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Cycle Bud-CD8 on Nov. 25th


PQ and CT miracle boys
Sep 19, 2008
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Hello! I have decided to start a new thread for the remainder of this 2WW. I'm looking for some new (and previous!) cycle buddies to go through this 2WW with! How are ya?!
I'm with you! CD1 was Nov 17th so I guess I was CD9 on Nov 25th. We are not TTC as such this month (following a recent miscarriage) but we are open to conceiving if my body is ready.

If my cycle is back to normal, I will probably ovulate between CD12 and 14.
Hey! Well when our bodies are ready they are ready right?! Thanks for joining me! :hug:
Glad to be here! I doubt I will get pregnant this month but I would be delighted!! How many cycles have you been trying?
Well, :blush: it's a long story but I've been TTC for about 6 years. I had surgery in February this year and started to actively try (propping myself up on a pillow after BD...that sort of thing) in September, so I'm on my 3rd cycle this time.
Why are you so doubtful?
What are you doing to TTC? I'm taking herbal supplements and I just got preseed. I also started to chart my temp, but not on fertility friend...on my own.
:hugs: nice to 'meet' you hun!
I am just coming off a m/c so I'm not sure if my body is ready to conceive yet or not. The doctor's given us the green light, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

We are doing Natural Family Planning - so I am charting my CM. It has been a fantastic system for us, both WTT and TTC.
Oh, I see, I guess I didn't realize that it was that recent...I'm sorry. Well hopefully it will happen at a 'comfortable' time for both you and your lil bean. We want to make a good home for them don't we! I wish the best for you sweets! :hug:
I've been on the natural path myself! I haven't persued any medical help just yet...I did just have my annual PAP and talked to my dr. about everything and have an order for CD24 bloods. I actually think I'm going to wait until next cycle to do it though. Our anniversary is this weekend and I'll be too preoccupied with work the rest of the time...plus, I just don't wanna get my blood drawn...eek. I've :blush: never had it drawn before besides when they set my IV for my surgery, they just took some then...so is that the same? Oh, I don't know...
Well anyway, how are things going? Do you have pretty regular cycles?
I would think that a blood test is much easier & less painful than an IV! I've never had an IV so I don't *actually* know, but I've had more than my fair share of blood tests! The prick stings but then it's over so quickly you barely even know it happened.

My cycles are quite regular ... the first part can vary a bit but my luteal phase is generally 12 days, give or take. When I started NFP (I am following the Creighton Model which is a specific method evaluating your CM every day) I thought it was going to be difficult and didn't have faith in my ability to properly chart what I was seeing ... since I didn't really understand what I was seeing. I got the hang of it pretty easily though. Hubby wanted me to do NFP and nothing else so he is very supportive.

I am also taking folic acid & a prenatal vitamin every day. Which herbal supplements are you taking?
I'm an advocate of Maca Root because of my severe endometriosis. I was having a lot of difficulties with pain management and since before my surgery I have tried to control this disease as I call it, in natural ways. Anyway without being long and drawn out, endo is directly related to hormone imbalance and after my visit to my naturalist and a saliva hormone text I realized things were VERY wrong and needed to be fixed if I was ever going to get pregnant. So, I firmly believe that the Maca has had a direct effect in helping my pain and my hormone balance. I have yet to prove this with another saliva test, but the way I feel is proof to me.

Also, I am taking another thing called Immunocal. It is formulated with glutathion and has been proven to build the immune system (which is another factor in having endo).

On top of those 2 main things, I am taking Preg-natal brand prenatals that include, fish oils, folic acid, b vitamins, and selenium. CD1-Ov I take Evening primrose oil. The other things I'm on regularly are, spirulina and vitamin E. I guess I could run a small vitamin/homeopathy shop :)

I feel great! And I've consulted with my doctors about all this stuff and I know everything will work and soon I'll get that BFP!

I appreciate your input on the Blood draw...sounds a little better actually.

