Current *Possible* Miscarriage Buddies

Sorry I havent posted in a while. I can see many have not. I just thought I would share some updates with you ladies and maybe get some updates from everyone who has posted.

I have 1 regular cycle ofter my miscarriage in March. I bled for almost 6 weeks. I was in hell. We tried to conceive as soon as I had my first normal period and as luck would have it..... :bfp: We got pregnant on the first try! I have been a ball or nerves this whole 9 weeks. I have had a few issues alon the way but I am 9 weeks today and NOT bleeding. I see my OB today for a exam and ultrasound.

I have been having a lot of lower back pain. And I mean a lot. Off and on for 5 weeks. The past few days have been very painful. I have also noticed some twinge like pains inside my vaginal walls. I have discharge, but no blood. :happydance:

I will post more good news tomorrow.

Congratulations, Misfit!!! I'm so happy for you.

I haven't posted in a while either. After my miscarriage in March, I got pregnant again in June while we weren't really trying, and then miscarried at six weeks again earlier this month. I don't know why. I am supposed to take some supplements to help my progesterone levels and stuff for next time. I just ordered them, so I haven't started taking them. Hopefully it helps and I don't have to go through this again.

If its a progesterone issue, Why dont your doctors just give you progesterone Supposatories? I am sorry for your loss. That was my fear this time that I would misscarry again but I am almost 3 weeks further along this time. Plus there is a baby this time as well.
it doesn't look like anyone has been out here in awhile - but I'll post...

I am waiting for the miscarriage - I think it has 'started' - I am bleeding now - and cramping. Not a lot of blood, probably like the 'start' of a normal period. I am guessing it will get worse - not sure how soon to expect it to get more intense. I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying? That may sound odd,but, I was really hoping to take my daughter swimming, and this is my week off to spend with her. I'll be very sad if I can't do that with her (one of her favorite things to do). I could see not wearing one for a day or two, but if the worse of it is over, and it's just residual - wonder if I could get away with it.
it doesn't look like anyone has been out here in awhile - but I'll post...

I am waiting for the miscarriage - I think it has 'started' - I am bleeding now - and cramping. Not a lot of blood, probably like the 'start' of a normal period. I am guessing it will get worse - not sure how soon to expect it to get more intense. I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying? That may sound odd,but, I was really hoping to take my daughter swimming, and this is my week off to spend with her. I'll be very sad if I can't do that with her (one of her favorite things to do). I could see not wearing one for a day or two, but if the worse of it is over, and it's just residual - wonder if I could get away with it.

I remember being told NOT to wear tampons with my miscarriage. Also, You might want to hold off on the pool as well because of possible infection. It does sound a bit odd, I guess It just doesnt sound like you seem to care that you are about to miscarry.
I am so relieved to have a place to talk about my experience. I feel wierd posting in the other forums because I am in limbo right now. Here's my story:

My LMP was 5/4/11 and I ovulated around 5/19/11. I got my BFP on 5/31/11.

My hCG level at 4w4d was 1712. I went in for an u/s at 8w where the tech only saw the gestational sac and yolk sac. I went in for another ultrasound at 8w6d at a different facility because I worried the tech didn't know what she was doing. This tech still couldn't see the baby; only the gestational sac and yolk sac. I measured 7w4d. The radiologist came in and said it was most likely a blighted ovum. I got my hCG levels checked again and they were 98,724 on July 6th (8w6d) and 110,035 on July 8th (9w1d). The doctor was confused as to why my numbers were still going up so he ordered another ultrasound three days later when I was 9w4d. At that u/s, I measured 7w5d and still no baby. The same radiologist came in and said I had experienced fetal demise. My doctor was about to go on vacation for two weeks and called me to see if I wanted a D&C or to wait 2 weeks and get another ultrasound. That is where I am right now.. Waiting... I have never had any bleeding nor unusual cramping. My bbs are still slightly sore and I still have stretching cramps in my uterus. I am tired all the time and get nauseous if I don't eat something. I am still constipated and bloated and gassy.

