Current *Possible* Miscarriage Buddies

Hi girls, i have had slow rising hcg and low progesterone. I started progesterone a couple days ago, but I think it was too late. I woke up in the middle of the night and just had a strong feeling that it was over. I just didn't *feel* it any more. Now I'm starting to get stringy brown spotting. Had severe back pain last night and it still hurts today but not as bad. Waiting for my doctor's office to call to see if I need to come in. If it is a miscarriage, I would rather not go in because it will just upset me more. I would rather wait a few days.
Oh ladies, I hope you all get good results from everything

So my story. I have PCOS and suspected LPD but we managed to get pregnant naturally while we await our FS appointment.
9dpo I started spotting. BFP at 10dpo and more spotting, 11, 12 and 13dpo I had bleeding but only when I wiped, almost AF colour but not quite.

I had HCG done at 12dpo -48 and they doubled to 105 by 14dpo. Got more on Monday. The bleeding has stopped and I am still getting BFPs on ICs but digi this morning only had me down at 1-2, but not worried about that yet

I am more worried about my suspected LPD. I used to have a 14 day LP before losing lots of weight and since then it's been 9 or 10 days. So this cycle I just don't what's happening, if the bleeding was my period, an early M/C, a chemical or if this is still viable, how long my progesterone will hold out for before I have an actual M/C
Hi ladies, I thought I would join you.

So sorry for any losses, I know how hard it is. :hugs:

So, found out I was pregnant on the 3/6 . 3/7 HCG 19, Progesterone 6, and estrogen 69. Everything VERY low. Doctors put me on progesterone suppositories and estrogen patches.
3/9 HCG 31. Doctors were happy that it rose.
3/11 - just had blood taken and waiting until Monday for the result :dohh:
I have PCOS, hypothyroidism and Factor V leiden (genetic blood disorder)
I am taking medication for EVERYTHING. And trying to remain calm.... I feel so alone :nope: This will be my third loss if it doesn't make it. :cry:
Hi girls, i have had slow rising hcg and low progesterone. I started progesterone a couple days ago, but I think it was too late. I woke up in the middle of the night and just had a strong feeling that it was over. I just didn't *feel* it any more. Now I'm starting to get stringy brown spotting. Had severe back pain last night and it still hurts today but not as bad. Waiting for my doctor's office to call to see if I need to come in. If it is a miscarriage, I would rather not go in because it will just upset me more. I would rather wait a few days.

I just wanted to give you some hope because Progesterone can cause you to bleed. I was on prometrium with me two IUI's and it gave me all the symptoms of period coming. Hot flashes, spotting and lower back pain. Just thought I would share that with you :)
Misfit76: I think I more or less passed everything over last weekend so when I went in on Monday, the nurse did a scan and she said it did look like everything had gone. This week I have been bleeding and seems to be more or less stopping now. Which I'm thankful for. But I have had blood tests and they want me to go in again next week for another one. I did speak to a Doctor on Monday cos I was concerned about the amount of blood I was passing and she did say that if it is a pad an hour to check in. So if you are still bleeding quite heavily, I would phone EPU. I'm feeling ok now. Hope u get some info whether it's doctor's helping or your body telling you but just so it can help you move on, I know how distressing it is when you're in limbo :hugs: X

Since my bleeding is off and on, I am not concerned. I have yet to bleed more than I would on a normal heavy period. Yesterday I had heavy bleeding until around 7 in the evening and then I had very light bleeding all night long. I started to bleed heavy again this morning/late afternoon but its not a pad an hour. Maybe every 2-3 hours. Its more clots that cause me to change my pad now.

I am wondering....Since I am passing clots of different sizes, Will I notice the sac? I was told I would and that I would have tissue but I havent noticed anything. Why is there still hope in the back of my mind that there is still a baby in there even though I am cramping and bleeding? Wish it were Monday already.
Hi girls, i have had slow rising hcg and low progesterone. I started progesterone a couple days ago, but I think it was too late. I woke up in the middle of the night and just had a strong feeling that it was over. I just didn't *feel* it any more. Now I'm starting to get stringy brown spotting. Had severe back pain last night and it still hurts today but not as bad. Waiting for my doctor's office to call to see if I need to come in. If it is a miscarriage, I would rather not go in because it will just upset me more. I would rather wait a few days.

