Current *Possible* Miscarriage Buddies

Misfit76 – from what you posted, it maybe that you have passed the sac. I had a couple of blood clots but did pass 1 that was bigger than other clots I had experienced and think that was “it”. I know what you mean about the hoping it’s over part, just want it out of the system so you can move on? Are you still bleeding? I bled for quite a few days after I had passed the clots, and did get concerned because the day before the bleeding started to ease I was passing lots of blood. But, thankfully, the bleeding has more or less stopped :hugs:

Daviess3 – Have been thinking of u. How are you?? From my mc – I thought it was his/her’s way of making way for his/her little bro/sis!! (If this is making sense!) :hugs:

I think the same hun, after ur 3rd mc it gets hard to have hope though!! I passed large clots last nit to, but apparently at 11 weeks a gestational sac would be bigger i passed clots the size of a medium potato!! but that wasnt painful the cervix dilating was! I didnt panic to much as i had my mum so she looked at them for me!! Soz to be discusting!! But i felt better knowing that the baby was already gone this time an it was just a sac, if that makes sense x

Golden orchid im good bitsensitive feel numb right now light headed etc bit achey, mentally numb to! One min looking forward to future next very down one of my best friends is due in 2 weeks she found out she was pg a week after my 1st mc!! An my next door neighbour is due in 4 weeks!! I even watched a repeat of one of my fav comedy prog celebrity juice an this week they called it preg week!!!! Holly willborough mylene klass an emma bunton all on it!! I only wanted to laugh for 5 mins!! So that started me off again!! Im just going to cross one bridge at a time! X
Need to ask you girls a question...

Back pain. It's like a spasm-type achy pain in the middle to lower back. It started last night when I was sitting on the couch... No position I could get in (laying down, sitting up, etc.) would relieve it. When I woke up this morning, it was gone, but now it is back again this evening.

Has anyone felt this? Did you get this before your m/c???

Thanks very much.

Well last night was brutal. I prob passed 10-15 clots. I went through several pads. Then when I woke this morning My blood had eased up a great deal. Just enough to need a pad. Still bright red. Well just when I thought it was over it started all over again this evening. Why is this only happening at night? I did pass a very large clot this evening about the size of a large lemon but couldnt see it because there was blood in the water and I was not fishing for anything. I thought, Thank God, Its over. No such luck. I have continued to pass clots of all sizes most of the night. I dont like to sit in clot filled pads so I am going to the bathroom every 20-30 mins or so, so I can have them in the toilet. Im sorry if this is still TMI.

I am having hot flashes and I feel soooo drained and tired. This is really starting to take a toll on me. I was all but useless today because my energy level was so low. I continue to take my prenatal vitamins only to find out they have no Iron? If I cough, a clot comes out. If I sneeze, a clot comes out. You get the idea.

So can someone please tell me why I still have hope when there isnt any? I have a appointment on Monday with my Ob and in my warped mind I keep telling myself mircles do happen and I will be laying there on the table and she will tell me there is a heart beat. This is not likely at all but maybe I just dont want to give up just yet. At the same time, If it is over for me....Please be over already. I found out about my blighted Ovum 10 days ago and have been bleeding for 8 of those 10. Please, Just be done already. How much longer does this need to take? How much longer do I need to be punished and reminded?

I was at Lowes this evening and I saw a women pregnant behind me waiting to check out and I almost cried. Anyone else see pregnant bumps and want to just lose it????

P.S. I just wanted to thank all you ladies who are in limbo or who were but are not any more for joining me in this journey and sharing your stories. I means a lot to me that I am not alone.
Need to ask you girls a question...

Back pain. It's like a spasm-type achy pain in the middle to lower back. It started last night when I was sitting on the couch... No position I could get in (laying down, sitting up, etc.) would relieve it. When I woke up this morning, it was gone, but now it is back again this evening.

Has anyone felt this? Did you get this before your m/c???

Thanks very much.

I did have lots of lower back pain. That is one of the symptoms that sent me to the ER to begin with. And like you I could find no relief no matter what position I was in. Everyone said it was normal because my uterus was growing. It wasnt the case for me. All I kept thinking is how can pregnancy at 5 1/2 weeks be so painful? Please dont base your symptoms off of mine. Mine were symptoms of impending miscarriage but lower back in early pregnancy can be very normal..This was just my situation.
Hi ladies, I'm copying and pasting this out of my other thread...

Well, sad news for me. I started bleeding last night. Woke up and was having bad back pain so I took some tylenol and got the heating pad, and took some melatonin to knock me out. I was able to fall asleep on the heating pad. I woke up to a gush around 4am and it was the sac. I am thankful that it happened quickly and wasn't drawn out (last time I was bleeding for days before I lost it), and I'm thankful it happened in the middle of the night and I was able to sleep through most of it.

