Currently CD 3 and looking for a buddy!

Musta been an evap, temp dropped this morning :(
No more blue dye for me lol even though I already knew better.

I guess that confirms O on CD14, and a 13 day LP. My cycles are looking pretty good. It's frustrating when nothing happens!
Keep taking my vitamins I suppose, they seem to help my LP. And keep not smoking, hope it helps!
Aw bad luck :-(
I bought a superdrug own brand early test kit (pink dye) today as im off on hols to spain for a week and have been feeling pretty rough these last few days, it has a really faint line but it came up within 10 mins so im really hopeful its not a false positive! Im not going to believe its a real positive tho until i get back and test again! At least being away i wont be spending a fortune on poas- dh found *another* used one 2 days ago- he cant understand why i feel the need to do it so often! Im gonna try my best to forget about it.... Wish me luck lol!!
Yeah guys dont understand how hard it is to wait to see whats going on in your own body!!

AF is winding down over here...doing pretty good not smoking. Still craving when I get off work though.
Hang in there ladies!

I'm 10DPO and tested early last cycle so I'm trying (key word: trying) to wait until my missed AF on Friday. I've been doing much better not thinking about it as much this cycle. Then again, it's only our second cycle actively trying. God willing this is our cycle!

As far as symptoms, none, except sore bbs the past three days but that could be PMS. We'll see!

:dust: to all!! <3
Yeah guys dont understand how hard it is to wait to see whats going on in your own body!!

AF is winding down over here...doing pretty good not smoking. Still craving when I get off work though.

Know what you mean, gave up this year and i still feel like i could easily just pick one up and start again!
Been checking my cp last couple days and i swear its different every day! Was having weird snotty cm (sorry tmi!) which is new for me and after googling thought it might be early preg cm, but today cp seems harder and longer, so possibly af is actually on the way...but i can bet that tomorrow cp will have completely changed again!! OH keeps asking are you or arent you and all i can say is i dont know! Hate being in limbo!
Hi ladies, well, it looks like I will be joining the club again soon. Im supposed to be 7 weeks, 1 day today but had a scan and there is no yolk sac, no fetal pole so of course, no heartbeat. Its just a big black hole. The shape is irregular too, a cresent shape instead of round so my midwife thinks its probably a chromosomal abnormality. My hcg levels arent rising properly either, only doubling every 13 days instead of every 2-3/4 days. :(
Im gutted, my third miscariage ( not in a row though) I seem to have a mc then a baby then a mc, so according to that pattern it should work next time!
I kind of had a feeling though, pregnancy symptoms were so mild, no sore breasts, smell aversion minimal, no morning sickness ( when i was sick as a dog with my 2 healthy pregnancies) and a gut feeling too. I lived in hope till today but of course knowing my dates are exact because of ovulation testing there should have been a baby clearly visable today at 7 weeks. Anyway, no to make the decision to do a d&c or just let nature take its course, anybody had a d&c?:cry:
Awww I'm sorry to hear that Tryfor1more! I don't have any advice, just hugs. I've never gotten even that much pg, but I always thought that I would let nature take it's course (unless it just needed some nudging), so I would probably pass on the d&c unless it was needed. I assume you didn't need one in the past? I guess the benefit would be getting to start trying again sooner??? I really don't know much about it.
Hopefully the pattern continues and the next bean sticks!!
Hi ladies, well, it looks like I will be joining the club again soon. Im supposed to be 7 weeks, 1 day today but had a scan and there is no yolk sac, no fetal pole so of course, no heartbeat. Its just a big black hole. The shape is irregular too, a cresent shape instead of round so my midwife thinks its probably a chromosomal abnormality. My hcg levels arent rising properly either, only doubling every 13 days instead of every 2-3/4 days. :(
Im gutted, my third miscariage ( not in a row though) I seem to have a mc then a baby then a mc, so according to that pattern it should work next time!
I kind of had a feeling though, pregnancy symptoms were so mild, no sore breasts, smell aversion minimal, no morning sickness ( when i was sick as a dog with my 2 healthy pregnancies) and a gut feeling too. I lived in hope till today but of course knowing my dates are exact because of ovulation testing there should have been a baby clearly visable today at 7 weeks. Anyway, no to make the decision to do a d&c or just let nature take its course, anybody had a d&c?:cry:

Lots of hugs and support for you. Hang in there and know that it will happen when it is supposed to. Your body knows what it needs to do. Take some time to pamper yourself and get some R&R. :flower:
12DPO for me and no noticeable symptoms. I don't feel preggers but I'm not overanalyzing anything like I was last cycle.

I do wish it would just happen already. I know this only our 2nd cycle trying and there are other couples that try for months and years so I shouldn't be complaining but, well, you know, it's just frustrating. Everywhere I look I see babies and I have two friends that are pregnant due around the same time next month and my cousin just had a baby about two weeks ago. (sigh) Baby jealousy.... :p

I promised myself I wasn't going to test until my missed AF so... I'll check back in Friday morning with an update! Less than 48 hours to go!

:dust: to all!
thanks ladies, it is pretty hard to get that far along and find out its not viable, no never had this happen before. In the past I have just started bleeding so i havent had to make a decision about what to do. It scares me knowing that it could happen at any time.

Ive got an app with the early pregnancy assesment unit tomorrow so i guess ill see what they say but at this stage i just really want to get it over with so i can start ovulating again. Last time it took over 6 weeks to ovulate again. Also i feel quite queasy and still really tired, which you can deal with when you know you are getting a baby out of it but its much harder to take when there is no baby.

Anyway, life goes on and the journey starts again. It not been a good week baby wise in my circle, my friend from work just mc twins at 6 weeks and my step-niece just lost her second baby girl, first one at 23 weeks, this one at 21 weeks. I guess it could always be worse!