I go in for my 12w u/s on July 28th and I am so scared that they still won't see my baby. This has been the hardest month ever. I wake up worrying whether I have a baby inside me or not and I dream about it at night. I know a lot of women say they would rather find out early than to go into their 12w u/s and be told their baby had died but I wished I never had those early u/s so I could have at least enjoyed being pregnant until I found out otherwise. If I hadn't had those u/s, I would still be thinking everything is fine because I feel fine.

The waiting is misery. I can't talk to my friends/family about it because what can they say? I'm sorry you are going through this? I need to talk to someone who has been there and can understand the pain I am going through not knowing if I am carrying a baby or not. I am afraid of making a decision if I am going to mc because I didn't want a D&C but listening to all these women who bleed for weeks and are in pain for their natural miscarriages scare the hell out of me. I want a natural mc if I am going to mc but I also hear sometimes the body won't mc naturally. I am so depressed right now. I just lie on the couch all day and stay in bed as long as I can in the mornings. I just wish there was a way to know for sure what is going on.

Thank you for listening to me.
Tracy143- it feels better to talk to people that understand. It's been four months since mine, and its still hard to talk to people. By this time, people are like"really? Just shut up now". I bled for ten days naturally. It's hard to do it naturally, but I wouldn't have done it any other way. Im sorry for your loss, just know there are so many you can talk to.

Misfit- some people handle it better than others. I feel her pain.
it doesn't look like anyone has been out here in awhile - but I'll post...

I am waiting for the miscarriage - I think it has 'started' - I am bleeding now - and cramping. Not a lot of blood, probably like the 'start' of a normal period. I am guessing it will get worse - not sure how soon to expect it to get more intense. I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying? That may sound odd,but, I was really hoping to take my daughter swimming, and this is my week off to spend with her. I'll be very sad if I can't do that with her (one of her favorite things to do). I could see not wearing one for a day or two, but if the worse of it is over, and it's just residual - wonder if I could get away with it.

I remember being told NOT to wear tampons with my miscarriage. Also, You might want to hold off on the pool as well because of possible infection. It does sound a bit odd, I guess It just doesnt sound like you seem to care that you are about to miscarry.

It's not that I don't care :( This is the second time around. It kind of hurts that you say that. ok more than kinda.

I'm dealing with it, it hurts like hell, but I'm not letting the grief rule my life. I have a 3 year old daughter, and before I found out I was going to miscarry, I scheduled this week off to spend with her - my husband is out of town, and last year at almost this time, I miscarried as well. Before I found out I was pregnant last year, my daughter and I had close to a week off together to be with ourselves, and the most special time we had was my taking her to the pool EVERY day. I was teaching her to get used to the water, to learn to kick (She was 2), and she was SOO incredibly happy. The memory of that week has stuck with me and I was Absolutely looking forward to that again. To spend that time with her bonding. When I found out I was miscarrying, it dawned on me that not only was I losing my baby, but, the special one-on-one activity that my daughter loved doing SO Much, I wouldn't be able to do. It was like driving the knife in deeper. So I was very depressed about it. I can't do anything about the miscarriage, Nothing. It's out of my control, but to know that the one thing we had planned on doing so much while i was off this week, we couldn't do, was ripping me up too.

Just because someone reaches a 'numb' stage about losing a baby, doesn't mean they don't care. I hurt so much the last time, that I just don't have it in me to go through that again. I NEED to be ok with it, so am doing my best.

I'm not rolled up in a ball on my bed with the door shut bawling my eyes out - but believe me, I WANT to do that. I can't with my daughter here. I'm also going through it alone with my husband out of town on a business trip - so it sucks.

My doctor told me that as long as I only have the tampon in for about an hour or so, it would be ok to go swimming (i was shocked - from what I had read swimming was out). I think it's likely because my levels never got above 200, so this is really no more of an affect on my body(physically at least) than a heavy period. He said with the levels that low there wouldn't even be enough tissue to send to biopsy or test for an issue.

