Current *Possible* Miscarriage Buddies

Well, the results are in...

My doctor reviewed the u/s scan and says that I have a small cyst in my endometrium, and a small cyst on my right ovary. that is all.... no baby... very sad right now but I guess I just gotta keep trying right.

I'm sorry hun. i had a small cyst on my right ovary as well. Are you going to start trying right away? We are. If I can ever stop bleeding!

I've had a few minutes to cry and think, and heres whats going on for me. I apologize ahead of time if this sounds stupid.

I have been trying to prepare myself for this for quite a few days, and I know that half of me was expecting to be told bad news. But ontop of the sadness, I'm also feeling a bit of insult to injury. I remember when I found out I was preg with my first LO, they found a cyst on my ovary and told me that its normal in early pregnancy - before you develop a placenta, this cyst actually works as such. Thats the only other time i've had any kind of cysts. So I just happen to have a cyst on my ovary again.... and also have a cyst in my endometrial lining, where a baby implants to, correct?

I have accepted that my baby is no longer with me.
But I feel like they are calling my baby a cyst.
They never once admitted that I had a miscarriage, though there is no way that I got 5 + BFP's, followed stringy blood and clots and the works...
I just wish that my angel was acknowledged, and not just amounted to a cyst. does this make sense?

I am lucky I have such a great husband. He told me our little one is in heaven with their grandma :sad2:

Sometimes doctors can be so clinical.
Well, the results are in...

My doctor reviewed the u/s scan and says that I have a small cyst in my endometrium, and a small cyst on my right ovary. that is all.... no baby... very sad right now but I guess I just gotta keep trying right.

I'm so sorry xxxx:hugs:
So where is everyone at right now in their current situations? I am back down to just spotting. Thank God. I generally feel better. I think I am going to get some OPK's today.
So where is everyone at right now in their current situations? I am back down to just spotting. Thank God. I generally feel better. I think I am going to get some OPK's today.

You know....I don't know exactly.:shrug: Some days I have nothing, then I'm back to spotting, back to nothing....Back and forth. I'm getting tired of this limbo. I hope my levels are at 0 on Monday [-o<
I guess I belong in this thread. I am 6 weeks pregnant, and at risk for miscarriage. I am bleeding and have low hcg and low progesterone levels, so I'm on a progesterone supplement to try to save the baby. I go in tomorrow for more blood tests to see how things are progressing.
So where is everyone at right now in their current situations? I am back down to just spotting. Thank God. I generally feel better. I think I am going to get some OPK's today.

Welp, I guess according to the doctors I'm back to "everything is perfectly fine" though I am questioning how the situation was handled and if there is anything else supposed to be done. Like... because my endometrium is still thickened and there is a 'cyst' there... will that pass with my next period or would I need d & c? I haven't had anymore bleeding or spotting whatsoever.. so I guess I am lucky with that. I have been considering getting some OPK's soon as well.
So where is everyone at right now in their current situations? I am back down to just spotting. Thank God. I generally feel better. I think I am going to get some OPK's today.

I'm cramping a lot, which shouldn't scare me, because I actually didn't cramp with my miscarriages, just started spotting. I was 5w4d with the last one, and that's what I'll be tomorrow.

Having lower back pain....

Dr. saw a small gestational sac on monday the 21st, but I don't think he could've seen much more, because I'm pretty sure I was barely five weeks then.

So, I guess for now things are good with me...still scared because doctor doesn't seem as optimistic as I would like..

I've posted my whole story elsewhere, but I mc'd in february and got a bfp exactly 4 weeks later. Went to doctor and nurse said that I am miscarrying again due to the urine test not turning postive fast enough to satisfy her.

beta was 201 on 3/15 and 741 on 3/18.

Now i'm just in limbo...even though my heart says it's going to be okay the doctors just seem unconvinced and I don't even know why.
I really want the bleeding to stop! I'm so tired of it...

As of tomorrow, Sunday I will have been bleeding now for 3 weeks. I am sick of it already. I started spotted a couple days ago and I was so releaved that it was finally over. NOPE! I started bleeding again yesterday and then today out of no where I had horrble period like cramps and lower back pain and I started bleeding again. Driving me nuts for sure. And the color never stays the same. It will turn brown and I will get excited its almost over and then today a dark red and somtimes bright red but then back to dark red and now back to brown. Isnt bright red blood new blood? So do I have a bleed or something? I dont know of course because my doctor wont do a ultrasound. I am waiting for my HCG levels. They should have them on Monday and I am praying for 0. If I have to have a D and C, I will be mortified. My cramps eased up but lower back pain is horrible.
So where is everyone at right now in their current situations? I am back down to just spotting. Thank God. I generally feel better. I think I am going to get some OPK's today.