And also, YAY for regular cycles! Even with all the crap I have wrong, I do OV and my cycles are 98% regular all the time. That's awesome! You will be on board with your BFP soon, maybe not this time, but I feel you will have your :bfp: soon hun!

Time to get renovating on our house! Talk to you soon! :hug:
3dpo today and counting ... I plan to start testing on Monday Dec 8th at 10dpo as that's when I got my :bfp: last time. (What I mean is I plan to TRY to hold out until then, but I have some internet cheapies so I will probably start early & torture myself :lol:)

How is everything with you, Meli? You must be getting ready to ovulate! Renovating ... shudder. I am SO not the renovating type. I think it would drive me nuts! How much (and what) are you renovating?
Hey hun! I'm calling myself 1dpo today, maybe I'm 2 but I'll stick with 1dpo. If I don't get a :bfp: this cycle ( :( ) I may venture into the world of OPKs. And I started temping this cycle, but it didn't do me a whole lot of good because I'm on a weekend getaway for our anniversary and I forgot my thermometer...and I'm pretty sure I Ov'd so I wouldn't see a temp dip/spike anyway after this...hopefully if I keep up with it I'll see an implantation dip/spike!!!!!!! That would be great!

I'm hoping you get your :bfp: this month sweets...it would be nice if you didn't have to wait. :)

We're remodeling our Florida style 1970s ranch home. We've finished the kitchen, living area and now we are moving to the master suite. It's a small home, only 1350 sq ft, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. I'm very excited about it, I love to do this type of work. So far we've got the bathroom/walk in closet down to the studs (ripped off the drywall), and the bathroom is completely gutted. We've designed our bathroom vanity and shower, and next we will start ordering things! I'm a major tomboy, and I love drywalling and demo work. I will post pics sometime of our progress if you're interested. :)

I had a great weekend/anniversary. Lot's of chances to make that baby:blush:. Here's to hoping we both catch that egg! \\:D/ :hug:
I'd love to see pics! We bought new because neither of us could stand the thought of living through a reno ...

And just to show how incredibly impatient I am, I took an ic this morning at just 4dpo :dohh: - knowing that it would be a negative even if I do conceive this month. But hey, a girl's got to have a control strip, right?? :angelnot:
But hey, a girl's got to have a control strip, right?? :angelnot:

:rofl: :!: Well, I'm going to TRY to be patient...last cycle I tested at 10dpo and was shaken at my :bfn:...so I vowed to only test when AF was due or if she was late...or if I had MAJOR symptoms. I'm hoping for the latter :)

I will definately post pics, but it may be a while, by then you'll probably be in the 3rd trimester forum :happydance: But hey, I might be there too!

Hub says he's going to buy new next time too, but I will undoubtably beg for a fixer-upper :blush: I like to see the fruits of my labor :) Wow, I just noticed that huge pun...holy moly. One day, ooonnneee day!! \\:D/

Hi! I posted in your journal. How's your cm today? Do you check CP? My CM is abundant and like I posted in your journal I had ewcm last night and this hasn't happened before and my cp was high(as usual) and very very soft...and it being very soft is different for me.
OOOh TheNewWife and I are going to get our December :bfp:s! :hug:
No CM again today ... so it was just a one day event that occured 5 days after the day I should have ovulated. Kind of weird.

I don't check CP - we follow a method of NFP (natural family planning) which only does external CM checks. So far, it's worked like a charm.

Let's hope our extra CM means :bfp:s for both of us!!
I'm probably not going to be online much later because we are working again tonight. It's coming along! I am so happy to be working on our master bedroom/bath finally, we've had the house 2 years and we haven't even slept in the master bedroom! We stay in the spare room, and it's tiny!
Just checking into our thread-I've got some things going on with me, but I'm just trying to relax with everything. I posted my newest 'symptom' on your journal-I hope you don't mind :)
I'm so excited to read you got your :bfp: tomorrow morning. HA! \\:D/

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