Dates not matching, low HCG - is this really happening?

Thanks girls, no more spotting since that one time after a wee... I just can't wait to get my bloods results from Friday tomorrow.
If they doubled I will try and stay positive until I can do a scan if they didn't double I am hoping I can do some more in the week to have a better idea...
I feel somehow weirdly positive, part of me still doesn't quite realise I am pregnant, part of be thinks it's doomed and then part of me just has a feeling that everything will be fine. Just such mixed emotions...
Will keep you all posted, thanks you so much for your support x
Bit of brown spotting after playing tough with my son tonight. I have had a horrible cold that I obviously can't take anything for... So poor baby must be feeling like I am continuously trying to expel him/her :(
Boobs are a bit less sore, not feeling so full down there... Just not sure what is going on....
I still have no nausea...
Let's say I will be much more surprised to get good news tomorrow than bad :(
I really hope you do get better news.

I truly hope bad news is not your case. I have friends who never got sick and had great pregnancies.

Did your doctor ok regular tylenol or anything? I know every doctor is different. Are you running a fever?
No fever or anything, I can take paracetamol but not helping much with cough. Had a bit of spotting tonight again after I went for a number 2... That I had previously but not so early on in the pregnancy.
Not holding much hope... I hope the little bean sticks and grows x
If its just dark red spotting don't freak out too much. I was never sick with my son so don't worry too much about that and I also read somewhere that your boobs don't usually get as sore with your second and subsequent pregnancies because your body know what to do. And there is still plenty of time for sickness etc to kick in so don't worry yourself about symptoms x
The hcg ranges are so huge. The symptoms strongly correlate to high hcg. Statistically more women have higher hcg, so statistically more symptoms means better odds its a healthy pregnancy. No one likes to side with the lower end of the statistics, though that doesn't mean lower than "average" hcg doesn't equal a healthy pregnancy.

More people will bet higher on a royal flush than 3 of a kind but either could win you the jackpot.

I hated statistics with my entire soul. I'm dreading biostatistics for grad school.

I do know that on my next BFP if I get sick as hell I will be the happiest person on earth. I will feel more like I was dealed a 3 of a kind without all the symptoms.

Why do our bodies have to be so damn confusing.
It started this morning... It's over :(
What is it like?? Is it bright red? How long until you speak to your obgyn?? Sending you big hugs!! :hugs:
Bright red blood, not ever so much of it but like a proper heavy period. Clots and all... Speaking to my gynea later on. Had to try and hold it together until my parents left this morning... We hasn't told them about the pregnancy so just no point explaining it all...
Just absolutely gutted
Oh I'm so sorry :( I know what you mean about having to explain everything. I didn't even tell my mum I was pregnant either and it just seems too hard to have to explain it all now :( I'm thinking of you xxx
Gynea confirmed it all, my levels had even gone down a bit on Friday. I need to go see her in a week for a check up... I guess to check all is gone.. B
Again I'm just really sorry for your loss :nope: it's just no fair isn't it. I've had a decent period like bleeding for 3 days now and I'm slowly coming to terms with it. Just don't bottle up your feelings. Talk to your OH and talk to your doctor or whoever if you need to. I'm here if you need to chat to. I can say I know what you're going through to :hugs: I hope over time it gets easier for both of us xx
Hugs Hun, one of my friend who is 14 weeks pregnant just had a scan and no heartbeat... Another friend just heard her 22yo step son got killed in a motorbike accident. He only got the bike 2 weeks ago...
What a shit Monday x
Just thinking of you Euronova! Hope you're going okay. Xx
Hi girls, thank you for your messages
Monday morning was tough emotionally but I think i have done most of my crying :)
I felt more energetic yesterday. It was our anniversary of meeting with my husband and we decided to have champagne and take away sushi... All things I could not have enjoyed if pregnant :)
I got quite tipsy and very very horny... Was totally puzzled by the whole thing as it felt a bit unappropriate. I googled and apparentlynit can be hormone related too.
Obviously we could not have sex or anything but let's just say my husband felt a bit like all his Christmases had come at once. Was actually really nice to cuddle up and feel really close.
I still have pretty much what is a heavy period going on... The cramping has pretty much stopped.
I am gutted obviously that we won't be having this baby but I feel really grateful that physically it's not been too gruesome and as I saw it coming with my tests remaining faint and my levels being low I feel I was maybe better prepared mentally than if it had come completely out of the blue.
I think we are going to find it hard not to start TTC again straight away.
It was a bit of a surprised that I got pregnant naturally as we took clomid for my son. And it was sooner than we expected and we panicked a bit at the idea of having 2 under 2... But we are now determined we want another baby and we won't waste a single egg!
Back on the folic acid today... Going to get myself healthy and ready...
I am sure I will have more down moments especially if we struggle to get pregnant again but I need a project to focus on... Hopefully we will be luckier next time x

How are you both feeling?
I'm so glad to hear you're doing alright! I'm kind of in the same place as you at the moment. I've had a good few cries but now I realise I do want another baby and I've made an appointment with my fertility specialist for 4th of October and hopefully we will be all on track to get pregnant in January :) I do have an appointment tomorrow my doctor wants me to do an ultrasound even though I've been bleeding for 4 days now and I did a blood test today just to confirm hcg is dropping.

I have been eating everything I couldn't if I was pregnant to he he soft cheeses, cold meats :) why not!

I hope it doesn't take you long! Fingers crossed.

I'm just hoping bleeding stops soon for me and I can try and get my body back into a regular monthly cycle. At least then I might start to feel better about everything and feel like I can move forward. Just a little hard that I have 3 pregnant friends, one of them was only 3 weeks ahead. I think I will shed a little tear when she has her baby knowing I should be nearly due but hopefully I will be pregnant by then!

Anyway I'm here if you have some down moments. It's nice to have someone who understands! x
We just got some flowers from a friend that knows what has been happening. It's so lovely. It's funny though how people react. From those who keep telling you you have lost a child (not quite, to me it's more loosing the promise of a child as having had one and nearly lost him in childbirth I know they are not quite there until they really are) to those who basically nearly dismiss the whole experience and class it as a late period (not quite either... You don't have pregnancy symptoms and positive tests with a period and don't get stupidly excited either!)
But then again, we struggled a bit to figure out where our feelings stood about the whole situation so no wonder people who are not going through it would find it weird to understand x

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