Aw Suze your labour sounds perfect - apart from the bleeding afterwards which must have been a bit of a worry but so glad everything went so well for you and little Connor is here safe and well! How is Erin taking to him? Bet you're so happy with your little family
Leanne that's a great bump! I'll try and post mine tomorrow once I've uploaded the pics to the pc as it seems a bit long winded doing it on my phone and I can't be bothered to try and figure it out - lazy I know but I don't have much motivation for anything at the minute
Amber good luck today, hope all goes fast and smoothly and hopefully we'll be reading your birth story over next couple of days!
Rose - hope your mattress has dried

I've had that overwhelming feeling that I'm going to pee myself in bed a few times too but managed to not move until the feeling has passed and then made a beeline for the loo!
I'm definitely starting to do the drooling thing and hav apparently been snoring for about 3 weeks now! Can't wait til this baby is out so I can get rid of some of these awful pregnancy symptoms. Heartburn has been a killer lately too - I seem to be going through a bottle of gaviscon every 4 or 5 days!
Well tomorrow is my due date but nothing seems to be happening. My body has had a bit of a 'clear out' today and I've had a few more tightenings than usual but no painful contractions or anything. Starting to think my friend's mum who says she's psychic and said that baby would come on 23rd might have been right. I was convinced she would be here long before that but it's only a week away now!