I do have some level of relief, I was scared to death of what this would be like, and I think because the levels never really went anywhere, I won't 'see' anything as it passes. that horrified me beyond belief. to see a baby pass out of you- no matter what stage - is a horrendous thought. I am focusing on the 2 pieces of 'silver lining' in this nightmare, 1. that I can bond with my daughter spending time in the pool, and 2. that I won't be caught up all night or for hours in extreme labor pains as my body tries to pass the little one that didn't survive. If that makes me sound cold or uncaring... I am sorry.
Tina- I am sorry but when I read "I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying?" just really made me uncomfortable and got me off guard. Never heard anyone say they were okay with their miscarriage.

Everyone is allowed to greive in their own way. I know that. I understand that. But your post, for the first time here....Really effected me and I needed to say something about it. I know life goes on and you have a daughter but maybe its just the coldness or the way you said it. I dont know.
Tina- I am sorry but when I read "I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying?" just really made me uncomfortable and got me off guard. Never heard anyone say they were okay with their miscarriage.

Everyone is allowed to greive in their own way. I know that. I understand that. But your post, for the first time here....Really effected me and I needed to say something about it. I know life goes on and you have a daughter but maybe its just the coldness or the way you said it. I dont know.

'ok' with it meaning that I'm not falling completely apart. 'ok' doesn't mean 'good' or 'happy' or that it doesn't bother me. I am saying "I Am OK". if only to convince myself that I will be 'ok'

sometimes it's easy to misinterpret someone's meaning. being in the center of grief, it'd be no different if you called someone that lost a close loved one, and they said to you "I'm Ok" and changed the subject to something else so they weren't wallowing in the hurt.

I don't think you were meaning to hurt by the words. I do want to say though - by inviting people to share in this thread, asking them to come over to it, they could be in all stages of grief. Denial being one - I am sure you went through those too. Please just be thoughtful when people post, that there may be more behind the words.. this is my second miscarriage, double the pain ...

anyhow - as I said, I didn't think you meant it to hurt - I just came here for support under the circumstances - said I was miscarrying, and focused on something that was going to help me cope with it (swimming with my daughter).

Take care, and I sincerely hope this pregnancy stays perfect for you and your baby is a beautiful healthy wonderful addition to your family.

with love,
misfit, I am so happy for you! I haven't had the chance to read through this whole thread but I did read about your 6 weeks of hell and your new BFP. Your experience is exactly what I am afraid of; bleeding for weeks and being in pain. With my levels so high, I am afraid it would take months for me to naturally miscarry.
misfit, I am so happy for you! I haven't had the chance to read through this whole thread but I did read about your 6 weeks of hell and your new BFP. Your experience is exactly what I am afraid of; bleeding for weeks and being in pain. With my levels so high, I am afraid it would take months for me to naturally miscarry.

Are you losing your pregnancy? Your signitures show your over 10 weeks. Did you recently find out you are going to miscarry? I was not in a lot of pain really. Well, I was in a good bit of discomfort for a few days but mostly I just bled a lot. I never thought I was going to stop bleeding and once I finally did stop. I think 3-5 days later I got my period. It was horrible. My doctor said the reason was because I didnt have a "Big Event" so thats why I bled more and I cant decide which one I would have had, Bleeding for 3 times as long or having the big event and losing a lot of blood and baby at once. Neither one is a good choice.

I am so sorry if yoyu are going to miscarry. I really am. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. Please PM and share your story of why your having a miscarriage. Have you started to bleed yet?
Tina- I am sorry but when I read "I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying?" just really made me uncomfortable and got me off guard. Never heard anyone say they were okay with their miscarriage.

Everyone is allowed to greive in their own way. I know that. I understand that. But your post, for the first time here....Really effected me and I needed to say something about it. I know life goes on and you have a daughter but maybe its just the coldness or the way you said it. I dont know.

She didn't say "I"M OK WITH THE MISCARRIAGE." Considering you have suffered a miscarriage it seems like you would be a little kinder to another member of the human race suffering from the same thing.
Sorry I havent posted in a while. I can see many have not. I just thought I would share some updates with you ladies and maybe get some updates from everyone who has posted.

