Freddie loves his hammer and his Noahs ark, putting things in and out he spends ages doing that! Just got him a shape sorting bus and he likes that too although not as much coz he gets frustrated when they don't go in the holes
Lovely pictures everyone! especially Noah's little food face and Jude in the sink!
Its a hand me down , says little tykes on it although not sure they do them anymore xFreddie loves his hammer and his Noahs ark, putting things in and out he spends ages doing that! Just got him a shape sorting bus and he likes that too although not as much coz he gets frustrated when they don't go in the holes
Where did you get the Noahs ark? And the hammer actually, they sound like things Meadow may like
(although I really shouldnt be buying more stuff, as we are moving in 7 weeks!)
My phone, the tv remote, the hair brush anything but her toys.
Hi girls just wanted to share this pic of Ailsa from our recent Pixi photo shoot
All the talk of toys got my looking at toys...then I saw this...
He's definately getting that for birthday/christmas!
All the talk of toys got my looking at toys...then I saw this...
He's definately getting that for birthday/christmas!
Hmmmm either his mother or his new girlf has said something about why should he make all the effort all the time to come and see Wil etc etc! I don't think he (or anyone else) quite realises that we would love to go down south so that DH can visit his parents, nan and kids who all live about half hour away from my ex but there is just no way we can afford it, hopefully next year once we get this business up and running then we'll have a bit more spare cash and can get down there but atm on benefits theres just no way we can besides which the car needs new tyres and stuff doing before we can go any any sort of lng journey and at at least £100 a tyre theres no way we can afford that any time in the foreseeable future esp as everything else seems to keep packing up on us atm! Our washing machine packed up a few weeks ago and I had to ask my mum if she'd lend us the cash to buy a new one!!
Bloody exs are a pain in the arse!
I have appointment with doc on wednesday hopfully be givin a scan date aswell