I guess the positive side to knowing ahead was that I had already grieved quite a bit so I don't feel totally awful. I am quite sad, but I feel like I have already worked through part of the grieving process. I really knew on Thursday that "it" was not living inside me any more.

I know exactly what you mean about having time to grieve in advance since I knew it was going to happen and because it has been happening for me for 10 days and continues. I am so glad that you finally got answers and that it happened so quickly for you and is not dragging out like it is for me. I am sorry for your loss. Thinking of getting som melatonin myself. Could use the sleep
Oh girls it's awful I spent 2 days waiting got my d and c got sent home yest after hospital being to busy! They softened my cervix an I bled had huge clots last nit size of a medium potato! But eased off today! Had op done today feel tired but it's over now! I'm bit numb! But time to concentrate on me for a while get me sorted! X

I am glad to hear you were able to have your D and C and put this to rest for you. You are allowed to feel numb and you should focus on yourslef. I am so sorry for you loss and I am sure all your angel babies are in heaven. If you wanna talk, I'm here. I am going on 10 days now with my miscarriage and I often wonder if I shouldnt have opted for the D and C. This s taking forever.
Golden orchid im good bitsensitive feel numb right now light headed etc bit achey, mentally numb to! One min looking forward to future next very down one of my best friends is due in 2 weeks she found out she was pg a week after my 1st mc!! An my next door neighbour is due in 4 weeks!! I even watched a repeat of one of my fav comedy prog celebrity juice an this week they called it preg week!!!! Holly willborough mylene klass an emma bunton all on it!! I only wanted to laugh for 5 mins!! So that started me off again!! Im just going to cross one bridge at a time! X

Daviess3, although I can't relate completely as you have had 3 mc, I can understand how u must be losing hope. Really do feel for u, must be devasting but feel from what you said about "crossing one bridge at a time" - seems like you are moving FORWARDS and are taking a postive approach :thumbup: I also watched celebrity juice this week and couldn't believe the title when I flicked over, thought "bloody typical"!! A woman I work with (she comes in once a week) and she's pregnant, I couldn't really look at her this week. Look after yourself xXx :flower:

I was at Lowes this evening and I saw a women pregnant behind me waiting to check out and I almost cried. Anyone else see pregnant bumps and want to just lose it????

P.S. I just wanted to thank all you ladies who are in limbo or who were but are not any more for joining me in this journey and sharing your stories. I means a lot to me that I am not alone.

You are definitely not alone, SO MANY have been/are going through what you are at the mo. These forums are great for support and advice.

Believe me - seeing bumps/babies/push chairs is heartbreaking at the mo. Last week I went to a store (when my mc hadn't been confirmed) and the checkout women was pregnant, a customer poked her tummy and said "how r things" and the checkout lady said, with a MASSIVE grin "feel GREAT, only 10 weeks to go................." I had to walk out and stand in the car park in tears.

Being in limbo, is SOOOOOO difficult - I hope tomorrow will give u the answers to help u move on

Need to ask you girls a question...

Back pain. It's like a spasm-type achy pain in the middle to lower back. It started last night when I was sitting on the couch... No position I could get in (laying down, sitting up, etc.) would relieve it. When I woke up this morning, it was gone, but now it is back again this evening.

Has anyone felt this? Did you get this before your m/c???

Thanks very much.
I did get this, but it is also a normal pregnancy symptom too :hugs: I started getting back pain, and it progressively got worse and worse. On Friday, it was REALLY bad. So bad that I went and bought a heating pad because I couldn't take the pain, and I started popping tylenol.

I was at Lowes this evening and I saw a women pregnant behind me waiting to check out and I almost cried. Anyone else see pregnant bumps and want to just lose it????

P.S. I just wanted to thank all you ladies who are in limbo or who were but are not any more for joining me in this journey and sharing your stories. I means a lot to me that I am not alone.

You are definitely not alone, SO MANY have been/are going through what you are at the mo. These forums are great for support and advice.

Believe me - seeing bumps/babies/push chairs is heartbreaking at the mo. Last week I went to a store (when my mc hadn't been confirmed) and the checkout women was pregnant, a customer poked her tummy and said "how r things" and the checkout lady said, with a MASSIVE grin "feel GREAT, only 10 weeks to go................." I had to walk out and stand in the car park in tears.