I have 1 regular cycle ofter my miscarriage in March. I bled for almost 6 weeks. I was in hell. We tried to conceive as soon as I had my first normal period and as luck would have it..... :bfp: We got pregnant on the first try! I have been a ball or nerves this whole 9 weeks. I have had a few issues alon the way but I am 9 weeks today and NOT bleeding. I see my OB today for a exam and ultrasound.

I have been having a lot of lower back pain. And I mean a lot. Off and on for 5 weeks. The past few days have been very painful. I have also noticed some twinge like pains inside my vaginal walls. I have discharge, but no blood. :happydance:

I will post more good news tomorrow.

Congratulations, Misfit!!! I'm so happy for you.

I haven't posted in a while either. After my miscarriage in March, I got pregnant again in June while we weren't really trying, and then miscarried at six weeks again earlier this month. I don't know why. I am supposed to take some supplements to help my progesterone levels and stuff for next time. I just ordered them, so I haven't started taking them. Hopefully it helps and I don't have to go through this again.

If its a progesterone issue, Why don't your doctors just give you progesterone Suppositories? I am sorry for your loss. That was my fear this time that I would miscarry again but I am almost 3 weeks further along this time. Plus there is a baby this time as well.

I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond. I'm taking supplements rather than the suppositories because it's all natural medicine this time. Last time the progesterone the regular doctor gave me didn't help, so I'm trying something new. I'm not sure it will work, but it's worth a shot.
Tracy143- it feels better to talk to people that understand. It's been four months since mine, and its still hard to talk to people. By this time, people are like"really? Just shut up now". I bled for ten days naturally. It's hard to do it naturally, but I wouldn't have done it any other way. Im sorry for your loss, just know there are so many you can talk to.

Misfit- some people handle it better than others. I feel her pain.

I agree about it being hard to talk about still, and some people are insensitive. I saw my oldest sister for the first time since my miscarriage about a month and a half later. I mentioned how in a few days it would have been my second trimester. She looked at me like I was stupid and said, "Why do you still think about that?" :growlmad:
Tina- I am sorry but when I read "I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying?" just really made me uncomfortable and got me off guard. Never heard anyone say they were okay with their miscarriage.

Everyone is allowed to greive in their own way. I know that. I understand that. But your post, for the first time here....Really effected me and I needed to say something about it. I know life goes on and you have a daughter but maybe its just the coldness or the way you said it. I dont know.

She didn't say "I"M OK WITH THE MISCARRIAGE." Considering you have suffered a miscarriage it seems like you would be a little kinder to another member of the human race suffering from the same thing.

If your not suffering from a miscarriage, You shouldnt be posting.
Tracy143- it feels better to talk to people that understand. It's been four months since mine, and its still hard to talk to people. By this time, people are like"really? Just shut up now". I bled for ten days naturally. It's hard to do it naturally, but I wouldn't have done it any other way. Im sorry for your loss, just know there are so many you can talk to.

I agree about it being hard to talk about still, and some people are insensitive. I saw my oldest sister for the first time since my miscarriage about a month and a half later. I mentioned how in a few days it would have been my second trimester. She looked at me like I was stupid and said, "Why do you still think about that?" :growlmad:

It's crazy. My miscarriage was only four months ago. Yet, everyone thinks I'm thinking about it too long. If a friend or a loved one (not that this child wasn't already loved) had died, they would want me to be talking about that after four months. I guess people just don't understand miscarriages.
misfit, I am so happy for you! I haven't had the chance to read through this whole thread but I did read about your 6 weeks of hell and your new BFP. Your experience is exactly what I am afraid of; bleeding for weeks and being in pain. With my levels so high, I am afraid it would take months for me to naturally miscarry.

Are you losing your pregnancy? Your signitures show your over 10 weeks. Did you recently find out you are going to miscarry? I was not in a lot of pain really. Well, I was in a good bit of discomfort for a few days but mostly I just bled a lot. I never thought I was going to stop bleeding and once I finally did stop. I think 3-5 days later I got my period. It was horrible. My doctor said the reason was because I didnt have a "Big Event" so thats why I bled more and I cant decide which one I would have had, Bleeding for 3 times as long or having the big event and losing a lot of blood and baby at once. Neither one is a good choice.