Good luck for the testing this cycle, fingers crossed!
thanks ladies, it is pretty hard to get that far along and find out its not viable, no never had this happen before. In the past I have just started bleeding so i havent had to make a decision about what to do. It scares me knowing that it could happen at any time.

Ive got an app with the early pregnancy assesment unit tomorrow so i guess ill see what they say but at this stage i just really want to get it over with so i can start ovulating again. Last time it took over 6 weeks to ovulate again. Also i feel quite queasy and still really tired, which you can deal with when you know you are getting a baby out of it but its much harder to take when there is no baby.

Anyway, life goes on and the journey starts again. It not been a good week baby wise in my circle, my friend from work just mc twins at 6 weeks and my step-niece just lost her second baby girl, first one at 23 weeks, this one at 21 weeks. I guess it could always be worse!

Good luck for the testing this cycle, fingers crossed!

Guess it puts things into perspective, hope ur holding up ok and have plenty of support. Makes me feel a bit silly for grumbling over a long cycle- really hope you can get back on track soon and be able to put this behind you. I guess its just natures way. ((((( hugs))))))
Quick update, was getting ready to go to my app and started bleeding, literally as i started walking out the door. I guess its best that it happens naturally. So they just sent me home to wait it out with a follow up app next week to make sure its all gone.
Feeling a little better today, im glad i dont have to go in for a d&c at least.
Quick update, was getting ready to go to my app and started bleeding, literally as i started walking out the door. I guess its best that it happens naturally. So they just sent me home to wait it out with a follow up app next week to make sure its all gone.
Feeling a little better today, im glad i dont have to go in for a d&c at least.

Glad its happeing naturally - really feel for your situation :hugs:

My update - got home after our week away and tested again - got a strong :bfp: ! Was feeling great for a while but just had news from my husband that my sister in law's father (DH's brothers wife's) died unexpectedly today, totally devastated. We were all pretty close, and this comes only 2 weeks after an old family friend died, and DH's nearest thing he had to a father died after months in hospital last week too. I guess this pregnancy has come at a time when we all need a bit of good news. Crazy.

So hoping this is a sticky one, we really dont need any more bad news!

Good luck all you girls in trying - and dont give up hope - i had no idea til this time last week with my faint positive (on a 10mlU) - today would be CD63 so anything is possible!
OH's aunt died today too. Seems like there's bad news all around.

Last year I spent Thanksgiving in the hospital with my grandma and 2 weeks later with my mom. That's when I started to feel old.

I was very forunate to have healthy grandparents well into their mid-70's, but I just don't think that ill grandparents affect you as much as a child than as an adult. There's something definitely different about driving yourself to a hospital you've never been to and looking for a loved one's room as an independent adult, without being able to hang on to mama's hand. As an adult you definitely have a deeper understanding of death, and your own mortality.
As if struggling with the relationship changes with elders as one goes from a child to an adult isn't hard enough, then they start getting ill on you. Seems like there should be a book on this stuff, a road map of sorts.

Not really any cycle news for me. I'm concentrating on not smoking this cycle, and foregoing the Geritol. I'm not even taking my regular multis or taking my temperature. Kinda taking the month "off" I suppose. Tonight I got off work and didn't immdiately start thinking about a cigarette, and it felt good!!! I think I'm starting to shake the habit for real now, it's finally feeling "easier" :)
oh, congratulations but also my deepest sympathies. That is so sad when you want to be happy having to deal with such sad news must be really hard. What a weird world we live in.
I really hope yours is a sticky one! The radiographer who did my scan the other day said get a scan done at 6 weeks if you can, they can pretty much see by then if everything is on track and looking ok, she said there is no point in waiting round. You will prob have to have another one at about 7 weeks to check for the heartbeat but if you are anything like me, i really like to know what is going on in there.

Also, get you hcg levels tested, mine were really low and really slow to double, which arent always a bad sign but can be an good indication of how strong the pregnancy is. With my first they thought i was having twins my levels were so high, so should have realised it was a bad sign when they were so low this time.
Anyway, my thoughts are with you, keep us updated on how you are going. :)
I am 15 DPO today and I haven't tested yet... I am petrified of knowing and of seeing a BFN. Dumb...I know.

AF was supposed to arrive yesterday and I thought for sure she would because I was having my PRE-PMS symptoms (I get these sensations in my lower tummy right before I actually begin PMSing). I decided to wait a few more days before testing since I HAVE been late before and had irregular periods. If AF doesn't arrive today it will be hard NOT to get my hopes up. I might just test tomorrow at 16 DPO. I do have a feeling AF will, indeed, arrive however, there's still a tiny bit of hope left in me :dust: ........

Hugs to all! Stay strong ladies!
have you tested yet?

I did. I tested Saturday and got a BFN. I wasn't surprised because I knew AF was soon to arrive (she did, later that day).

Two of my friends just gave birth. One on the 4th and one on the 5th. Baby fever is kicking into high gear in our home so I'm praying that this cycle is it!
im sorry to hear that. Its hard when there seem to be babies everywhere.
Bleh. I'm all broken out, zits all over my chest and upper arms. This happened last March right before a kinda weird period, but I am in the first half of my cycle this time. I had reduced my smoking by approx half early this spring (after I left my ex) and I have way reduced it again this past few weeks, so I can't help but wonder of there's a connection. I feel like a teenager again with all these zits! For example, I had one between the girls, and it was hurting when I drove around town today coz the seatbelt was on it!!! Argh!! At least they're not that visible. I usually only get the monthly ugly "pms zit" anymore, not tons of them!
Should be near my ususal O time, and we've been BDing daily, but I haven't been temping, so it's anybody's guess this cycle. I think I prefer not to know. When I know we BD'd on D-day I get my hopes up too much I think.

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