Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

The outdoor pool sounds lovely Jo! Hope you have a great time. Sorry the boob is starting to hurt again, hope it doesn't get too bad. Hope livi manages to take a teat soon for you! x

Not been going so wel today, spent afternoon watching you tube clips of babies tilting thier head back and latching on perfectly and wondering why we can't do that! Think the amount of times i take him on and off it may be causing more damage! So going back to our old way tonight and night feed, as too tired in night to keep trying and trying. Back to support ladies tomorrow!
It is whatever you find easiest to do consistently and comfortably - it could just be a tweak to your normal hold. Foley will learn how to do his part esp if he is comfortable - you're learning together. For me - once we found our position it was so much better - you'll find yours and it'll be 100% better and easier on you when you get things like growth spurts - you'll be tired but at least comfortable :)
Thanks Helen, we went back to our normal laying down position tonight, me and foley nice and happy. was so nice not to have a screaming baby and a crying frustrated mummy. Think it's just a tweek we need, i'm hppy feeding laying down when at home. Feel annoyed as only went to support as lost confidance when sitting up, now feel like i've lost all confidence. But tonight just went back to normal, before support, and it was fine, no pain for me so can't be that wrong!

Been meaning to ask if you ladies have any ideas. On 27th i'm being a bridesmaid for my friends wedding. Now as me and foley are still trying to get bf right i have not introduced a botte yet, and doubt i will in 2 weeks now. My dress is strapless, so would mean undoing it when feeding. We have a room so thats no problem. I'm thinking feeding just before cermony, then after the photos before the breakfast, then after the breakfast. But i'm a bit concerned if it will work out just in case there is no break between photos and breakfast or he crys during breakfast or photos. Should i take a bottle of EBM just in case? or just leave the room if he starts wanting food. DH said he could leave with him and push him round for a bit?
Sounds like you both enjoyed your lying down feed. It's tough I can't get the proper latch that I was shown. Was just using bed pillow but it's rubbish.

Don't really have any tips about the wedding. It sounds like you have thought it through and have a good plan that might just need amended at the time. OH pushing him around for 10-15 minutes till you can excuse yourself would be fine. These situations are so early but try to enjoy it a bit.

I have now been told by tones of women that I may have missed the boat with Olivia and bottles and the perfect time is 8/10 weeks too soon and you cause nipple confusion too late and they might totally refuse it. You could try the EBM and see what happens.
Hi jo - sorry you can't get the latch either, it's so hard isn't it when you get home. I decided to just go with what works for us today, can't keep getting upset about it. Think our problem is I have fast let down, so he struggles to stay latched on when I'm upright. So guessing why laying down works.

I was Reading a thread the other day in bf forum about bottles etc, and saw a post that from 4 months they can have some kind of cup, diddy or sippy, can't quite remember. I haven't really looked into it yet, so not dead sure, but could be option for livi?

Still no real answer for dh today at hospital. Had us waiting over 2 hours after our appointment time. Still didn't see consultant or his registar, the junior doctor would said wait anouther 4 weeks, them x ray again. Still displacement. Dh might try get 2nd opinion, as he really would not make a judgement whether it was knitiing or not.
Apparently you can express a little at the start so he doesn't get the letdown - but if you're like me you might get mid-feed letdowns - I seem to do this so expressing wouldn't help - occasionally he splutters as lots of milk comes out - poor thing!!

Your hospital appointment doesn't sound very good. Would totally try and get another opinion as it would be such a waste if time to wait another 4 weeks to then be told he needs the surgery. It's pretty ridiculous actually.

Olivia took some milk today from a bottle. I was trying to give her a bit of formula to practice as she has been refusing and it takes an entire day to pump out 3-5oz. I thought I would try BM today and she took it and finished it. Tried with the same bottle and same teat tonight with formula but no luck.

We have also moved her into a crib now still in our room for a wee bit longer. It was getting a bit unsafe she has been rocking it like crazy, and the other night she was up really high with her shoulders kind of balanced over the side. Thought we had better move her she was getting pretty long for it anyway.

Not sure if I mentioned that I have been trying to toilet train euan for awhile, he had his first pee in the toilet the other day so I had a proud mummy moment.
Go euan! You must be a very proud mummy! And well done livi for drinking from the bottle! She knows what she likes then! How is she liking her new crib? Is this one static?

We are going to ask for 2nd opinion. Told dh to look up best hospital in area for injury then ask gp for 2nd referral right. Just stupid waiting around 4 weeks. He was back to work today, just 2 hours a day this week as anymore causes too much pain. So gotta run him to and from work each day. Stayed at mil today to save coming back, his works flexiable so just go when we can all get out of house

Yeah think I keep having fast let downs during too, I've tried expressing bit before but still seemed to do it and poor thing splutters and sort of yells in complaint while trying to get back on! Doesn't do it when I lay down, think it slows down a bit.

