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Cycle Buddy Central!

I can't believe how close you are! So exciting!

Where's Haus?
Great scan pics Sweetpea! Cant wait to hear what you are having

I am struggling to keep up with threads these days, lack of sleep is really pulling me down. but I do try!

Rachel, I was excited once labour started, I was surprised at myself. That changed once the contractions got stronger, but still, it was exciting for the initial part :)
I am scared of labor because I have no idea how I will handle it, i just hope its not an unbearable type pain. I just want to fast forward to right after when I get to meet her finally!
Just think about all the millions of women who have babies all the time. You will be totally fine and will definitely be able to handle it. You will surprise yourself, believe me!

Are you getting an epidural?
I am just going to see how things go. I am not opposed to an epidural but if I think i can get through without it I will.

Did you have an epidural?
Rachel...just think although in the time that it hurts you will forget all about it once she's in your arms! Look at me, I've done it 3 times! hahaha...You'll be fine. I got an epidural all 3 times. It only worked properly once (I have scoliosis) but man that labor was amazing because of it working right! I felt nothing and it was just a breeze!! :))
Either way, you do forget about the pain once its over. Excited for you to meet her finally! Best feeling ever!! :)
Rachel I did receive an epidural last time and I am most likely gonna get one again. I know I could do a natural labor but hubby wants me to be as comfortable as possible. (He hates seeing me in pain :blush:)

Either way you decide, you will do great! And its just like Ashley said, you won't care about any discomfort after you are holding that precious baby in your arms
I managed without an epidural but then had to get a spinal for the repairs to my tears. I felt a bit ripped off by that! Pushing Emma out without pain relief, and then having to get a spinal anyway
Thanks everyone! I know everything will be fine. The countdown is on, I will be full term in two days, I can't believe it!!
Horsey! Gah I love your chart!!!! When can you accurately get an answer????
Hey ladies I'm been lurking (I know that sounds super creepy!!) it's just tough to come here and see ultrasound pics and tickers when I know AF is gonna show tomorrow :( My cycles are kind of funny now, most have been 28 days but the last one was 21 days - I'm on CD 22 today, but am moody as hell (EVERYTHING is making me cry today) so yeah AF should show pretty soon. We just never hit the right days to BD. I'm totally living vicariously through you all!

PS: Sweetpea how in the world did you make it to 13 weeks already??!?
Haus I've missed you!!!!

What's the word on the thyroid stuff? Last time we heard it seemed to be on the right track, yeah? Should only be a matter of time now!
I missed you too!

Yep it's doing well, better then expected! My TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level is still a bit high at 3 (1.5-2) is normal and ideal for conception. So hopefully I'll have a chance soon. I honestly feel my biggest downfall is not BDing during the right times because my cycle while kind of regular is still a bit unpredictable...
I totally know that feeling. After awhile, DH and I felt like timing sex was such a chore and it was starting to become more work trying to figure out fertile time and became less fun. We finally just said "forget it!" and just BD when we wanted to. Maybe that's why it happened for us... We only BD like once around the cycle we got pregnant and I really think it was because our mentality about the whole thing just changed. I'm not saying we gave up, we just literally stopped obsessing about it. And maybe DH had to build up sperm or something. We never got him tested but I think about that sometimes... xoxoxox
Hi haus! It's good to hear from you :)

The cycle we conceived we didn't bd much or stress much like sweetpea said. I didn't even think we had a shot at it and just wanted to get the cycle over with so I could start the iui. I don't know if not worrying really helps or it's just a coincidence. But it's easier said than done you can't force yourself to do that, it has to happen naturally. I know it sucks waiting but you are taking the right steps, it's just a slow process unfortunately :(
I told myself not to worry this time and of course ive gone mental again. I think it does physiologically make a difference.

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