Current *Possible* Miscarriage Buddies

dunlapangel - im so sorry your going through this. I can be of no advice about which route would be best but ill be keeping everything crossed that your lil bean is that 1% and it works out for you xxx
Just to send gentle hugs to you ladies.

For those wondering about D&C I had it with my two mmc and it was fine, my body went back to normal really quickly, the bleeding was no more than a light period and I knew it was done and had no fear that I would see anything I didn;t want to or that there would be pain. I just wanted to get back to normal physically asap, for me that helped.

Much love
Thinking of all of you who are experiencing this. I think the thread is an excellent idea as miscarriage is something which is not spoken about enough in my opinion. It can be a very frightening and lonely experience if have no idea what you are going through or may expect.

I wish that I had set something up like this when I went through my first.

Sending you love x
Since I started this thread I would like to clarify some things. While there may be a support group or thread for women who have already miscarried....WE ARE ALL STILL PREGNANT. So I guess thats what I meant with this thread. So many of us are in Limbo. We are just finding out we may or may not lose our pregnancies. Mnay will have to wait weeks to find out. Some who have blughted Ovums will continue to be pregnant for days if not weeks. All of us ladies who had Empty sacs are STILL pregnant but are waiting with tons of questions and little support. I created this thread for these ladies. It is nto meant to offend all the ladies who are healthy and pregnant. If the conversation bothers you I advise not reading.

I have a Blighted Ovum. A empty sac with now baby. I was devistated. This was suppose to be our chance. We have tried for 5 years to get pregnant. With 2 failed IUI's we decided to take a break for a few months. In that 3 month window....A miricle happened. We go pregnant all on our own. How amazing is that? We shouted it from the rooftops to everyone who would listen. And now.....Now what do I have? Everythign that goes along with being pregnant without the reward of a child. I have been bleeding for 5 days but have still not passed anything to signal a loss. The wait....Is horrid. A Da dn C is simply not for me so I will wait it out. Its nto for everyone I know. We all handle this differently and need support either way as we are all still pregnant.

I know I could use some love and support. At first I was without true emotion because I was told there was no baby. Now....Now I am angry and crushed.
TBH this type of thread will be in limbo because if it was in the mc section it would be hard for some girls there to see any of you go on to have a viable pregancy. Whereas others in here can choose simpily not to read this. :hugs:

As for the route I took, I went for the natural way (I had a holiday booked :shock: and they wanted to do the D & C that week.) I took a gamble and went on holiday drinking plenty. Luckily I never had any major issues, it was like a period but lasted 4 weeks. Everyone is different however, but just make sure that if a BO has been confirmed, whatever route you take, to ask to get scanned in a few weeks, to ensure the process is over and HCG levels have gone down to non-pregnant.
Misfit76, I know what you mean/how you feel about still being pregnant (I think what I had was a blighted ovum). It was only a week ago (last Friday) where I went to EPU as I had some light bleeding but they said the scan was "inconclusive" so I had to go back in on Monday. The weekend wait was awful as we were "up in the air" but did come away not feeling the best or holding out much hope. I was, sounds cruel to say but, "lucky" in that over the weekend, I did bleed and passed a couple of clots which I guess confirmed things for me. So I had a bit of a wait but not as long as it seems you are waiting......... Thinking of u :flower:
Misfit76, I know what you mean/how you feel about still being pregnant (I think what I had was a blighted ovum). It was only a week ago (last Friday) where I went to EPU as I had some light bleeding but they said the scan was "inconclusive" so I had to go back in on Monday. The weekend wait was awful as we were "up in the air" but did come away not feeling the best or holding out much hope. I was, sounds cruel to say but, "lucky" in that over the weekend, I did bleed and passed a couple of clots which I guess confirmed things for me. So I had a bit of a wait but not as long as it seems you are waiting......... Thinking of u :flower:

Thanks. I am sorry for your loss. I have had heavy bleeding this evening about a pad a hour or so. Some info online says that 1 pad an hour you should call the Doctor but I always have really heavy periods so I do not feel like I am bleeding too much yet. I still havent passed anything to single a loss. I was told by the ER it would feel like a heavy period but that I would pass a sac and tissue and I have not. And so I continue to wait. At least my bleeding is becoming heavier wich is helping me to understand that I am really losing the pregnancy. I have told myself this whole time there was still a chance since I was just spotting. But, I think its over for me.

It sounds like you passed yours rather quickly. Did you have a ultrasound to make sure everything had passed? How are you feeling?
Thought I would join you all...

My dr is telling me that this is a non-viable pregnancy due to my HCG levels being low and slow to rise.

4w3d: 44
4w5d: 84
5w3d: 337
5w6d: 749
Progesterone is 17.20

My doctor is saying it should have jumped today and should be over 1000. He told me it will either start jumping or start declining... But he is telling me he has no answers for me, and to prepare for the worst.
Thought I would join you all as well.. There a few ladies on this board who are dealing with slow rising HCG levels etc...

