cries so i have to force myself to eat.
I am feeding max every 2 hours or before if he demands it. His weight gain was very good at last so there isnt an issue with my milk, if anything it comes out too quick so i have to slow the flow to stop him being sick and coughing.
It is true that the older generation say to leave them cry for a bit, which i find hard to deal with.
If co-sleeping would comfort him now and we could do it SAFELY i would do it. Perhaps someone could advise on a safe way to do this? ... instead of making me feel like a bad mom.
As i say, at present even when we pick him up he still cries, so whatever we do he is crying.
I always make sure he has a clean nappy and is fed, winded, not to warm or cold etc to eliminate the obvious but still he cries.