I just wanted to give you some hope because Progesterone can cause you to bleed. I was on prometrium with me two IUI's and it gave me all the symptoms of period coming. Hot flashes, spotting and lower back pain. Just thought I would share that with you :)
Thank you for telling me that. I was actually wondering if it could have been caused from the pills because the spotting and back pain started right after I started the progesterone. Who knows at this point :shrug:
Hi ladies, I thought I would join you.

So sorry for any losses, I know how hard it is. :hugs:

So, found out I was pregnant on the 3/6 . 3/7 HCG 19, Progesterone 6, and estrogen 69. Everything VERY low. Doctors put me on progesterone suppositories and estrogen patches.
3/9 HCG 31. Doctors were happy that it rose.
3/11 - just had blood taken and waiting until Monday for the result :dohh:
I have PCOS, hypothyroidism and Factor V leiden (genetic blood disorder)
I am taking medication for EVERYTHING. And trying to remain calm.... I feel so alone :nope: This will be my third loss if it doesn't make it. :cry:

awww huni your not alone, we are all here to support you whatever the outcome, everything is crossed for you that it all works out :hugs: :hugs:xxx
Misfit, I did not find the sac with mine. I did pass a lot of clots, but I don't think they were the sac. For mine, after a couple days of bleeding, I had a period of about 30 mins where I just started gushing blood. I sat on the toilet, so I'm assuming it was in there. My doctor told me to fish for it but I didn't want to see it. I did see some pieces of tissue in there but nothing that was obviously it.
Misfit, I did not find the sac with mine. I did pass a lot of clots, but I don't think they were the sac. For mine, after a couple days of bleeding, I had a period of about 30 mins where I just started gushing blood. I sat on the toilet, so I'm assuming it was in there. My doctor told me to fish for it but I didn't want to see it. I did see some pieces of tissue in there but nothing that was obviously it.

I think I experienced something similiar today. I had another 2-3 hour round of heaving bleeding and I went to the bathroom and I passed several clots. TMI- One was large enough that it got cought on its way out but when I looked down, It just looked like a regular clot. I called the doctor and the nurse said I would likely not notice anything and that it would just look like a clot. I havent hardly bled the rest of the day. Could that have been it? I was not in any pain at all. I guess because of all the horror stories I have read about miscarriage, I am just waiting for the tragic event that brings me to my knees. Horrible stomach pain or bleeding horribly. Maybe that wont happen for me. Maybe it just hasnt happened yet. I hope its over. I really do. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I have read other threads where women find out their babies passed away at like 8-9 weeks at their 12 week scans so I guess this is a lot better situation.
Hugs to you all... I have been told I'm losing it 6 times this pregnancy due to hcg levels and bleeding, so I get the fear and waiting that comes with it all :(

I do want to give a piece what happened for me for those who haven't been to the doctor though... Heavy bleeding can be because of a subchorionic hematoma, especially if you bleed heavy then stop/slow quite quickly... I've had 5 bleeds like this including huge clots, contractions (not just cramps) and filling pads in 15-20 mins at the start... The hematoma is still there, and I'm not risk free yet, but the baby is so far ok. Im coming up to my 9th week of continuous spotting or bleeding now... Do please make sure you get checked out een if it means waiting at the ER, it at least gives a bit more info as to what you are dealing with *hugs*.

I know you girls will be finding it tough, so I won't come in here and comment much, but if you have any questions about it, please message me
Hi ladies, I'm copying and pasting this out of my other thread...

Well, sad news for me. I started bleeding last night. Woke up and was having bad back pain so I took some tylenol and got the heating pad, and took some melatonin to knock me out. I was able to fall asleep on the heating pad. I woke up to a gush around 4am and it was the sac. I am thankful that it happened quickly and wasn't drawn out (last time I was bleeding for days before I lost it), and I'm thankful it happened in the middle of the night and I was able to sleep through most of it.

I guess the positive side to knowing ahead was that I had already grieved quite a bit so I don't feel totally awful. I am quite sad, but I feel like I have already worked through part of the grieving process. I really knew on Thursday that "it" was not living inside me any more.
Misfit, I did not find the sac with mine. I did pass a lot of clots, but I don't think they were the sac. For mine, after a couple days of bleeding, I had a period of about 30 mins where I just started gushing blood. I sat on the toilet, so I'm assuming it was in there. My doctor told me to fish for it but I didn't want to see it. I did see some pieces of tissue in there but nothing that was obviously it.

