Me and Enola both have posties who haven't been impressed with the amount of parcels we've been getting recently!!!
I'm waiting for...
A hahtuvulla or somethingorother!
5 BG V3s
6 NBs
1 BB ss
1 Grow Baby
Aaaand... a Tiny Love play gym thingy, and a doppler, and an Amby mattress, and ummmm....that's it! I think.
TOO true! Oh Jetters your boy is going to have SUCH a gorgeous stash - lucky little one
Normally hubby isn't in when the post arrives, but he was today and went "WHAT have you been ordering!" coming in with an armful of parcels ahahahaha!
In my defense, 2 mini mode and Next bundles of 10 items from Ebay for £1.99 posted I reckon is justified. And he did nearly die at the cuteness of the ducky sleepsuit
Oooh now what am I waiting on now...
BTP Wonderoo
Some free newborn prefolds
Some lovely san pro
My WeeNotions wet bag and san pro still (obviously may be awhile)
Amber teething and nursing necklace and bracelet (still being made)
2 Organic, 3 Stay Dry and a pack of sposie Flip Inserts
A couple more clothey bits and not getting any more (OK, unless I get excited by some bargain Katvig/Tony Tiger/Little Green Radicals/Frugi etc.
......aaaaand I *should* be getting a MyPouch mei tai, hopefully, too!
I am also waiting on the Cushie Tushies and Issy Bears I want to be in stock at Cheeks and Cherries, but maybe it'll never happen