Hv on Friday, see how foley is doing length and weight wise. Mums popping over tomorrow as we can't make journey to hers this weekend as too far in car with dh back. Foley been cluster feeding last few afternoons/evenings, hoping he'll have bit if kip as was hoping to have little shop and coffee with mum
Yes its a crib that doesnt move. She seems to like it. She spent all of last night sleeping on her tummy. I remember Euan did the same although he was a bit older and I spent hours and hours turning him over onto his back again. I turned her over a few times last night but she is going to be a tummy sleeper for sure, she is there right now too.

Its Steven's birthday tomorrow, we don't have anything planned as he is working tonight until 2. He will get up about 10.30 probably and then he leaves for work at 4pm ish so we dont have too much time to celebrate.
Lou I am sure that Foley will be doing just great when you get him weighed. Baby care sounds so much better over there, I wish I had a red book and a health visitor. Nothing happens here apart from when the babies get there injections. They are seen till 6 weeks old by midwife then at 2-4-6-12-18 months and that's it.

Hope DH gets a 2nd opinion soon.
Hope you have a nice day tomorrow for DH birthday. Do you have any belated birthday plans for the weekend?

How long do you think you will have livi in your room? Glad she liked her crib.

DH wants to move Foley into his room before 6 months as he is a very noisey sleeper, i was checking whether he was awake from 5am, he didn't wake till 7. Just makes so much noise, but his eyes are shut and he's alseep! Learning to sleep through it.

Shame they don't do more visits. Not sure when i see her next, but know they have baby clinic each week where a HV would be if you need to chat/ask questions. Do they come to you on the months or do you have to go to a clinic?
We will do something belated at the weekend although not sure what.

My brother is coming for a visit in September and he will be in the guest/olivias room so will move her into the room once he is gone. Otherwise we would have put her into it now. Our crib is wide so Steven had to take it apart and re build it in our room.

Foley will be fine in his own room when the time comes and it's amazing how much noise a little person can make. Livi makes lots of noise too before she is properly awake.

We go to the clinic as it's the times they get there immunizations.
We've just moved Ollie - we wanted to do PUPD but he was swaddled and that won't work with pupd so with arms free he could pull himself up in the crib so had to move to cotbed - too big for our room. But think weaning him off being nursed / pushed in pram might be a more gradual process - we couldn't deal with cc or cio!

We also just started BLW - melon is his fave so far!!
ps is that buttercup the cow from Blossom farm with Foley in your avatar Lou?

We just go to the clinic but you can ask for them to come round ( hv)
Got Olivia weighed today as was still stressing out a bit. She has put on 4oz since last Tuesday so pretty pleased. Going to try and chill out a bit.

Taking Euan to an art class tomorrow which will be our first real outing together since livi was born. First time away from livi too. I am looking forward to
Good news about the the weight gain Jo, hope your feeling a little less stressed. Hope you enjoy your art class with Euan, sounds lovely and great to have some mummy and Euan time.

How's Ollie doing in his cotbed Helen? Yep it is the cow from blossom farm, my mum got it for us. Though he just see's tummy time as trying to eat things time, think it may be that i roll him on my tummy after feeding so gets tummy time then! Hows BLW going?

Foley weighed in at 10lb 12oz today, so really pleased with that, everything else was fine, she was around for ages and i needed to get DH to work! spent afternoon around MIL while DH did a few hours in work. He's been very active today, hardly napped, but went down an hour early tonight. Nice peaceful cup of tea now before bed
Fantastic weight gain for Foley. Well done!

Helen in regards to the BLW where do you start? Did you still start with cereal
howdy all

I'm just having a midnight pumping session watching the final episode of The Kennedys!

The feeding is still not going well. I am going to all the bf support sessions. They can get him to latch and he will suck for 10 mins or so. But when he comes off he still has a full bottle as well. To me it sounds like he's not getting a lot out when he i bf, what do you think?

I tend to get bored with the bf as I feel like we are not getting anywhere. How ong do you spend bfing your babies each feed? Its so tiring to spend half an hour doing the bf, then 30 min ottle feed, then 30-40 mins pumping.

I am so so tired. Ralph has been home late every night this week, sometimes not til 9pm. He is doing my head in. He went to thorpe park for the day yesterday with work and still came home at 7.30 - he could have taken the opportnity to come home at 5 but he chose not to. I was so mad.
Rachel that sounds really tough. It sounds exactly like how it was with me first time around. I didn't have enough milk so it was the same routine BF, bottle feed, burp him, pump, get him to sleep, try and have a little nap and repeat. I did this for 5.5 months then dropped the BF & pumping. Steven sat me down and told me I couldn't do this to myself anymore. I know how your feeling.
Not surprised you were mad at hubby I would have been too. They can be really insensitive, yes they love there babies but the don't feel the same responsibility as we do to feed when you have chosen to BF.

All you can do is take each day as it happens. You have several choices you continue and hope it improves, you could pump and give him all EBM and forego the actual BF part or just give bottles. You will work it out.

We are here for you when you need us. It's almost midnight here and going to pop livi on the boob inabout 20 minutes.

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