December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

Growing babies on the inside and the outside is hard, hard graft!

You guys are stars! :thumbup:
Hmmmm either his mother or his new girlf has said something about why should he make all the effort all the time to come and see Wil etc etc! I don't think he (or anyone else) quite realises that we would love to go down south so that DH can visit his parents, nan and kids who all live about half hour away from my ex but there is just no way we can afford it, hopefully next year once we get this business up and running then we'll have a bit more spare cash and can get down there but atm on benefits theres just no way we can besides which the car needs new tyres and stuff doing before we can go any any sort of lng journey and at at least £100 a tyre theres no way we can afford that any time in the foreseeable future esp as everything else seems to keep packing up on us atm! Our washing machine packed up a few weeks ago and I had to ask my mum if she'd lend us the cash to buy a new one!!
Bloody exs are a pain in the arse!

:( :hugs:, just not what you need at the moment. Hoping it resolves itself. Can't really see why you would want to spend money and make an effort so that you don't get to see your son at Christmas? My BF's ex lives in England, and in order to see the kids he has to fly to newcastle, have a train journey and then two bus journeys. Then the same when he goes back. He's not allowed in their house (because her husband isnt allowed in his ex's house) so has them during the day over the weekend and for birthdays. He's literally going for one day on the 23rd for his youngests 4th birthday. And on top of that he obviously pays maintenance.
He'd never ask her to come over here and drop them off though! Don't think she'd bring them anywhere for him, she's often not even out of bed when he picks them up.
So yeah, your ex should be grateful.

Exs certainly do know how to make life difficult, unfortunately when you have kids with someone you can't then just cut them out of yr life, thats it they're stuck there forever!
His argument will be that it was us that chose to move so far away and "take his son away from him" so we should make the effort to "help" him to see Wil! And everything being equal and if money was no object then we would be more than willing to drop Wil off with his Dad on the occasions that we go down to Wiltshire to see DHs kids!
This isn't the first time hes started making unrealitics requests either - we've only had our car 6 months and before that just relied on public transport and when I was about 5 or 6 months preg with Ailsa my ex expected me to catch a train with William and all his gumpf that he'd need for a 3 week holiday to Manchester and then hang around in Manchester for hours waiting for a train back home on my own!!!!! All so that he wouldn't have to drive quite so far to come pick him up!!
And then this summer my mum had Wil for a week so she came up here and picked him up and took him back to Kent and I arranged it all so that my mum had Wil the week before my ex had him for a holiday so that he would only have to go to kent to pick him up so its not as if I've been unreasonable!
I swear to god when you have children with someone and then split up they turn int some sort of numpty psycho! DHs exs are worse! The girls mother and her BF go on and on about how DH doesn't make an effort to see the girls or contribute financially (he has always paid maintenance for all his kids) but then they won't do anything to help him out to see them!!

Blimey thats a marathon and a half yr BF has to go thru to see his kids and not being allowed in the house for that reason its just damn ridiculous!!!
I really think there should be a big pit where we can bury all the exs that cause us grief then mayb they might behave themselves and be civil and helpful!!!!
I don't understand why people can't be reasonable. I make an effort to free up any plans so FOB can see Silas whenever we are in the same country, and i'll travel a bit too (he'd never ask me to travel too far). Maybe it's because we split up nearly 4 years ago and it wasn't a bad split. No bitterness since really.

But I just do not get the JK-types and all the crazy freak-outs and using kids as weapons or money earners. I agree on this pit idea and will happily lend a spade and dig it with you >:- (
Kev was meant to get a phonecall to the girls on Saturday but missed it by 30 mins, so his ex just refuses to let them speak to him and just huffs. They were probably doing feck all, everytime he rings they are watching the tv on their own in their room. Whilst their mother watches tv in another room I'll bet. So rather than Dad eing 'a bit late' she probably told them he'd forgotten entirely or didn't want to speak to them. Horrible woman. There's just so much wrong with her and I'm not going to waste my time bitchin about her.
Meadow has been waking alot every nite lately, like she is teething....But her top two teeth have broken through, would they still be giving her pain do you think? :shrug:

I suppose she could be teething more teeth! :wacko:

Im shattered! :sleep:
Aw Kelly :hug:

:hugs: too to all those dealing with stupid ex's!