My quick story is the doctor is going by my LMP on how far along I am (Jan 30 was LMP) I am 29-30 days. I say different cause I got a +OPK on cycle day 17 so I prob did not ovulate till CD 18-19. Based on my ovulation day I would of been 4 weeks on March 2nd (first day my blood was taken)

4w- 29.7 HCG (March 2)
4w5- 114 HCG (March 5)

Doctor wants me to come in tmrw for more blood and give me a prescription to get an ultrasound due to the fact that she thinks it is a possible ectopic pregnancy. WOW she doesn't seem that concerned for me. LONG story with her cause she had my results since Tuesday and only got back to me today.
Hi everyone. I have just this evening found out I am pregnant! Did a few test and the clear blue digital said 3+ wks so at least 5 wks pregnant. However, I've been bleeding or spotting not sure what it is for about 4 or 5 days. Pale pink colour. Kinda a bit sore on my left side and lower back.
Gonna contact ,y doctor and the early pregnancy unit tomorrow to find out whats happening. I have no idea how far on I am either :/
The bleeding isn't heavy so I'm staying hopeful. Can anyone give me any advice or share a similar experience?
Comparing a D & C and letting it go naturally.... My first miscarriage I had a D & C. The good thing was that afterwards there was very little bleeding. It was a very fast procedure (the actual surgery was only 5 minutes). It was also good that it got everything and I didn't have to worry about anything being left in there and getting infected. However, I hated going under anesthesia. My body was very sore the next day and I was not supposed to pick up anything over 10 pounds for 2 weeks (I had a 15 month old at the time). My 2nd mc I let it happen naturally. The bad part was I bled a lot and had to go to the ER to have my blood loss monitored( I was 12 +6 weeks so I was farther along). I bled for a long time afterward too, like a month. Also, I did see the fetus and I will never forget what it looked like. The reason I chose the natural route the 2nd time was...the weight lifting restrictions with D & C, the risks that my Dr. told me about with D & C that I wasn't told about before my first one, and I absolutely hated going under anesthesia. It's a tough decision and I hope that none of you have to make that choice because I wish you all healthy pregnancies but for those of you who already know you are miscarrying those were my experiences with d & c and natural mc. Hope it helps.
My story right now is slow rising betas (doubling, not quite doubling, doubling in 72 hrs, etc.). My last beta was Monday at 6w3d and it was 1126. I had an u/s that same day that only showed a gestational sac measuring in the 4 week range. I've stopped checking my betas this week and will go back next Monday for another beta and ultrasound.

Dr wants to see a yolk in the gestational sac. Hoping and praying we see the necessary growth. I had a miscarriage in December so I've just been so scared and anxious this pregnancy. And having less than stellar numbers hasn't helped. I'm hoping I can just be on those "slow rising betas but everything turned out fine" stories. I hope that happens for all of us!

Hugs to everyone, thinking of you all.
Comparing a D & C and letting it go naturally.... My first miscarriage I had a D & C. The good thing was that afterwards there was very little bleeding. It was a very fast procedure (the actual surgery was only 5 minutes). It was also good that it got everything and I didn't have to worry about anything being left in there and getting infected. However, I hated going under anesthesia. My body was very sore the next day and I was not supposed to pick up anything over 10 pounds for 2 weeks (I had a 15 month old at the time). My 2nd mc I let it happen naturally. The bad part was I bled a lot and had to go to the ER to have my blood loss monitored( I was 12 +6 weeks so I was farther along). I bled for a long time afterward too, like a month. Also, I did see the fetus and I will never forget what it looked like. The reason I chose the natural route the 2nd time was...the weight lifting restrictions with D & C, the risks that my Dr. told me about with D & C that I wasn't told about before my first one, and I absolutely hated going under anesthesia. It's a tough decision and I hope that none of you have to make that choice because I wish you all healthy pregnancies but for those of you who already know you are miscarrying those were my experiences with d & c and natural mc. Hope it helps.

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I know a D and C is not for everyone. I already had a hard enough time getting pregnant that I dotn want to compramise my uterus next time. There is more than enough research that shows abortions (D and C) weaken your uterus and cervix since ti has to be forced open to epty out the uterus. I dont want to complicate my next pregnancy with another possible miscarriage. But I am in no way putting anyoen down for having one. I would have one if instructed by a doctor for sure. I am just trying to do it naturally. I have a doctors Apt on Monday and I hope and pray that my body did its job and I have nothing left behind. I think the worst scenerio right now would be I bleed for 10+ days only to find out I have to have a D and C anyways.

I am sorry for your loss.
My story right now is slow rising betas (doubling, not quite doubling, doubling in 72 hrs, etc.). My last beta was Monday at 6w3d and it was 1126. I had an u/s that same day that only showed a gestational sac measuring in the 4 week range. I've stopped checking my betas this week and will go back next Monday for another beta and ultrasound.

