Hi, I have been reading these boards for a few months now but this my first post. I am 33 - soon to be 34, DH is 36 going on 37, both our Birthdays are in October..
I came off BCP last October and we started (sort of) trying in Jan, I say sort of because my DH didn't have much of a clue as to the timing of BDing and seemed to think just a couple of times each week was sufficient! But after we got over that with me using OPK's and checking CM we have been much better.
So far I've charted 8 cycles, I average 25 days, with Ov around day 16, so I have a short luteal phase.
It is a huge struggle to keep going month after month, I had no idea before starting to TTC how slim the chances were if everything is normal, let alone if there are issues (which I think I may have PCOS).
It's very disheartening to think each month you may have a chance and then just see AF time and time again.
I've been taking all sorts of vitamins and supplements (gradually adding more as the months go by) and DH is now taking a few.
I also am affected by seeing the myriad of pregnant women and babies as well as commercials and TV programs that all seem to have them in! I also have a niece who is almost one, finding out my SIL was pregnant before we even started trying (and I had been wanting to start since 2012) was hard and although she is the most gorgeous little girl ever it still pulls at my heart each time we see her or even think about her.
Sorry for the long post, it's good to know others feel the same.
I'm sorry people seem to think it's as easy for everyone as it was for them, if only they knew the heartache!