I've finally finished DD1s birthday pressies (my last birthday before i start on Xmas pressies) and I'm chuffed with the bargains I found
Bike: RRP £99.99 - down to £66.66. Used £30 clubcard vouchers doubled up to £60 so I got it for £6!
Bike helmet: RRP £7 - used £3.50 clubcard points doubled up, spent £0
Frozen Lego set: RRP £32 - down to £29.99. Used a 'VERY' voucher (spend £50 get £25 off) so got it for £15
Aurora Lego: RRP £14 - down to £10. Again used the Very voucher so I got it for £5
Decorate your own memory box RRP £5 down to £3
Glitter glue Set £1
Stamper pens £1
Needles/thread ect for sewing machine (my Dad has bought her a sewing machine) RRP £12 down to £10
Shopkins £5
Budget was £100, I spent £46 and it should have come to £195!! Very happy with that! :yay:

Bike: RRP £99.99 - down to £66.66. Used £30 clubcard vouchers doubled up to £60 so I got it for £6!
Bike helmet: RRP £7 - used £3.50 clubcard points doubled up, spent £0
Frozen Lego set: RRP £32 - down to £29.99. Used a 'VERY' voucher (spend £50 get £25 off) so got it for £15
Aurora Lego: RRP £14 - down to £10. Again used the Very voucher so I got it for £5
Decorate your own memory box RRP £5 down to £3
Glitter glue Set £1
Stamper pens £1
Needles/thread ect for sewing machine (my Dad has bought her a sewing machine) RRP £12 down to £10
Shopkins £5
Budget was £100, I spent £46 and it should have come to £195!! Very happy with that! :yay: