Dates confusion


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2012
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I need someone to make sense out of this for me?!?
You might have to break out the calendar for this haha

Okay so my LMP (last period) on record at the doc is 7/16, which was a Thursday.
They have me due April 22nd, which is a friday (having me due at 40 weeks and 1 day, which is a day off)
They have me at 17 weeks 6 days pregnant, which puts me turning 18 weeks tomorrow, a Wednesday.

EDDs are 40 weeks from your LMP. How in the world does a LMP on a Thursday= a due date on a Friday but 40 weeks on Wednesday 2 days before that?!?

Im so confused and asked my cousin who is a nurse and she was NO HELP at all lol
Ignore anything to do with LMP unless you have exactly 28 day cycles. EDD is 38 weeks from conception date, plus 2 weeks previous. The date you conceived would've been a Wednesday. Hope that helps.
Ignore anything to do with LMP unless you have exactly 28 day cycles. EDD is 38 weeks from conception date, plus 2 weeks previous. The date you conceived would've been a Wednesday. Hope that helps.

Yeah but the docs go by LMP to calculate EDD.... They dont take into consideration when you ovulated

I know what day I ovulated so pretty much know exactly when i'll hit 40 weeks. (Which will be April 24th as I conceived on Sunday August 2nd)

Just trying to make sense of THEIR dates and how they don't add up is all...
Ignore anything to do with LMP unless you have exactly 28 day cycles. EDD is 38 weeks from conception date, plus 2 weeks previous. The date you conceived would've been a Wednesday. Hope that helps.

Yeah but the docs go by LMP to calculate EDD....

I know what day I ovulated so pretty much know exactly when i'll hit 40 weeks. (Which will be April 24th)

Just trying to make sense of THEIR dates and how they don't add up is a...

Out of curiosity did your dating scan have your EDD down as?

Oddly my docs have my LMP EDD down incorrectly as 19th April instead of 17th. Think the leap year has messed up their calculation script. But thankfully everything is officially going by my dating scan result.

Edit: The docs EDD used 30 days instead of 28.
The dating scan matched my ovulation date but she didn't change it, she's going soely by LMP!

I even tried to get her to change my LMP saying I gave the wrong one (but was really trying to get it to match my O date haha) but she wouldn't.

I think leap year is def the cause! Their wheel needs to be updated lol or they should use online calculators lol i'm gonna bring up leap year at my next appt.
I'm most likely going to get diagnosed with GD next week (had it with my first) so would realllllly love for my dates to be as accurate as possible since I will (more likely than not) be induced, but it's not looking like that's gonna happen :(
Well, since there are not exactly 30 days in each month, then that's why you can have lmp on a Thursday, and edd on a Friday. Just out of curiosity, does it really matter if your dating is 1 day off? the overwhelming majority of women do not give birth on their expected due date anyway. Just to clarify (since tone cannot be heard through text,) I'm totally not trying to be rude. I just don't understand what the big deal is if it's a day off?
^^ 40 weeks so the day of the week would be the same despite how many days in the month... But yes the leap year I didn't even think about that. My last period was 7/16 (really it was 7/14 but I told them later because I ovulated later and didn't want to go through another pregnancy being annoyed by a 2 day difference) Not that it really matters for me like it does for you though. Is it too late to say "oops I just looked at my calendar and I realized I wrote the date wrong"? My health care provider put the edd as April 21st so I'm guessing they did their calculation right. Never looked at what the day of the week would be.
^^ 40 weeks so the day of the week would be the same despite how many days in the month... But yes the leap year I didn't even think about that. My last period was 7/16 (really it was 7/14 but I told them later because I ovulated later and didn't want to go through another pregnancy being annoyed by a 2 day difference) Not that it really matters for me like it does for you though. Is it too late to say "oops I just looked at my calendar and I realized I wrote the date wrong"? My health care provider put the edd as April 21st so I'm guessing they did their calculation right. Never looked at what the day of the week would be.

Okay perfect. Someone that has the same LMP as me and our EDD is a day off. I knew it!!!

I tried to tell the the female OB that I looked at the calendar wrong and she said if I wasn't a week or more off she's not changing it. ... But that was also before I failed the 1 hr glucose test. So maybe if I fail the 3 hour next week she will if I voice my worries about induction! Gonna try anyways and I'll even ask the other doctors lol I see the male OB next month and will ask him and also ask the NP when I see her lol
Well, since there are not exactly 30 days in each month, then that's why you can have lmp on a Thursday, and edd on a Friday. Just out of curiosity, does it really matter if your dating is 1 day off? the overwhelming majority of women do not give birth on their expected due date anyway. Just to clarify (since tone cannot be heard through text,) I'm totally not trying to be rude. I just don't understand what the big deal is if it's a day off?

No it doesn't really "matter" if it's one day off because you are right, most women don't deliver on their sure date but

1. It doesn't add up! And when things don't make sense to me, I like to figure out why, even if it doesn't "matter".
2. Like I said above, I will most likely get diagnosed with GD next week, which will mean induction. And I'm really not looking forward to it because my previous induction was a NIGHTMARE.
so I would prefer to give him as long as possible to cook and go into labor naturally. Induction early because of wrong dates means less time to do that. Even if it's just a day (should be a few more but she won't change it)

And as PP said, going by weeks it should be on the same day. Every week is 7 days. I didn't count by month lol
I definitely understand your concern. Even if it's just a day or two more, that's still valuable time for your baby to develop unhindered by the outside world. I say that you give it a good fight even down to scheduling an induction if it comes. You could always insist you can't do it on this or that day if it comes down to it.
I'm going to unless he measures huge at my growth US. Then I may oblige in hopes I'll get a vaginal delivery vs section.I'm so glad someone "gets it" because it just doesn't add up! Lol makes me feel less crazy haha :wacko:
Hi there, I guess I have a question... How come you were tested so early for GD? I thought normally it was done around 28 weeks? I had it previously with my DS but my OB is now going to test me at 24 weeks this time around which I don't understand as well???? Also my LMP was July 4th which was a Saturday and I am due April 9th based on that which again is a Saturday, but my measurements put me a few days a head but they told me they won't change my date unless the measurements were a full week to 10 days a head as babies all grow at different rates. I see where you are confused with your dates as that is bizarre... if you do have GD why would you be induced? I to had GD like I said and was not induced they told me the only way I would be was if I went over my due date a week? Is it to be more on the precautionary side, just curious for myself as I know I too will have GD again :(....

Good luck and hugs to you on your results!! On a positive note I had a friend who had GD with her first 2 kids and not with her 3rd, so maybe there is hope for us!!
As mommies we do everything we can to protect our little ones. Inside the womb and out. <3 :)

I know that for me personally, I have been more aware with this baby and I am trying to do a few key things differently. Towards the end, keeping calm will be the most important for me. I am prone to anxiety attacks and my lack of control led riiight to my induction. Ultimately I am glad that everything went well and I got to deliver vaginally but with this one I would definitely prefer not to stress into another induction. Haha.
Hi there, I guess I have a question... How come you were tested so early for GD? I thought normally it was done around 28 weeks? I had it previously with my DS but my OB is now going to test me at 24 weeks this time around which I don't understand as well???? Also my LMP was July 4th which was a Saturday and I am due April 9th based on that which again is a Saturday, but my measurements put me a few days a head but they told me they won't change my date unless the measurements were a full week to 10 days a head as babies all grow at different rates. I see where you are confused with your dates as that is bizarre... if you do have GD why would you be induced? I to had GD like I said and was not induced they told me the only way I would be was if I went over my due date a week? Is it to be more on the precautionary side, just curious for myself as I know I too will have GD again :(....

Good luck and hugs to you on your results!! On a positive note I had a friend who had GD with her first 2 kids and not with her 3rd, so maybe there is hope for us!!

Okay so your dates also fall on the same weekday. Further confirming mine are off a tad!

And they tested me early because I had it with #1!. I'm not sure how/why they decided to test me when they did, but they did :shrug:

I do feel more in control (or atleast that I wanna be) since i'm more experienced. And I know a little more about everything! I wasn't obvlious by no means the first time but know more (mainly thanx to BnB) and now have been there done that. I just want the confusion cleared up! (And I don't wanna wait until i see a doc next month, so I put in a call to the nurse earlier and waiting a call back.)

They induced me last time I guess cuz of the GD and that he measured almost 9 lbs at my last growtg scan with #1. Granted they were off but my MW knew i was adament in wanting a vaginal delivery. Me being 88lbs when I got pregnant and 5ft with a small birth canal she felt it was best to induce when she did. And as awful as the induction was, i'm glad we did it when we did because I was barely able to push him out. He almost didn't make it out. My MW had to maneuver him out because of his shoulder and she almost wasnt able to do it. He ended up coming out fist first, superman style haha (hubs face was PRICELESS when that happened bahahaha)
So I did the math and according to the day you conceived you are due April 24th.
Did you chart all all and track temperature rise and the possible implantation date?
It sucks they leave you no choice but induction for Gestational Diabetes..seems like it would make birth so much more difficult when your body isn't ready. Inductions often lead to C-Sections as well. Can you maybe see another doctor?
It seems and induction isn't always necessary and GD can be controlled with diet.