Being in limbo, is SOOOOOO difficult - I hope tomorrow will give u the answers to help u move on


What was even worse, The woman who did my ultrasound at the ER was at least 6 months pregnant. At that moment I found out I had a blighted Ovum. I thought how cruel is this. It took all I had to keep it together. It seems like everywhere I go where I live everyone is pregnat. I have to get my sh$@ together when I go out in public becase no one knows about my loss. I think maybe I shouldnt leave the house for a couple weels but sadly life doesnt allow that. I am so sorry you had a cry in the parking lot. I had mine in the car ride on the way home. Is it wrong that when I see a teenager pregnant I get even more angry? I know its wrong. But when is it our turn?
UPDATE- So I am still bleeding pretty bad with some mild breaks inbetween. I am passing larger clots now and my blood is still bright red. Thank God my Apt is tomorrow afternoon. Ladies, Please pray I dont have to have a D and C for bleeding or because I didnt pass everything because that would just be brutal. I have made it this far and dont want to have a D and C. Wish me luck. My apt is at 2:30 so I will post when I get home. I am so ready for this to be over.
Good luck Misfit76. I think as long as it's not a pad filled in an hour its normal. I bled like that after I had a d and c back in December, I was 8 weeks. I bled for almost a total of 6 weeks. I always started bleeding heavily and passing clots at night too and then it would ease up all day and just be light/spotting. I felt the same way you will get through it and I hope it doesn't take you 6 weeks to pass it- my body just didn't seem to want to let go. Yours is doing it all naturally so that is a good sign. Hang in there and I am so so sorry for your loss :hugs:
Misfit - sorry i wasnt on here yesterday, i hope that your appointment went as well as possible! thinking of you xxx

What was even worse, The woman who did my ultrasound at the ER was at least 6 months pregnant. At that moment I found out I had a blighted Ovum. I thought how cruel is this. It took all I had to keep it together. It seems like everywhere I go where I live everyone is pregnat. I have to get my sh$@ together when I go out in public becase no one knows about my loss. I think maybe I shouldnt leave the house for a couple weels but sadly life doesnt allow that. I am so sorry you had a cry in the parking lot. I had mine in the car ride on the way home. Is it wrong that when I see a teenager pregnant I get even more angry? I know its wrong. But when is it our turn?[/QUOTE]

Again, I think it's FINE to be feeling angry when seeing a pregnant teenager. It does seem cruel but then at the same time, I know I can't help feeling like they weren't planning it and it just "happened". I'm thinking when will it be our turn..........
I REALLY hope things work out for u today - only half hr till ur appt. Make sure u update us. I'm getting concerned about blood you're passing as does seem like a lot (but then again I'm no expert!!). If it was me, I would be really scared and wouldn't want to imagine how u must be feeling.
GL X :flower:
I posted in this thread a few days ago (with low and slow rising betas) and today I was diagnosed with an ectopic :( There was a sac seen in my left tube near my ovary. I was given a dose of methatrexate to stop the cells from dividing. Hopefully this will start my HcG going down and this will resolve without surgery. My DH and I are devastated :(

Thanks for all the support from you all on this thread (and in the First Tri thread). It has meant a lot.
Misfit how did u get on hun? thinking of you, hows every1 else golden how u feeling? Im still all over place dont no what to do next!! X
the shock has worn off and i'm starting to feel pretty down. how are you feeling today?
Update- I saw my OB today who refused to do a ultrasound. I must have hinted and asked at least 4 times and she said there was no need and she would just check my betas. I kept saying what if I dont pass everything, How will you be able to tell without looking at my uterus? She still insisted beta would be enough. She only said she would do a ultrasound if my beta came back high or higher. I did get a pelvic exam and she wanted to see how much I was bleeding. She said she saw several clots and though the blood was bright red she didnt seem concerned. I had my bloodwork done about an hour later and will have results tomorrow. Then I will have to have more blood taken again on Wed so see how much they are going down. She said after a big ever like a gush of blood more than any other time the beta will drop dramatically. I explained that I didnt ahev any big event in over 8 days and she assured me I would likely not have one since I am so far along in my miscarriage and it was so early in my pregnancy. So here I am with no further answers. I will know more tomorrow. My last beta was taken over a week ago and was 1350. That was the day I started to miscarry. Thanks ladies for all the support but I still feel stuck in limbo with no realy answers. I am still pretty light headed and dizzy so she ordered a blood test to just etst my blood count to make sure I havent lost too much blood. I take my vitamins every day. She also said I was doing to much and while I am not on bedrest, she highly encouraged that I rest for a couple days.
I posted in this thread a few days ago (with low and slow rising betas) and today I was diagnosed with an ectopic :( There was a sac seen in my left tube near my ovary. I was given a dose of methatrexate to stop the cells from dividing. Hopefully this will start my HcG going down and this will resolve without surgery. My DH and I are devastated :(

Thanks for all the support from you all on this thread (and in the First Tri thread). It has meant a lot.

Awww hun Im sorry. At least you have a answer now. How far along were you? Early enough for medication versus surgery so thats good. With a ectopic do you still technically have a miscarriage? I'm sorry for your loss. I happen to know just how you feel. Sadly. Did they say how soon the medication will work?

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