Dr wants to see a yolk in the gestational sac. Hoping and praying we see the necessary growth. I had a miscarriage in December so I've just been so scared and anxious this pregnancy. And having less than stellar numbers hasn't helped. I'm hoping I can just be on those "slow rising betas but everything turned out fine" stories. I hope that happens for all of us!

Hugs to everyone, thinking of you all.

I too had a slow rising beta and empty sac. Never even heard of Blighten Ovum until this. I felt so uninformed. I am so sorry that you are going thru this and I hope and pray that you are one of the lucky ones who just so happens to have a slow rising beta. Keep us all posted.
Thought I would join you all...

My dr is telling me that this is a non-viable pregnancy due to my HCG levels being low and slow to rise.

4w3d: 44
4w5d: 84
5w3d: 337
5w6d: 749
Progesterone is 17.20

My doctor is saying it should have jumped today and should be over 1000. He told me it will either start jumping or start declining... But he is telling me he has no answers for me, and to prepare for the worst.

I'm sorry hun. But even though your levels are low, the seem to be almost doubling. Seriously....I did the math.
Misfit76: I think I more or less passed everything over last weekend so when I went in on Monday, the nurse did a scan and she said it did look like everything had gone. This week I have been bleeding and seems to be more or less stopping now. Which I'm thankful for. But I have had blood tests and they want me to go in again next week for another one. I did speak to a Doctor on Monday cos I was concerned about the amount of blood I was passing and she did say that if it is a pad an hour to check in. So if you are still bleeding quite heavily, I would phone EPU. I'm feeling ok now. Hope u get some info whether it's doctor's helping or your body telling you but just so it can help you move on, I know how distressing it is when you're in limbo :hugs: X
Since I started this thread I would like to clarify some things. While there may be a support group or thread for women who have already miscarried....WE ARE ALL STILL PREGNANT. So I guess thats what I meant with this thread. So many of us are in Limbo. We are just finding out we may or may not lose our pregnancies. Mnay will have to wait weeks to find out. Some who have blughted Ovums will continue to be pregnant for days if not weeks. All of us ladies who had Empty sacs are STILL pregnant but are waiting with tons of questions and little support. I created this thread for these ladies. It is nto meant to offend all the ladies who are healthy and pregnant. If the conversation bothers you I advise not reading.

I have a Blighted Ovum. A empty sac with now baby. I was devistated. This was suppose to be our chance. We have tried for 5 years to get pregnant. With 2 failed IUI's we decided to take a break for a few months. In that 3 month window....A miricle happened. We go pregnant all on our own. How amazing is that? We shouted it from the rooftops to everyone who would listen. And now.....Now what do I have? Everythign that goes along with being pregnant without the reward of a child. I have been bleeding for 5 days but have still not passed anything to signal a loss. The wait....Is horrid. A Da dn C is simply not for me so I will wait it out. Its nto for everyone I know. We all handle this differently and need support either way as we are all still pregnant.

I know I could use some love and support. At first I was without true emotion because I was told there was no baby. Now....Now I am angry and crushed.

Thank you so much for starting this thread it gives us all one place to talk instead of us all posting individually, im so sorry for everything that you have been through to get pregnant and cannot begin to imagine how you must be feeling now. I really hope that you dont have to wait too long for things to be complete, i know how the waiting feels. I agree that maybe you should visit your doc sooner being as you are so heavy.

Lots of love and :hugs: to you huni xxx
HJO and JPARR01 - im keeping everything crossed for you both and hope that your hcg levels rise. I dont think they offer blood tests here in the UK, ive never heard of anyone having there levels tested so i have no idea if mine are doing what they should or not. Big hugs to you both xxx

Johns Girl - i had a pale pink loss when i was at 5 weeks and they gave me a scan the following week to check everything was ok, which is was but since ive had a heavy bright red loss. You should definately get a scan to be on the safe side x

I havent bled or had any spotting over night fingers crossed but i hadnt had any for days before my last bleed so i cant be too optimistic x
epump - fingers crossed for you huni x

Golden Orchid - im so sorry for your loss x
hi ladies so sorry to all of you who have had your losses confirmed my heart goes out to you xx. I just wanted to pop in and say that I think this thread is a really good idea and should be made sticky as the ladies who are in 'limbo' have nowhere to go. I havent had any confirmation that anything could be wrong but am 10 1/2 weeks gone now and still have yet to 'feel' pregnant with my first 2 I had full on constant symptoms from early on and with this one I have had nothing apart from tiredness and had spotting between weeks 7 and 9 but not heavy so didnt contact midwife as id already had a scan at 6 weeks which showed everything to be fine....I have my official dating scan next tuesday and since the spotting have felt in limbo as I didnt have it with my first 2 but the days are dragging to the scan and I know that once its done either my fears will be confirmed or I may have good news but am inclined to believe that things are not as they should be. I hope we all get the answers needed and that for some people we may have good news and good outcomes but of course for others that will not be the case. My heart goes out to you and im thinking of you all stay strong ladies and never give up hope xxx

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