Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Congratulations groovey! Hope the last trimester goes fast for you. Glad you are off work and resting now. And a new house too! xxx

Rachel i use waitrose baby bottom butter on Foley. It clears any rash up in a day, it's not very expensive but it does fly off the shelves. My mum got me a tub to try, and it worked wonders. However if it's quite bad now may be worth a pop to GP just in case it is thrush.

Helen sound like Ollie is loving being on the move. Glad you both enjoyed your 'fun under 1'
thanks ladies. Lou, have got some bottom butter so will try that next. H, will check iwth the mw on Thurs to see if its thrust - thanks for the tip, i wouldnt have thought of thrush

he was on for half an hour today, horrah! it was a bit painful but i thought i would push through. he was proper latched on like a plunger. he oulled off eventually and my nipple was bleeding with a blood blister. and he had a full bottle. damn! no idea what he was doing, poss using it as a dummy?

so its back to expressing til the boobie calms down, pretty sure i will never bf and its just a case of how long i can keep up the expressing
He prob wasnt positioned quite right, Foley gave me one few weeks back, he was only on for ten sec or so, he looked confused and let go, so maybe as he is still learning he didnt think to let go if he wasnt getting any or not much milk?. That was painful so can imagine how sore you just be but hopeforly a sign he us learning to latch. Was the blister by where his top or bottom lip was?

Really hope he gets the sucking and swallowing for you, Sending you big :hugs: xxx
Try nipple shields while nipples are sore....that way he's still getting practise. Also wondered - do you feel the letdown either when you pump or he feeds? Just as once I felt that I knew Ollie was getting milk...

Re Bottom - Ollie's under the chin rash wasn't thrush but the area had gotten fungal infection - might not have caused it but I think once it's sore it can happen. So might be either...
Rach well done on him being on for 30m but I would try a nipple shield to keep him practicing there. Hope his bum is better soon.
Hope your all doing well. Had a bit of a stressful day... dont seem to have much milk today to feed Livi and she is very fussy. She isnt due another growth spurt till 6 months.. her pee is dark brown so I know she hasnt had enough today and not made enough... she is not taking a bottle of formula or breast milk so am a bit worried about her.

I meant to ask Are any of you losing your hair? My hair loss is really bad, I would say I have lost almost half my hair it was super super thick... I know its normal post birth but thought it would have stopped by now.
My hair seems ok Jo -but I do have my own share of post partum woes - separated tummy muscles, spd still there - also knees have joined in!!

Try upping your water intake again. If you are worried about Livi's hydration levels maybe 1 or 2 oz of cool boiled water? Is it still hot there? Also - is her mouth wet?

We're fine - off visiting today - f&b's to see my friend who had a dd a month after Ollie and then to my best friends for a catch up.

Ollie is taking his own carrot and melon ( for pudding ) - I don't think f&b's will mind!!

Will up my water intake today, her mouth does seem nice pink and wet and she is super happy.
F&b won't mind we take stuff for Euan everywhere we go and will do the same for livi.
They didn't mind and we left some for them on the floor haha :)

How is the feeding now Jo, has your millk increased? I hope so and that Livi is back to normal x

Hair loss - I havent had any yet that i've noticed. I have had a lot of sweating which I remmeber reading was one of the pp joys. Luckily its mainly at night in bed, so I can shower it off in the morning!

Bum update! - got some steroid cream from the doc which has improve dthings a bit already. Se also suggested a natural remedy of whisked egg white. We did both yetserday with an hour of nappy off time first. Bum seems to be getting better so I feel better today

H, whats f&b mean? Ollies pud sounds yum, can I have some please!!
frankie and benny's

I have come to the conclusion that Ollie is too high energy for restaurants!!

Glad the bum situation is improving :)

Hi ladies!

Jo hope the milk supply is a bit better, i was going to suggest uping the water intake as Helen suggested. Glad to hear she is happy, hope your feeling a bit better xxx yep my hair is not as thick, hair cut Tuesday and not sure I'll need it thined like I normally do.

Helen did ollie enjoy his F&B visit today then? Did you have a nice time catching up with friends?

