Currently CD 3 and looking for a buddy!

Yall been awful quiet.
I'm expecting AF on Turkey day - joy. Not.

Boobies are quite sore, especially for it still to be a few days till AF. I keep having to keep OH away from them. And I had to explain that yes, it's a pregnancy symptom (he kinda perked up when I said they were sore coz he's heard...) BUT also perfectly common/normal PMS symptom as well, and until the witch shows, you don't really know if it's pms or pg. If only he *really* understood how it is to have ambiguous symptoms for 2 weeks every month! It's like spending half your life wondering if maybe this is it? Or maybe that's just TTCers....oh well
hi, yes, all a bit quiet on the home front. Waiting to ovulate again after the mc. We are going to fiji for our 5th wedding anniversay on sunday though and i want to drink cocktails in the swim up bar so im actually hoping that I dont for another 10 days at least. After my last mc it took 6 weeks so if that happens again it should be another couple of weeks. If that does happen (and its a sticky baby this time) the due date will fall between my other two childrens birthdays, so we will have 3 bdays in 5 weeks. My husband says not to worry about that, but thats going to make for an expensive month every year!

Anyway, any pg symptoms?

I totally agree, ttc divides your life into blocks, before ov, during ov and after ov, its a weird way to live and i dont think guys can really understand what it like as they dont have monthly cycles when their bodies constantly change. Also there is so much confusion between pg symptoms and monthly symptoms which makes it even harder!
Symptoms?? Enough zits to re-enter high school, and annoyingly sore boobies! I'm annoyed at the zits, craving a smoke, and not particularly "hopeful" this cycle, but oh well, just a couple more days till turkey and pms!
Fun fun! Let us know if AF shows or not, good luck! :)

Well that didn't take long. AF arrived with a vengence this morning, about a day early. I haven't had a pms-morning this bad in several months! Oh well, I'm off work and I can curl up with my heating pad all day long, and hopefully feel better for Thanksgiving tomorrow!
oh dear, sory to hear that. Have a lovely thanksgivng anyway. :)
Today, I put a ring on layaway for OH to buy me for Christmas!!
I'm excited about it, can't wait to get to wear it. Dunno if he's gonna give it to me "just" for Christmas, or more of an engagement ring, I'm gonna leave that part up to him. I picked it out, so he can make the rest a "surprise" :D
Don't guess anybody is still updating this thread?

I'm expecting AF tomorrow. Been noticing a pretty major diet/craving change this past week. I'm usually a high protein meat eater and I don't much care for bread/pasta/potatoes or high carbs. I like to eat hamburgers without the bun, for example. This past week I've been craving things that are unusual for me, mac & cheese or tater tots for example. I had mild cramps last night, nothing unusual so close to AF. Been having a bit of indigestion and acid reflux though, which seems odd. I really don't wanna get my hopes up, but it does make me go "hmmmm"

I'm sure I'll get AF tomorrow and this is just my body's cruel idea of a joke. It's been cold recently, maybe I'm craving quick carbs to stay warm, who knows??
Hey - sorry I've been MIA for a long time! DH and I were having some major problems, so we stopped TTC. We DTD CD22 and a couple days after that - and well let's just say I guess I wasn't getting a BFP before because I thought I ovulated CD14-CD18! I had no idea I could even get pregnant after CD22
Wow lucky you I guess! I hope you were able to work things out with your partner!
congratulations! Thats interesting, so you were just ovulating a lot later than you thought? Hope everything is ok with you two.

oneknight, love the ring, did he propose?

Well a little update from me, had another mc, this time at 6 weeks, thats the first time i have 2 in a row (4 all together now) so they want to do some investigating i have an app on the 20th feb so we are going to skip ttc this month and maybe next month too.

not sure what is going on with my body though, thought i was going to o a few days ago, not using opks but according to cm, but then have had some really wierd days in that dept so have no idea if i have o'd or not. I have had really bad pains the last couple of months when i o though, and havent had that yet so goodness knows!

Anyway, good to hear from you ladies, i know its been awhile, i guess with xmas etc i havnt been online much, good to get an update though :)
Yes he did :) for Christmas.
January 17 we will be together for a year.

I hope they can find something at your appointment! Good luck!