I think I experienced something similiar today. I had another 2-3 hour round of heaving bleeding and I went to the bathroom and I passed several clots. TMI- One was large enough that it got cought on its way out but when I looked down, It just looked like a regular clot. I called the doctor and the nurse said I would likely not notice anything and that it would just look like a clot. I havent hardly bled the rest of the day. Could that have been it? I was not in any pain at all. I guess because of all the horror stories I have read about miscarriage, I am just waiting for the tragic event that brings me to my knees. Horrible stomach pain or bleeding horribly. Maybe that wont happen for me. Maybe it just hasnt happened yet. I hope its over. I really do. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I have read other threads where women find out their babies passed away at like 8-9 weeks at their 12 week scans so I guess this is a lot better situation.
I think that was probably it :hugs: I'm so sorry. When it happened for me, it was pretty obvious because the bleeding was like a gush. It literally felt like I was pee'ing blood.

This time I definitely saw the sac. Maybe because I was a week further along this time, so maybe it was bigger. It was quite big, the size of a quarter, and it was obvious to me that was it. But, I did not have heavy bleeding like last time, so that was weird. I felt a little gush, but when I looked in my pad it was some blood and an obvious sac there. I never bled super heavy like I did the first time.

Oh, and I was not in pain at all from my first one either. I mean nothing. It felt like a period. This one I had horrible back pain.
Oh girls it's awful I spent 2 days waiting got my d and c got sent home yest after hospital being to busy! They softened my cervix an I bled had huge clots last nit size of a medium potato! But eased off today! Had op done today feel tired but it's over now! I'm bit numb! But time to concentrate on me for a while get me sorted! X
Davies: I apologize in advance if this question is too difficult for you to answer. Here's the question: Were you bleeding before the D&C? Did you have symptoms or was it that you did an u/s and they didn't see the angel? I'm trying to figure out if the fact that I haven't had bleeding, doesn't mean I'm immune to any of this heartbreak... They may go in on Tuesday and see nothing and I would need a D&C. Thank you, and I'm so sorry for your loss, truly.
Oh girls it's awful I spent 2 days waiting got my d and c got sent home yest after hospital being to busy! They softened my cervix an I bled had huge clots last nit size of a medium potato! But eased off today! Had op done today feel tired but it's over now! I'm bit numb! But time to concentrate on me for a while get me sorted! X
Omg, wow. Were you in a lot of pain? I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine making it that far along and then finding out :hugs:
Just wanted to say so sorry for all of you ladies who have had bad news

I think this thread is totally in the right place, i wish i had seen a thread like this when i was going through my MMC last time as i felt i was in limbo for weeks

Best of luck to you all, hope things work out. xxx
Daviess3 & Girlnextdoor - so sorry for your losses thinking of you both :hugs:

misfit - i really hope it has happened and that you dont have to go on much longer like this :hugs:

Truly thinking of all the ladies on here, i havent had any further bleeding for two days now, still cant get my hopes up, am thinking of booking a private scan as i dont think i could bare to go to my 12 week scan and have them tell me pregnancy ended at 6 weeks.
Thanks girls and mrs hjo, my case is probably bit different the 1st 2 mc i had 1st one was at 10 weeks an i had brown blood for 2 weeks then red had scan no hb had d and c next day! 2nd was chemical or 5 weeks had pos pg tests for 1 week then bleeding etc passed clots naturally!
Now this time coz of my past history i was on cyclogest which is progesterone pessaries for me to help keep the pg these prevent in most cases bleeding!! When i had my scan there was a 11week gestational sac but no baby!! Obviously im gutted but i do like to talk on here coz if my situation can help sum1 to not be scared or to no what to ask there doc for or to give reassurance or in a sad way be prepared unlike i was the first time! Coz the shock is the worst! Then my babies are not gone for nothing they are true little angels helping other mummys meet there babys! I no they will send me one one day!! xxx

Girl next door i was in pain yest as they inserted 3 tablets in vaginally to soften ur cervix before the op an basically its like mild contractions so to then be sent home with paracetamol!! But after d and c it isnt painful felt bit sore but nothing major just tender stomach!! An bit proded an poked!! to many sticky tape bits to pull off plasters needles!! Got period pains now!! x

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