I'm cramping a lot, which shouldn't scare me, because I actually didn't cramp with my miscarriages, just started spotting. I was 5w4d with the last one, and that's what I'll be tomorrow.

Having lower back pain....

Dr. saw a small gestational sac on monday the 21st, but I don't think he could've seen much more, because I'm pretty sure I was barely five weeks then.

So, I guess for now things are good with me...still scared because doctor doesn't seem as optimistic as I would like..

I've posted my whole story elsewhere, but I mc'd in february and got a bfp exactly 4 weeks later. Went to doctor and nurse said that I am miscarrying again due to the urine test not turning postive fast enough to satisfy her.

beta was 201 on 3/15 and 741 on 3/18.

Now i'm just in limbo...even though my heart says it's going to be okay the doctors just seem unconvinced and I don't even know why.

You have to be 5 weeks, 5 days to see a gestational sac. That I know. Plus your beta needs to be at least 1,500 as well. How are you feeling? Are you still feeling pregnant or do you feel like your cramps are period cramps? ANy bleeding?
I guess I belong in this thread. I am 6 weeks pregnant, and at risk for miscarriage. I am bleeding and have low hcg and low progesterone levels, so I'm on a progesterone supplement to try to save the baby. I go in tomorrow for more blood tests to see how things are progressing.

I am so sorry. I had bleeding and Low HCG levels as well. Mine did rise, but not fast enough. WHat are your HCG levels? Keep us posted with your new blood results. I get mine on Monday as well.
I guess I belong in this thread. I am 6 weeks pregnant, and at risk for miscarriage. I am bleeding and have low hcg and low progesterone levels, so I'm on a progesterone supplement to try to save the baby. I go in tomorrow for more blood tests to see how things are progressing.

I am so sorry. I had bleeding and Low HCG levels as well. Mine did rise, but not fast enough. WHat are your HCG levels? Keep us posted with your new blood results. I get mine on Monday as well.

My first hCG level on Wednesday was 228 and in two days it only rose to 430. I have to go back tomorrow for a third round of tests. My progesterone levels rose high, so I only have to take one pill a day now, but I'm worried about the hCG. I'm still bleeding. It's red and light, but worse than spotting. Friday evening I went to the bathroom two times in a row and only had light pink spotting, and then the next three times there was absolutely nothing. I was so happy, thinking I might not bleed anymore, but the sixth time I went -- red blood again. I hate this. :cry: I feel so bad for everyone in this thread. It is a horrible experience. I hope things get better for you. :flower:
I guess I belong in this thread. I am 6 weeks pregnant, and at risk for miscarriage. I am bleeding and have low hcg and low progesterone levels, so I'm on a progesterone supplement to try to save the baby. I go in tomorrow for more blood tests to see how things are progressing.

I am so sorry. I had bleeding and Low HCG levels as well. Mine did rise, but not fast enough. WHat are your HCG levels? Keep us posted with your new blood results. I get mine on Monday as well.

My first hCG level on Wednesday was 228 and in two days it only rose to 430. I have to go back tomorrow for a third round of tests. My progesterone levels rose high, so I only have to take one pill a day now, but I'm worried about the hCG. I'm still bleeding. It's red and light, but worse than spotting. Friday evening I went to the bathroom two times in a row and only had light pink spotting, and then the next three times there was absolutely nothing. I was so happy, thinking I might not bleed anymore, but the sixth time I went -- red blood again. I hate this. :cry: I feel so bad for everyone in this thread. It is a horrible experience. I hope things get better for you. :flower:

Your HCG level is low for 6 weeks but it did double so maybe your earlier than you thought? Mine at 6 weeks were 894 and 3 days later it was 1347 which is not doubling. Yours is at least almost doubling. I am sorry for you. This is the worst, being pregnant and not knowing if you are in fact going to miscarry.
I guess I belong in this thread. I am 6 weeks pregnant, and at risk for miscarriage. I am bleeding and have low hcg and low progesterone levels, so I'm on a progesterone supplement to try to save the baby. I go in tomorrow for more blood tests to see how things are progressing.