Anouska SIL's ex husband made their two boys sit in the back of the car all the way to France with the windows open and no room to move (literally -if they had a bump those boys would have been hurt) as car was full of wood and stuff because he was too tight to pay for shipping it to the house he has out there (or rather the house his new FIL has) but has just announced he is taking new(ish) wife and two young sons to Hong Kong for a holiday-flying FIRST CLASS! Cos, hey, all of a sudden he somehow has about £10k spare to spend


Mizze xx
Oh dear- these exs are terrible :( Wilsmum- hope it all works out :hugs:
Kelly, shame I feel for you- I think they can still cause pain whilst coming out- even though they have broken through the gums. :( poor bubs :(
Noah has been drooling heaps - I think there are slowly more teeth on the way!
I booked his birthday party yesterday! :) I'm a bit excited now- I know it's almost 2 months away, but here December is so busy so had to get in early! And as I am studying too I have been sooooo busy every single day- that's one less thing to worry about :)

How are you all doing and your bubbas? :flower:
I'm gonna be the last Dec Demember to concieve there next at baby at this rate!
Mizze that is shocking!!
We get the "how come yu can afford that but can't afford to come and see us/yr kids" all the time from DHs girls and ex wife, they don't seem to understand that a new washing machine is a necessity and aeven it yu added the cost of all the little bits an dpieces we treat ourselves to occasionally (bottle of wine, take away here and there) they still wouldn't add up to the cost of the diesel to get down south and back never mind the spending money etc we'd need while down there as well!!!!
I think we just have to accept that when someone becomes an ex they also develop the numpty trait!!!!

No baby making luck here for me this month so back to symptom spotting in about 3 weeks it is!!!!!
Had my 20 week scan today & all was looking good, so relieved :flower:

And....................She is still a Girl :dance: :pink: :dance:
A fantastic perfect little girl :)

Any ideas on names or have you decided? :o
A fantastic perfect little girl :)

Any ideas on names or have you decided? :o

Thankyou :hugs:

No idea at all on names....:shrug:

Well, she has a middle name 'Adrianna' after my wonderful Dad, Adrian who passed away 10 weeks today & I miss him so very much :cry:

Havent really had much thinking time to be honest! :wacko:
Aaaw Kelly that's lovely about her middle name :)
Congrats Kerrie!!!!!!! :yipee:
And Sammi, you won't be the last- we are def not making babies here lol ;) xx
My 16 & 20 week bump comparison pics :kiss: Remember those days Girls :hugs:


  • 16 weeks with DD2.png
    16 weeks with DD2.png
    26 KB · Views: 24
  • 20 Weeks ~ DD2.png
    20 Weeks ~ DD2.png
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No baby making luck here for me this month so back to symptom spotting in about 3 weeks it is!!!!!

:hugs: Good luck for next cycle :dust:

Mayby you should have a weekend away!! :winkwink:

Yes good luck for the next Cycle :hugs::hugs:
I 2nd Kellys idea lol :happydance:
Had my 20 week scan today & all was looking good, so relieved :flower:

And....................She is still a Girl :dance: :pink: :dance:

Ah thats great! 2 baby girls :cloud9:

A fantastic perfect little girl :)

Any ideas on names or have you decided? :o

Thankyou :hugs:

No idea at all on names....:shrug:

Well, she has a middle name 'Adrianna' after my wonderful Dad, Adrian who passed away 10 weeks today & I miss him so very much :cry:

Havent really had much thinking time to be honest! :wacko:

I love her middle name such a lovely idea :hugs:

My 16 & 20 week bump comparison pics :kiss: Remember those days Girls :hugs:

Aw wow, i hope i have a bump like in these pics, with eva i never got a bump till after 25wk :cry:

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