Don't think I fancy trying castor oil, I've heard it can distress baby and they can end up passing meconium while you're in labour. Think I'm past trying all these induction methods now - get the feeling these babies will just come out when they feel like it. They're probably all sitting laughing at us right now!
Yeah I think you're right lol. Mine is most definitely on a nerve or something, got the most horrible dragging backache now. I'm just pee'd off because I've had the most lovely two pain free days and now its all back again XxX
Aw I had that all last night, it's awful! I couldn't get comfortable at all and was waking up every 20-30 mins having to re-adjust myself. I'm dying to sleep on my back or my stomach - I hate sleeping on my side!
Have you taken any paracetamol or anything? Might ease it a bit x
Same here, sleeping on my side sucks! and after a while my side goes numb and i have to swap, yes my bump is that big! I measured 41 cm last week and i am 100% its even bigger now!
God i feel rough, gone for a lie on the bed. That back ache is in the front now, itx constant so nothing to get excited about. Just wanted to say good luck Nicola incase i drop off before ypu go. XxX
Hmmm i'm not sure as i've had that thing before and they've come to nothing, but as its something new to you i'd keep a very close eye on them, sounds really promising. Where are you feeling them and are they building up to a peak before fading? XxX
That does sound really promising Leanne, hope it's contractions for you!
Not good news for me I'm afraid! Cervix is still closed and posterior so she couldn't do the sweep absolutely gutted! Plus my blood pressure has shot up so I'm on way to hospital now to be checked, and baby hasn't grown since last week so got to go for a scan tomorrow!
Really not happy! The only positive thing is that they were fully booked for inductions on Thursday so I'm getting induced on Wednesday instead!
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