Hello ladies!!!!
Sorry for being so quiet but I keep thinking "I'll be home tomorrow and will update with pics then". However we are still in hospital!!! 14 days after I arrived thinking I'd only be here for 2 hours!
So here's the long birth story which started this day last week!
I start bleeding more heavily at 3pm last Sunday, so I am taken to labour ward for monitoring. Early hours Mon morn waters are broken. I had a hormone drip put in at 5.45am to start contractions. No contractions. Then a few hours later a second attempt. Still No contractions. Its now 4pm and 10 hours being on a drip, my stomach is sore from tightenings but they do not hurt like a contraction should, therefore i am still not contracting. Dr then examines me and she's turned! Shes now feet first. Stopped the labour. May need an emergency section. Dr then successfully turns her.
Start the whole process again! Back on a hormone drip for hours. Doesn't work. I then had a pessarie at 7pm then another at 1am. Then got really hot and was shaking. My blood pressure was high and my pulse I then went a bit more wierd than normal. All calmed down by 6am although my temp and pulse stayed high. Pessaries havent worked so back on hormone drip. At 3pm in am checked and I am 5-6cm, we are all over the moon! I am then checked again at 6pm and 7.30pm, still 5-6cm so am scheduled for c section, it's now 42 hours since my waters were broken. One last check for dilation at 10pm and at 22.12 she is born at last by emergency c section weighing in at 5lb 6oz x
I honestly thought this being my 4th baby I'd practically spit her out but it's been the most difficult birth of all by a long way, but she is worth every pain and stitch and every minute and hour it's taken to get here. Would I do it all again? Not on your nelly! But for her, yes, a million times over. X
Anyway I can't believe I never mentioned her name! We have called her Indy and she is really precious. X
We are still here as she needs intravenous antibiotics and has had some light therapy for severe jaundice. I have also been really sick. We are, fingers crossed, at the end of the road now and are hoping to go home really soon. xxxx
Lots of love to you all and I shall try to keep up till all our bubbas are here xxxx