I am so sorry. I had bleeding and Low HCG levels as well. Mine did rise, but not fast enough. WHat are your HCG levels? Keep us posted with your new blood results. I get mine on Monday as well.

My first hCG level on Wednesday was 228 and in two days it only rose to 430. I have to go back tomorrow for a third round of tests. My progesterone levels rose high, so I only have to take one pill a day now, but I'm worried about the hCG. I'm still bleeding. It's red and light, but worse than spotting. Friday evening I went to the bathroom two times in a row and only had light pink spotting, and then the next three times there was absolutely nothing. I was so happy, thinking I might not bleed anymore, but the sixth time I went -- red blood again. I hate this. :cry: I feel so bad for everyone in this thread. It is a horrible experience. I hope things get better for you. :flower:

Your HCG level is low for 6 weeks but it did double so maybe your earlier than you thought? Mine at 6 weeks were 894 and 3 days later it was 1347 which is not doubling. Yours is at least almost doubling. I am sorry for you. This is the worst, being pregnant and not knowing if you are in fact going to miscarry.

The doctor said I might be earlier. Deep inside, I really think I'm just going to miscarry. I try to stay positive, but it's so hard with all of this going on. I am so nervous about tomorrow's blood test. I'm afraid of getting bad news. You're right; it is horrible not knowing. Pregnancy should be a time of happiness, but I feel like I can't even enjoy it.
blueberries....I'm so sorry you are going through this. with my previous mc's i didn't have any #'s to worry me, just hpts that wouldn't go dark. things can always work out. good luck!

afm...I feel okay. I've had no spotting and think I should be six weeks tomorrow. I know it is possible to see a gestational sac at five weeks, as long as my beta was high enough. i've not heard back from the doctor who was supposed to schedule me for another scan. for now, i'll just live happily and assume everything is fine, even though the nurse was especially negative regarding this pregnancy.

my heart is telling me it is going to be okay.
Well I have some bad news. I received my lab results today. My beta dropped from 537 to 387. My doctor said when the results come back she would like to see it around 80-100. Not to mention I was suppose to have my labs drawn on Monday and I had them drawn on Friday so it should be lower then the anticipated 80-100. I am awaiting a phone call from my OB to schedule a D and C to prevent the risk of a possible infection. I have been bleeding for over 3 weeks. I really don't want to have a D and C and I can tolerate the cramps and bleeding but I think it is clear that my body is not properly expelling everything. My worst fear confirmed. I oppted to avoid a D and C and let my body run its course only to find out that after a miserible 3 weeks, I have to have one anyway. I am so upset.

Beta 537
UPDATE- Doctor is suggesting I have one more beta drawn before moving forward with a D and C. So I will have blood work drawn on Friday again with results on Monday. She says if I am nto out of the 300's...She will schedule a D and C for me at the hospital. She says she doesnt do them.

Fingers crossed. Come on Beta...drop!!!!!!!!
blueberries....I'm so sorry you are going through this. with my previous mc's i didn't have any #'s to worry me, just hpts that wouldn't go dark. things can always work out. good luck!

afm...I feel okay. I've had no spotting and think I should be six weeks tomorrow. I know it is possible to see a gestational sac at five weeks, as long as my beta was high enough. i've not heard back from the doctor who was supposed to schedule me for another scan. for now, i'll just live happily and assume everything is fine, even though the nurse was especially negative regarding this pregnancy.

my heart is telling me it is going to be okay.

Thank you. I'm so anxious about it. I hope everything is going well for you. Have you heard from the doctor yet?
UPDATE- Doctor is suggesting I have one more beta drawn before moving forward with a D and C. So I will have blood work drawn on Friday again with results on Monday. She says if I am nto out of the 300's...She will schedule a D and C for me at the hospital. She says she doesnt do them.

Fingers crossed. Come on Beta...drop!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry. I hope your beta drops like you want it to. I would be afraid of a D&C too. I hope if I miscarry it all happens naturally.

I got my third set of blood tests today, but the nurse still hasn't called me with the results. I'm getting anxious. Normally they would have called me by now. I'm hoping it's just because it's a busy Monday. I'll go nuts if she doesn't call at all today.

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