I'm working on quitting smoking (again) this month. Visiting with my heavy-smoking aunts on Thanksgiving set me back, so I decided to wait till after Christmas to try again - probably won't see my aunts again until Easter at the earliest - almost 4 months from starting to quit (instead of almost a week). Today, went well.

I'm gonna start with some coq10. Can't hurt. I wouldn't let myself start it until I quit smoking though. Seemed counter-productive. I guess I'll take one tomorrow!

I am nearing O this cycle. Fortunately OH has been rather randy the last couple days. Not crossing my fingers though, hasn't done me any good so far. I am definitely still TTC (as opposed to NTNP) but I'm feeling realistic. I haven't actually quit smoking long enough to have an effect on my hormones, so why would this month be any different? Is insanity in the *doing* of something repetitively? Or in the *expecting different results* than the last hundred tries?
Lets say I'm still doing the deed, on the right days, but I'm not really expecting any different results than the last 12 cycles. YET. I think coq10 takes up to 3 months to work ;)
thanks, me too! Im not sure what they will test but I assuming testing hormone levels, for pcos etc and my thyroid function. I have been gluten and grain free for a few weeks now too as I have Hashimotos disease (an autoimmune thyroid disease) and gluten aggrivates it evidently, not easy I tell you but if it helps with baby making Ill give it a go.

Have you read Allen Carr's "The easy way to stop smoking" It really worked for me and several friends, def worth a try if you are struggling but you cant stop smoking before you read it as all it does is talk about smoking so it drives you crazy if you arent!
Hey, everyone. Sorry to hear about the m/c tryfor1more, hopefully your doctor can give you some answers.

Things are good with me as far as I know. My first ultrasound is next Monday (which seems forever away) so I'll just twittle my thumbs until then! Haven't been able to find the heartbeat with my doppler yet which makes me nervous, but my dr also could find LO#2s heartbeat at 11 weeks and all was fine with him.
Hi ladies, how is everyone? Well i hope.

Im pretty good, pregnant again, dpo 12 today so very early obvioulsy and not holding my breath.
Well, I had my fertility app yesterday, basically pointless. They said all they would do is an extra scan or two to check if there is a heartbeat at 7 weeks. They said that they dont know what causes 90% of mcs and even though i have had 4 altogether, since i havent had 3 in a row my chance of it working this time is about 80% which is the same as the normal population. Once you have 3 in a row the chance drops to 50% and they start to do some more invasive tests.
So i guess its just a waiting game, wait it out for a few more weeks and hope for a heartbeat, if there is one the chances are pretty good, fingers crossed!

Enjoying AF again. We BD'd every 2 days, or more often ALL month last month. It's hopeless
oh no, thats no good. How long have you been trying? Have you seen anyone yet for tests etc?
Hey guys, just wanted to check in. I had my 12 week scan and discovered baby had stopped growing at 7 1/2 weeks :cry: I just started AF (on CD3) so we're going to be NTNP from here on out.

OneKnight - sorry to hear about your frustrations :hugs:

Tryfor1more - fx'd for you I hope this is a sticky bean!
oh chelsealynnb, I am so sorry to hear that. Did you feel like things were feeling different or was it a huge shock? Either way it is devestating to see the scan and you know it doesnt look right.
Is that not trying but not using protection?

I really hope this is my sticky one, I had some blood work done and my hcg levels look good, much better that the last pregnancies, still not counting my chickens but at least there is hope :) I am throwing up every morning too so thats a good sign for me, again, the last two I wasnt sick. Still havent contacted my midwife yet though, Im sick of going through the process and having to call to say take me off the books again.

Will keep you updated, if this one works there is hope for us all!
TTC is kinda on the back burner for now, hopefully will move forward with testing in the summer.

The poop has hit the fan with my ex, it's gonna be a rough couple of months, but we'll get through it. My ex's family is still family to me, and my ex-mother in law is the only "mom" I have left. (My fiance's mom hates me, and my mom is dead - for those who don't know)

But I'm (planning on) moving in my dad's house in April and my finances should get significantly better after that - hopefully allowing me to save up for the tube test by late summer!! I'm gonna miss my duplex-mate, and my small town, but the money to be saved is significant.

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