BF pictures are awesome.
Went to the clinic and this is basically what happened.
The doctor seemed quite good. I don't have thrush neither does Olivia, she says I have a chronically blocked duct because the hold I am using to feed her is not allowing my breast to empty. So she showed me a slight modification which will allow the boob to drain.
Pants thing is I found out that I am failing again at Breast feeding, I really thought Olivia was doing well with me feeding her, she seemed to be putting on weight, she has chubby wrists and legs and never seems to be too hungry and sleeps through the night.
However today she was weighed and she is 13lb5oz which sounds good (although I did weigh her at a street parade last week and it said 14lb so now I am worried she has lost since last week but they must have been off) since she was 7lb 10oz but based on her last weight at the start of May she has only put on 12oz in 2 months which is pretty shit so she is dropping off on the weight curves. She was pretty high and is now just below the 50th percentile, although her height wasnt taken to measure up to it.
The doctor told me that based on my fertility history and PCOS and previous lack of lactation with Euan is is very unlikely that my body can keep up with Olivia's needs as she is growing which based on the weights seems true. She told me I will have to keep a very very close eye on her weights and get them done 1-2 weekly as she is very concerned.
She told me to nurse her more, dont let her sleep through the night because I need to keep the demand-supply thing going a bit more and she also said I should start topping up with formula. Its totally pants as I really thought she was thriving how shite am I? I dont want to start formula as it went rapidly downhil with Euan once I did that. Steven doesn't really get it he thinks starting formula is a good idea and he also says I am thinking more about me than about Olivia which I suppose is a valid point, I feel like such a failure again, its such a basic thing and I am so saddened that it might have to end soon.
I have an appointment on Tuesday with the public health nurses for her 2nd lots of jags so will have her height and weight done then. I am going to nurse her more and nurse her overnight and see if anything happens. Its so confusing because she doesnt seem hungry and she sleeps from 10pm-7am happily so I thought that if she didnt wake then she wasnt hungry.
Anyway thought I would give you the update from today's session.