Rach glad to hear the rash is getting better. Did he enjoy is nappy free time? How are you feeling today? x

Just popping on to catch up after our first bed time by ourselves. DH out on work drinks, so i met a friend for a harvester then back home for bedtime. You weren't allowed to take a buggy into the resturant! Bit stupid, as i said the the women he can hardly sit in a high chair, thought they were family friendly! So we had to sit in the noicey bar as you can have a pram in there! Then an hour wait for food! luckily Foley, despite being awake the whole time, was a very good boy and only cried at the end as was hot and past normal bath time. Dog's been very cute tonight being the man about the house, he watched Foleys bath, head over it right next to me, and been laying right by us all night.
Ollie is a handful in restaurants as he really wants to be off exploring but obviously can't.

Can't recomend f&b's enough - the staff were great and gave us a corner booth so we could roll 2 prams up to it and were thoroughly pleasant about the babies.

Pizza express is also v child friendly - and you can get 2-4-1 deals there...
Rach, hope things are improving. One day Thomas just started taking the boob. He was about 6 weeks and things just slotted into place. I had to keep expressing every day though and gradually decreased it by 1 minute every few days. I was offerring the breast every time and he used to latch on for a few mins then come off. I honestly don't know why he just took the breast but I was so relieved when he did. Now I have tried the brown nuk teats and he will take one of those very occassionally so what I would suggest is not to stop the bottes all together because you want to be sure you can have some time to yourself and he can be fed by someone else.

I know it's really hard but just persevere and try and make sure he is latched on as well as you can. He got a little blister on his top lip too but that's very common.

With regards his sore bums, try metanium too. Its really good and ued in some of our hospitals by the tissue viability nurse. If you have any specific questions I'd love to try and help because I know how stressful it is xx
We dont take Euan to restaurants anymore either. He is too impatient. We usually take stuff for him because he has never eaten anything we have ordered off a menu yet and once he is in a chair he knows its food time and he cant cope with waiting. He is too much of a pain for it and yes lots of mess on the floor deliberately usually.
about the blisters on the lips - Ollie got these too - I think he shed his lips several times in the early weeks lol :)
This morning we discovered Ollie has cut his 3rd tooth!! top left - go Ollie!

Does anyone know which nappies have the least chemicals in them please? I have tried baby with Pampers & Huggies and the rash is still there. I am thinking of changing to reusables. HIs bum is really getting me down.

Everyone has an opinion on what to try and imo, my baby has v sensitive skin and none of the creams agree with him. I used to be allergic to everything as a child, I wonder if he takes after me! Even the cream the doc gave us hasnt worked.

So far, the following have not worked!
- metanium
- sudocrem
- canestan
- hydrocortesone cream from doc
- washing in just cotton wool & water
- wiping with just olive oil
- applying whisked egg white
- waitrose bottom butter
- vaseline as a barrier cream

he is currently on the floor having no-nappy time. This is hour 3 and no change really. I am almost at my wits end, what with this and the bf.
Go Ollie, 3 teeth already woo hoo!!

Thanks for the support Dee. It is so hard, I feel like giving up every day but somehow manage to not! I went to bf cafe today and he was feeding or 1.5 hours on the shield. He was still hungry after that though so I resigned myself to havng a week on the sofa feeding him constantly to get my supply up and to get him refining his suckle. However as soon as got home, I settled down and he was screaming his head off, completely inconsolable. After 30 mins of trying to get him on, I gave him a bottle. I just can't see bf working for me.

Lou, cant believe you couldnt take buggy in the restaurant! Bit harsh.
Rach - if it's really stressing you out maybe set a date that you can aim for - if it's not working by then look at exc pumping or ff - it really isn't worth making yourself unhappy - you should be enjoying your LO and bf shouldn't get in the way - you have given it a brilliant go and LO has had a great start on your milk.

As for the bum - def keep on at the dr - and mention your allergy issue - it could be related - and if it is it might not help trying one thing after the other iyswim.

Big hugs - you are doing so well to be coping with all this on your plate.

AFM - Ollie is 6 mths today!!!! been to a baby group and nana's - with my nephew, Auntie and cousins - shattered!!!


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