Sorry I havent posted in a while. I can see many have not. I just thought I would share some updates with you ladies and maybe get some updates from everyone who has posted.
I have 1 regular cycle ofter my miscarriage in March. I bled for almost 6 weeks. I was in hell. We tried to conceive as soon as I had my first normal period and as luck would have it.....

We got pregnant on the first try! I have been a ball or nerves this whole 9 weeks. I have had a few issues alon the way but I am 9 weeks today and NOT bleeding. I see my OB today for a exam and ultrasound.
I have been having a lot of lower back pain. And I mean a lot. Off and on for 5 weeks. The past few days have been very painful. I have also noticed some twinge like pains inside my vaginal walls. I have discharge, but no blood.
I will post more good news tomorrow.