I can't believe how different I am from you guys
Makes me feel like the odd one out, lol.
I lived for my monitor! Wouldn't have been able to survive without one. We have the Angelsounds with the sensor mat, and we did so many test runs with it to make sure the sensor would pick up lack of movement etc. It could partially be due to the fact that for 5 months Greg had monitors on him in the hospital, so we became quite used to just watching monitors. so yeah, I'm definately a monitor mom.
We also used out change table LOADS!! Greg loved being on it, and it was convenient to just plop him on, strap him in and change his diaper. After he was done using it for a changing table we just took the pad off of it, and we use it as a storage chest for toys, and to put his little VSmile on.
This time around, we have decided to splurge on a combo dresser/change table made out of solid wood, so it is a bit more sturdy. This way, we just pop a change pad thing on top, and when we don't need a change table, we will whip it off and it will be a good sturdy dresser.