Haha Leanne, sounds like you're having a lovely lazy day! I'm planning on one of those tomorrow, as long as my mother in law doesn't turn up anyway as she texted earlier to see if she could come and see me but luckily I was out
I've not stopped so far today. I took Steven to work at 8am as I wanted to keep the car for the day, went to my mum's and spent the morning with her, met Steven for lunch in the pub, nearly got wiped out by a tosser in a white van on my way home (grrr), had a nice leisurely walk to the post office to post some stuff I sold on eBay, bought myself a magazine and now I'm going to chill out on the settee with my mag and some crappy tv until Steven gets home and then going shopping. I was going to go this afternoon but he's worried about me pushing the trolley and lifting the bags on my own
Suze I hope this is the start of things for you. You had your daughter at 38 weeks didn't you? Rose is right though, he's a boy so won't be in a hurry to go anywhere! I was hoping mine would be born this week but she isn't showing any signs of going anywhere. She was 3/5 engaged at 36 week appointment and still 3/5 engaged at 37 weeks so looks like she's got herself comfortable for now. I have been getting a few tightening feelings this weekend but not sure if its braxton hicks or just cos she's pushing her back out and stretching everything.
Rose I hope you get home soon. You must be fed up of being stuck in hospital now. Hopefully it won't be for much longer x
Hope Debbie is ok. Was just thinking this morning she may have had her baby by now if the bleeding didn't stop. The first of our little wrigglers may already be among us