I am so sorry if yoyu are going to miscarry. I really am. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. Please PM and share your story of why your having a miscarriage. Have you started to bleed yet?

Most of my story is in a few posts from this one. I also neglected to say that I have a subchorionic haematoma as well. I have not bled at all since my last menstrual cycle. No spotting either.
Tina- I am sorry but when I read "I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying?" just really made me uncomfortable and got me off guard. Never heard anyone say they were okay with their miscarriage.

Everyone is allowed to greive in their own way. I know that. I understand that. But your post, for the first time here....Really effected me and I needed to say something about it. I know life goes on and you have a daughter but maybe its just the coldness or the way you said it. I dont know.

She didn't say "I"M OK WITH THE MISCARRIAGE." Considering you have suffered a miscarriage it seems like you would be a little kinder to another member of the human race suffering from the same thing.

If your not suffering from a miscarriage, You shouldnt be posting.

You have no control over that. YOU should not be posting here if you are going to be mean to other members who are least I was being kind to someone suffering a miscarriage.
Tina- I am sorry but when I read "I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying?" just really made me uncomfortable and got me off guard. Never heard anyone say they were okay with their miscarriage.

Everyone is allowed to greive in their own way. I know that. I understand that. But your post, for the first time here....Really effected me and I needed to say something about it. I know life goes on and you have a daughter but maybe its just the coldness or the way you said it. I dont know.

She didn't say "I"M OK WITH THE MISCARRIAGE." Considering you have suffered a miscarriage it seems like you would be a little kinder to another member of the human race suffering from the same thing.

If your not suffering from a miscarriage, You shouldnt be posting.

You have no control over that. YOU should not be posting here if you are going to be mean to other members who are least I was being kind to someone suffering a miscarriage.

I never said I had control over anything. But you really shouldnt be coming to a thread just to fight. I can report you for that. You are NOT being helpful and I think you should kindly stop posting now.
Tina- I am sorry but when I read "I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying?" just really made me uncomfortable and got me off guard. Never heard anyone say they were okay with their miscarriage.

Everyone is allowed to greive in their own way. I know that. I understand that. But your post, for the first time here....Really effected me and I needed to say something about it. I know life goes on and you have a daughter but maybe its just the coldness or the way you said it. I dont know.

She didn't say "I"M OK WITH THE MISCARRIAGE." Considering you have suffered a miscarriage it seems like you would be a little kinder to another member of the human race suffering from the same thing.

If your not suffering from a miscarriage, You shouldnt be posting.

You have no control over that. YOU should not be posting here if you are going to be mean to other members who are least I was being kind to someone suffering a miscarriage.

I never said I had control over anything. But you really shouldnt be coming to a thread just to fight. I can report you for that. You are NOT being helpful and I think you should kindly stop posting now.

Not trying to. Just trying to get to the bottom of why this young lady isn't getting the respect she deserves in her time of need. No human being deserves to be treated like that.
Tina- I am sorry but when I read "I'm ok with it. Does anyone know if you can wear tampons while miscarrying?" just really made me uncomfortable and got me off guard. Never heard anyone say they were okay with their miscarriage.

Everyone is allowed to greive in their own way. I know that. I understand that. But your post, for the first time here....Really effected me and I needed to say something about it. I know life goes on and you have a daughter but maybe its just the coldness or the way you said it. I dont know.

She didn't say "I"M OK WITH THE MISCARRIAGE." Considering you have suffered a miscarriage it seems like you would be a little kinder to another member of the human race suffering from the same thing.

If your not suffering from a miscarriage, You shouldnt be posting.

You have no control over that. YOU should not be posting here if you are going to be mean to other members who are least I was being kind to someone suffering a miscarriage.

I never said I had control over anything. But you really shouldnt be coming to a thread just to fight. I can report you for that. You are NOT being helpful and I think you should kindly stop posting now.

Not trying to. Just trying to get to the bottom of why this young lady isn't getting the respect she deserves in her time of need. No human being deserves to be treated like that.

You have been reported.

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