And I found these interesting about false positives:

I did not have GD but I started eating Paleo due to health issues after my last pregnancy. My health issues are gone but since doctors know I have a history of Hashimoto's and a Pituitary Tumor etc. they keep bugging me and I had to fight not to be put on meds, or rather prove with tests I am fine.

I worry about GD because I have been eating lower in carbs being Paleo. I can handle some Pasta, candy and all that, but the blood glucose test administers such an unnatural, concentrated amount of sugar so quickly that even a healthy person could have a spike in blood sugar. It is common among Paleos, yet they pass when they test at home. I think at another office they might let you do the home test. I mean why is perfectly accurate.
I plan to say I threw up multiple times last time :D so I want to test at home. I really almost vomited.
My conception date isn't even in the equation here. She wont even take that into consideration :( (i didnt tell her it was my ovulation date, but that I gave her the wrong LMP and she wouldn't even change that unless it was over a week out from the one they have, maybe she'll reconsider if I fail the 3 hour :shrug: ) I know they dont care about ovulation/conception date so I didn't even mention that lol just adjusted my LMP when I tried to get her to change it.
The confusion stems from LMP (on file) VS. EDD VS. week change day. They all fall on different weeks days and they shouldn't :shrug:
I called the office earlier to question ot
My conception date isn't even in the equation here. She wont even take that into consideration :( (i didnt tell her it was my ovulation date, but that I gave her the wrong LMP and she wouldn't even change that unless it was over a week out from the one they have, maybe she'll reconsider if I fail the 3 hour :shrug: ) I know they dont care about ovulation/conception date so I didn't even mention that lol just adjusted my LMP when I tried to get her to change it. (and i'm 100% sure of ovulation date. I was temping, using OPKs charting CM and CP and I got my first faint positive at 9DPO so while I ovulated August 2nd, I may have actually conceived August 3rd depending how long it took sperm to meet egg. By my chart it appears I implanted 5DPO)
The confusion stems from LMP (on file) VS. EDD VS. week change day. They all fall on different weeks days and they shouldn't :shrug:
I called the office earlier to question it but missed the return call while napping with my little lol so I will call back tomorrow

I've been.trying to eat a similar diet as I did after my diagnosis with #1 in hopes it wont effect his size as much.

I am positive he wasn't ready to come out when I was induced since it was so slow moving and took so dang long! I was -5 station and 70% effaced when they started inducing me. 32 hours later he was born!

I'm seeing the male OB at the practice next month but think I will like him even less than the female DO. I really like the NP (saw her briefly yesterday) but unfortunately NPs don't deliver babies. So if I don't like him I will ne searching for another practice. Oh I miss my MW back home...SOOO MUCH!!

I do feel my size plays a factor in me failing the GTT. How can I possibly process the glucose drink the same as say a 150lb woman?!?! I can't for the life of me understand how it's a one size fits all dose.

thanx for the links!!
Marumi....okay so I replied to my first comment rather than editing it lol read the longer one lol
Oh that was a bit confusing at first...but I get it now ;)

I would definitely switch before they try to force unnecessary induction on you. Doctors can really disagree about this. Same with VBACs. Some doctors will just not let you while others are totally for it. Doctors also go by expertise...some have only done inductions for GD and stay away from VBACs because they simply feel it is the safer route for them due to lack of experience with other methods.

I have a friend who is pre diabetic and she has been having success controlling hers with above named diets. It definitely is possible. She said to always eat fat, carbs and protein together. I used to deal with hypoglycemia and for me that always worked.

32 hrs is a long labor. You have the right to say induction did absolutely not work for you and you want to avoid it at all cost.
Uggggghhhhhh I had a long response written but hit the wrong button and lost it, so I will properly respond to you Marumi in a little!!

But for now. just spoke with the nurse at my OB. They have my EDD at April 21st, NOT the 22nd like I was initially told, which clears up half my confusion!! But they have me at 18w1d with a LMP of 7/16 which still puts me one day pregnant the day before my LMP, so still halfway confused lol

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